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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. Its ironic because he was making progress. He is the closest this place has got to a straight cop.
  2. You and the rest of us has better hope he will be back. He is the last best hope for any real major reform in the RTP. Thats why they appear to be after him !
  3. https://investingnews.com/lead-in-ev-industry/ Check out the negative environmental impact of recycling old EV batteries. Chinese EV batteries lasting 20 years, don't make me laugh. The range is 8 to 15 years, depending on vehicle type.. Nothing Chinese lasts very long.
  4. EVs. the biggest scam on humanity since we invented religion. They are not practical, have zero resale value in the future, but worst of all, their 'whole of life' impact on the environment is just as bad as petrol or diesel vehicles, if not worse. Watch humanity try to dispose of billions of lifed Lithium batteries in future years, plus all the lead in the vehicle. Try to re battery a Chinese EV, well good luck with that idea.
  5. Oh dear, how many cameras do I have on me then????
  6. Maybe they fit into the frames of the movie easier, perhaps, maybe, possibly.
  7. Sure I bash the place, its a dysfunctional sxxx hole, but its still not as bad as most of the World in providing societal support. Unfortunately it does it very badly but it still does it.
  8. Try no pension provision, no health care, few social services, poor education system, thats poverty and thats just South East Asia. Add war, rape and early death, thats many parts of Africa, check out Sudan and the Congo. Try a broken society, thats Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Haiti. Poverty in the UIK, don't make me laugh. Why my friend do you think that Europe has a massive immigration problem? They are not coming to watch football and shop at Harrods. .
  9. Its nonsense and those organization's you quote have other agendas, unconnected with poverty and more to do with ultra left wing bias. Go to Africa, come to Asia, then you see real poverty and a total lack of opportunity. The West is soft, entitled, lazy, badly served by their leaders, and expect to be looked after in all circumstances. It wasn't always like that, immediately Post WW2, but it sure is now. 'Millions living in Poverty in the UK', what a sick joke that statement is. They very often have only themselves to blame and what is 'poverty' to a westerner would be luxury to the real poor of the World. .
  10. Utter nonsense. Brexit has not produced a lazy, entitled workforce.
  11. I have had two assessments requiring eye dilation. I had no problem driving myself home afterwards.
  12. Rather proves my point. Benefits in the UK are available to all, including young, single men, as well as women, supposedly seeking work, even of they are doing nothing of the kind. No particular group is excluded from claiming benefits, if they meet the criteria by virtue of having no income.
  13. I'm a Brit, and I'm sure that a lot of people agree with that assessment. Been there and got out.
  14. This is all nonsense and is at best self inflicted. The benefits safety net in the UK is generous and readily available. Poverty, when it exists, is inevitably family or individual self inflicted. Lack of opportunity often translates to 'don't care', 'can't be bothered'', never tries. I was raised in a Northern industrial town within what would be classed as a poor society. I, like very many others, worked my way out of that background. For me it was into the Military for 24 years and onward from there. The UK workforce is clearly feckless, lazy, WFH obsessed (teachers now wish to be compensated because they are denied WFH) and want more pay to do less, that is just pathetic. Lesson here, if you are poor, don't have a baby at 16 years old, get off your lazy ass, get motivated, make some effort and dig yourself out of poverty.
  15. That doesn't make sense, but as you are obviously American, and therefore have the King's English as your second language ( your first being Louisiana Red Neck), that is excusable.
  16. Definition from the Oxford Dictionary: Generally, a superior human being, both in thought and deed. A natural leader of people with a great Military mind and a sense of what is right and proper. Possessing superiors social skills ( unless raised in Liverpool, Manchester or Glasgow). A natural speaker of the King's English, unless, see brackets above and a teacher to those who are less fortunate , such as peoples born and raised in less enlightened societies, such as in the former colonies of the British Empire. .
  17. Yes, of course. And your point it? But of course, we don't have a very resent history of blatant discrimination.
  18. None of this is relevant to the report, or the post. Who gives a toss about where 'Japanese Americans' live in the US. In any event, aren't all Americans just 'Americans' regardless of race or ethnicity? Oh yes, I forget, the US, the great Bastian of racism and inequality.
  19. The online system seemed to improve for a couple of years; it has now reverted to rat sxxt, which like a lot of digital stuff here, is its default setting. Eg; the AIS app is out tonight, the SCB one was out on Saturday. This is Thailand, it happens.
  20. You're missing the point in my comment, but that's not unusual on this forum.
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