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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. Because you have been to rude and abusive and confrontation over the course of the season , I want Man City to win , solely because of your behaviour the past season
  2. I don't think that he owned the place , he was guest singer there for the night . The location was at the end of Loy Kroh on the corner of the Night bazaar on the other side of the road as Le Meridian
  3. All those who remember the warThey won't forget what they've seenDestruction of men in their primeWhose average age was nineteen
  4. I do recall that we seem to have discussed that topic previously , actually, that topic has been discussed numerous times and in depth and there's really nothing new to add to that discussion . You are talking about something that happened 50 years ago !!!!!!!!
  5. They won the Premiership a few years back , at odds of 5000-1 Beating American , British , U.A.E , Russian and Saudi owned teams
  6. The Left and Right labels do seem to be redundant these days , what with the Right wing Conservatives having non White /Female people at the head of the Party and the Left wing Labour still plagued by anti Semitism and out breaks of extremely racist comments from their members , but they seem to expect a free pass because they are Left wingers
  7. He is not "my boy" and I do not need to "own" anything . I was referring to this thread, and Trump doesn't post in this thread . Please show some respect and stop using a memorial thread to attack your Political opponents , it doesnt matter what anyone else does, I meant YOU and the other posters in this thread
  8. If China is responsible for Covid , can the rest of the World sue China for damages caused by the virus ? (A serious post, so no laugh emojis, thanks )
  9. There is a time and place for everything . Using a memorial thread to promote your Political opinion is rather unsavoury . Show some respect and exert some self control
  10. There will be plenty of other threads to discuss the 2024 elections
  11. The U.K would be about in the middle of the graph with nine other Countries drinking more than the U.K.
  12. This is a story about fallen soldiers, you really should be more respectful to them, rather than using their plight to attack other people
  13. Threads about USA politics always ends up with the same few people bickering about who is worse, Trump or Biden
  14. OK, so Joe Biden went to the National cemetery for fallen soldiers on memorial day and he said that he honours those that fell . So, nothing more to say about the subject
  15. What did Joe say in his speech ?after all, that it what this thread is about
  16. Biden needs to be judged in his own right , rather than his every action being compared to Donald Trumps . "He may be bad, but someone else is worse" is getting rather tiresome now
  17. Some people who receive the loans do not think about the future , they don't think about paying the money back , they are just overjoyed with having a pocketful of money and how they are going to spend it and they cannot believe their luck when other people keep giving them money, ...................until they are 900 000 Baht in debt . The money lenders will have to make a public statement to show the results of not repaying debts to them and it may be in her interests to take out a life insurance policy
  18. And Labour have vowed to clamp down on immigration and make it more difficult for immigrants to come to the U.K . Another example of the Left and Right swapping sides Through the looking glass: Labour is now the low-immigration party Keir Starmer is now more restrictive on border controls than Rishi Sunak Something significant happened this week. Labour confirmed its position as a party advocating lower immigration than the Conservatives. When a Redfield and Wilton opinion poll this month asked which party could be trusted to handle immigration, and 31 per cent of people said Labour, while only 24 per cent said the Conservatives, this reflected disillusionment with the government rather than approval of the opposition. Public opinion believes that immigration is too high, and so when the figures reached successive record levels, as they have since the 2021 numbers were reported early last year, disapproval of the government followed. https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/through-the-looking-glass-labour-is-now-the-lowimmigration-party-b2347006.html (BTW, if the font shows up as oversized , I dont have to option to post as plain text)
  19. Offer to buy someone a flight ticket on the condition you get the luggage allowance and they pay half the flight ticket cost ? Everyone's a winner
  20. Yes, there are three E.U Countries in the G.7 Group and the U.K would either be the third best or the second worst , depends on which way you look at it . Also , all Countries count their figures differently , so the rankings are not conclusive . I am not saying that the Italians are cooking the books , they would never do anything like that , oh no
  21. The murder happened in the deceased room and the killer went into that room uninvited after a disagreement . Hes going to have difficulties explaining how it was self defence
  22. Intelligent people would realise there are just three E.U Countries in the G7 Group and four of the G7 group are not members of the E.U and therefore the economies of Japan, USA and Canada have little relevance to that of the U.K when comparing the U.K to Germany
  23. Isn't too difficult to get a genuine passport in someone else's name , just need to apply from a real person and get your photo in the slot
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