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Everything posted by BE88

  1. We are all neutral on the king issue.
  2. https://wealthygorilla.com/most-expensive-hotels/ Here is a small choice of really expensive hotels in the world. Like you I already find 2500 B expensive.????
  3. BWT Why are you such a troubleshooter? But thank you for at least giving an answer as to why rich people don't come to Thailand.
  4. Another tragedy, but how can you go on holiday in Thailand, famous for its terrible insecurity roads without any insurance?
  5. Several of my friends have already left and I think others will follow. Thailand has worsened in the last 10 years in many places, extreme pollution,dangerous for health, increased road insecurity due to the increase in traffic on the same roads, political insecurity and now complication in obtaining a visa renewal as well as filling out the tax declaration written in Thai of which an accountant will be needed, increases in bank deposits expected, compulsory health insurance likely in the near future. Without excluding further tightening in the future. Is it enough to rethink why we stay here in Thailand?
  6. When will the human race become smarter and end all wars? Probably when it disappears with nuclear weapons. I don't see any other solutions.
  7. I'm sorry to bother you with what I wrote, but do you think the new government can wait two years before collecting our taxes? We are already all tax residents for the year 2023/2024
  8. If the law comes into force on 1 January 2024 they could also ask all residents for the tax relating to the year 2023 as the law in force is in May 2024 to present the declaration of the previous year in which the tax declaration must be presented every year .
  9. I don't agree with what you say. Not being a tax resident for less than 180 days per year is not a flaw as you say because then if this general rule applied in many countries were excluded it would mean that a simple tourist who would stay a few weeks in Thailand would be subject to a residence tax and that would be ridiculous .
  10. In my opinion Bob the best solution, for those who can afford it, is to return for 6 months to our original country and live 6 months here, the best of both countries. Yes this will cost us more but it must also be considered there is a great advantage to take when calculating the considerable taxation that will fall on us here in Thailand.
  11. Nooooo, it's just a typo, it should read 50 days, but we know that the secretary who wrote the report had smoked something wrong
  12. You live dangerously by cycling on these roads.
  13. Yes, you would have considered for Thai authority just a non resident.
  14. However, it seems to me that the only one still here among the few asleep who hasn't woken up yet is you. ????
  15. Exactly and that's why we have time from January 1, 2024 up to the following 178 days to decide where to go for an extended holiday in another country, calculation to be made in accordance with the date of visa extension which could be different but always less than 180 days per year.. Perhaps by deciding to discover the inconveniences and advantages of other countries.
  16. I have only described what the Thai government's decision could be. Here there are only suppositions, because the Thai government does not provide any clarity on the matter. Nobody is certain even if someone thinks they know everything.
  17. I hope you are right but I doubt this is the case because it leaves many doubts about what the government wants to tax, it must give further details so we continue with assumptions, because so far nothing is clear.
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