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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. I was going to watch this movie, but the thread title gave the films ending away
  2. Apart from many of the "lies" that he told, were actually the truth and just the usually mob screaming "liar, liar , liar"
  3. Some people just want the truth , if a person made a up a fake story about a ten years old girl being raped and impregnated, just to publicising their political views , that person needs to be exposed for the liar that he is and held accountable for his deceit
  4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62121226 Twitter shares fall as Elon Musk backs out of deal John Coffee, a Colombia Law School professor and a former adviser to the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, told the BBC that Mr Musk didn't have a "great legal argument". "It'll be a big battle, but I would predict it'll be quietly settled," he said. "I think Mr Musk doesn't expect to come out with a victory. I expect that he's hoping that he can knock another 10 or 20 billion off the price he agreed to pay."
  5. Slightly veering off topic , but have you noticed a difference in the negative media coverage between the former and current potus. There were regular daily negative reports about the former and very few about the latter
  6. Why did the report feel the need to mention "transgender " , why not just call him by his male name and refer to him as a male ?
  7. Is it a person who was born a female who now identifies as a male ? Or is it a born male who is transitioning into a Female but still wants to be referred to as a "he" ?
  8. Then he would be able to control himself and not attack people
  9. "The Conservative MP, who was elected in 2019, became the first MP to come out as transgender in March. He identifies as he/him." This where it gets confusing
  10. Tell your neighbour that the correct pronunciation is : Sawadee Karbp
  11. I do feel that the medias constant negative often exaggerated reports had quite a lot to do with his downfall , its quite clear from our cousins across the ocean that people of a certain political persuasion get a free ride when it comes to media criticism
  12. Its off topic to ask you what you meant when you posted :"rising- feeding frenzy at the trough." ?
  13. The previous P.M.s are part of the Government , the main part actually
  14. Although no one has actually taken that literally . Nobody has made the suggestion that real knives were involved . You are making a point about a fictitious occurrence that you have made up
  15. Although we are talking about the current people who are interested in the job of Prime minister , rather than the actions of previous PM's
  16. Maybe so, but if the only thing that interests you in life are the opposite sex, that suggests a lack of intelligence
  17. Yes, but do you have the ability to put your thoughts into words ?
  18. If Females are the only thing that interests males , that kind of shows their limited intelligence
  19. Why dont you explain what you mean then , because your post doesnt make much sense “Feeding at the public trough” is using government funds to enrich oneself. Feeding at the public trough refers to activities which are, strictly speaking, legal, but which are generally considered to be morally reprehensible. Someone who feeds at the public trough is fattening himself at the expense of the public.
  20. Boris Johnson actually had quite centralists policies , its quite likely that the new Conservative leader will be more to the Right . Be careful what you wish for
  21. You win, you got the USA comparison in first and you were quick as well
  22. I didn't think that you were allowed to use swear words on these forums ?
  23. No, they were actually banned for a while , they contained a banned colouring , I personally recall that Worcester sauce flavoured crisps were banned as well , they were my personal crisp choice of flavour and they got banned for having cancer causing ingredients
  24. I have just been to a U.K supermarket and they are now selling Prawn cocktail flavoured crisps again . I for one appreciate Borises efforts in getting the U.K to leave the E.U and now once again, we can enjoy our Prawn Cocktail flavoured crisps
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