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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. It wold be interesting if an intelligent person would compare the two , the U.K and Germany and Germanies recession and U.Ks Brexit and if there's any relation between the two . Like, if Brexit was so bad for the U.K , then why is Germany in recession and the U.K isn't ?
  2. It seems that Norwegian TV found him last year and interviewed him, but they never revealed his location , although it was suggested that he'd been in hiding in Vietnam
  3. Full story here https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8003899/Opera-singing-bodybuilder-says-murder-Brit-dad-Thailand.html
  4. That Thai government just need to promise that they wont execute the prisoner . Happened with the British guy in Phuket , Lee Aldehouse , he got extradited from the U.K to Thailand and got 50 years jail
  5. Analysts worry the German economy could become "the black sheep of Europe". Germany fell into recession in the first quarter of 2023, putting Europe's largest economy out of step with the rest of the continent. https://www.euronews.com/2023/05/26/why-has-germany-gone-into-recession#:~:text=The downturn is due in,April%2C despite a gradual decline.
  6. I am a city person and there are domesticated species that live with us in the city and wild species that live in the jungle If you live in a jungle , you may have a different opinion to what is wild and what is domesticated
  7. Those are personal opinions though , its not a Political viewpoint of the Conseetative party
  8. I am asking you to clarify your claims , if you make a claim, then you are required to provide evidence of those claims So, where were the boxes found ? I have asked you three times now
  9. Geckos live in houses and so that makes them domesticated
  10. So who took the documents and where did they move them to ? The content of the documents is also relevant , where they the USA nuclear codes or were they the White house window cleaning bills ?
  11. That is just your imagination , you imagined that I said that . I didn't say that the FBI made any mistakes, you just imagined that I said that
  12. How do they go about officially changing their names ?
  13. No, I don't believe for one second that the F.B.I would do anything like that , like passing fake stories to the media to cover up their mistake, the FBI wouldnt do that
  14. Not sure why you bring Politics into it . The people in question who use these books are Religious people and they use the books in the name of Religion, rather than Politics
  15. Well, where did they find them and what was in those documents?
  16. Also, if no relevant documents were found in the raid/visit and prosecutions were not bought against Trump , a good excuse for the F.B.I would be to say that the main documents were moved by Trump the day before . This story would be rather beneficial to the F.B.I and a good excuse for them , although I am not suggestion this story is coming from them , as they would never do anything like that
  17. Anonymous accusations made my name less people Democrats believe it as fact Republicans think its all made up and no basis in fact After all , anyone can write a report with the only evidence being "someone told me" , which happens quite frequently . Only evidence being "an anonymous person" said
  18. Are you claiming that domesticated cats often go deep into the wild jungle and wild animals go into domesticated areas ? The mostly keep apart to their own areas .
  19. Domesticated animals tend to stay in the home (or close by) and wild animals stay in the wild and they dont often meet each other
  20. Tuk played one night at the brassiere at the end of Loy Kroh and the Night bazaar opposite the Le Meridien hotel a few years back . He played a full set of Allman Brother covers . Tuk isnt well known outside the music circles and the Allman Brothers are an acquired taste and the Brasserie was an expansive establishment . I walked past there and there was no one there at all , completely empty , no even one person there .
  21. So if the Republicans win the election it will be unfair and undemocratic , but if the Democrats win, then the elections would have been fair and democratic ? This is regarding the next election
  22. Say if Trump won the next election by getting the most votes and he became POTUS again , would that be democracy or not ?
  23. Why are you asking a question , a question which you know the answer to ?
  24. The reasons for the increase in immigration to the U.K is because of the Ukrainians fleeing to the U.K , Hong Kongers fleeing to the U.K and international students going to the U.K after a few years of Covid restrictions . No one begrudges Ukrainians, Hong Kongers or students going to the U.K and I disagree with the media using those people to to score political points . They are using Ukrainian refugees as a weapon to attack the Government
  25. Germany goes into recession , the U.K avoids recession Germany falls into recession as consumers in Europe’s biggest economy spend less https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/25/economy/germany-recession-q1-2023/index.html
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