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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. Yes, Boris commenting on E.U banana regulations and the shape of bananas some 20 years ago was never forgotten . Both Truss and Sunaks past history need to be thoroughly looked at to see whether they've made any similar horrendous unforgivable comments about the shape of bananas , before either of them is given the job as PM
  2. Yes, many Europeans didn't want the U.K to leave the E.U. , they wanted us to stay and did everything possible to stop us leaving . Some E.U citizens wanted free entry to the U.K and others are concerned about an E.U dominated by Germany and France They thought that playing hard ball with the Irish border and not compromising and coming to an agreement would force the U.K to remain in the E.U. The Irish border is a minor issue in comparison to Brexit as a whole
  3. If you are sitting in a bar that is open to the street , just swivel your chair around , extend you neck until your head is poking outside the bars boundary and then light up and keep you head and neck and had and cigarette over the bar/street boundary and the rest of your body sat on the chair inside the bar , not forgetting to blow the smoke outside
  4. Could you state what those "tax free investments" are ?
  5. Although the people concerned were aware of that problem and it was one of the issues that was discussed for four years between the U.K and the E.U. Four years were spent trying to resolve that issue in negotiations and no solution could be found . Its no as though its an issue that suddenly arose and no one had previously considered
  6. Could you state which tax breaks for the wealthy, that you are referring to ?
  7. It was written in the link you provided and you provided that link to backup your claim that "Except who was given the contracts for these useless goods and failed services?" And in the link that you provided it it showed contracts given to make Covid-19 tests
  8. From the link A healthcare firm, which employs Conservative MP Owen Paterson as a paid consultant, won a £133m contract unopposed to produce Covid-19 testing kits, the Guardian reveals.
  9. You stated that Billions of pounds was wasted and given to chums of Boris and the prove Billions of pounds was wasted and given to chums of Boris, you provided a link which showed Millions was given to a Company to make Covid testing kits You claimed that they were "useless goods" And in the link you provided to show the "useless goods " is this : A healthcare firm, which employs Conservative MP Owen Paterson as a paid consultant, won a £133m contract unopposed to produce Covid-19 testing kits, the Guardian reveals.
  10. Yes, everyone was in a rush to get covid tests developed and made as quick as possible and they didn't go through the usual procedures of companies bidding for the contract . Now you are claiming that covid testing kits are useless and waste of money From your link : A healthcare firm, which employs Conservative MP Owen Paterson as a paid consultant, won a £133m contract unopposed to produce Covid-19 testing kits, the Guardian reveals.
  11. That is money that the campaign groups considers the have been wasted , like things that passed their expiry date , storage costs , unsuitable equipment and the Gov paying to get out of contract and over paying when the cost of PPE rose . It could be considered to be wasted money , but it wasn't money given to chums
  12. Could you provide some examples of what you referring to ? Show what the tens of Billions of Pounds are
  13. What was "clueless" about her 1994 speech ? Has her outlook and opinion changed much in the last 28 years
  14. That is not true . Its the Conservative party members who cast one vote each and who ever gets the most votes is the new Conservative leader
  15. Maybe you could send Truss a message and tell her To stop speaking about things that she has no knowledge of . BTW , when did you listen to her speech from 1994 ?
  16. I have not heard her speech in 1994, so I cannot comment on what she said . I cannot give an opinion on something that I have no knowledge about
  17. Possibly U.Ks next Conservative party leader . Here in 1994 when she was a Liberal democrat
  18. Off topic : "Eleven Conservatives now bidding to be next UK prime minister"
  19. Clever way of staying on topic and also getting Brexit mentioned , but if the topic veers off onto Brexit , it will probably all get deleted for going off topic
  20. I do appreciate you informing me of that , but as I am neither old or fat , it doesnt concern me
  21. The post that he was referring to and replying to did get deleted
  22. Which Western foods are cheaper in Thailand than in the U.K ?
  23. The post was deleted for being off topic . As I respect the rules, I will not continue to discuss off topic posts
  24. Stop giving the girl money, and then see for how much longer the relationship will last . Tell her that she will have to go out and get a job and pay for everything herself and then see what shes like without her getting paid
  25. Their only care is money . Yes, they are nice and friendly, but that is what they are selling . You are buying and paying for that affection And that love and affection will be given to whoever pays for it
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