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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. The reality is that Israel will not stop until Hamas is finished. They have pretty much destroyed Gaza as a livable environment, so that is progress.
  2. Anyone carrying a weapon is a legitimate target.
  3. Hopefully, when the military action is over, there will be nobody left in Hamas to surrender. The stupid, deluded population of Gaza, who have succored and supported the terrorists for decades, have now lost everything of any value. I hope that they think that it's been worth it.
  4. It means Israel is achieving its Military objective, to destroy Hamas and the people and infrastructure that supports it. So far, its a job well done.
  5. No, they are an electrician and a plumber. Did you deliberately choose to ignore the 'manager' title?
  6. Let's do a bit of a thought experiment here, a favorite activity of Einstein's. If a soi 6 bar never had any girls, or back stair rooms, how long would it be in business? Not long I bet. Now put in the girls' and the bar fines and hey ho, you can afford a manager. Conclusion, the manager's wage is dependent on the bar girl's income.
  7. Noun. pimp (plural pimps) Someone who solicits customers for prostitution and acts as manager for a group of prostitutes;
  8. Personally, that's not how I live my life, or measure my life's successes, but each to his or her own.
  9. Yes really, the pimp takes a wage from the bar fines. I know for a fact that some bars operate a bonus reward system depending on how many bar fines go into the pot. Don't try and gloss over the obvious. Personally, I don't give a monkeys what goes on in Soi 6, or any other of those bars, but let's not pretend they are just good, hard working folk, with an above board job as a 'manager'.
  10. You must have felt proud, helping the girls rip off and defraud your fellow humans.
  11. That surely is the very definition of a pimp?
  12. Pimps, pure and simple.
  13. Me too. I hope you can get it sorted. Perhaps contact a UK based Immigration specialist?
  14. Have you recently filled in a Tax return, giving a Thai address? How about bank details or even some money transfer information, supporting your wife? Can't think of anything else.
  15. Not sure how you answered the other questions on the form, but presumably you have told them that you were living out of the country, or at least given the impression on the form, that you are not in the UK, which would prompt that question. I guess that you need to complete the form as a UK resident already living in the UK .
  16. Yes, a car is pretty much essential where I live, but it's peaceful, quiet and picturesque. Difficult to say that about a City.
  17. Although I live within 30km of Pattaya, I only really go there to do the weekly grocery shopping. I'm fairly ambivalent about the City itself, (as I am with all Cities) but I do like the diverse number of good quality restaurants and the well equipped and accessible amenities, such as hospitals. It's why I chose to live near the City, but I would not wish to live in it.
  18. I do none of those things mate
  19. I use an agent because I can't be bothered to drive to Immigration, park the car near by, if I can, which often I can't, wait around for hours, often in the heat of the day, and then have to deal with their inconsistences. I also use one because I am happy to pay so that someone else does the stupid grunt work required. It's also why I have a cleaner, a gardener, a pool lady and a handy man, so that I can live my life in relative peace and laziness, doing the things I want to do, rather than have to do.
  20. So genius; tell us what's the difference between the modern western female, who has had 100+ sexual partner's. who have likely paid for meals, outings and presents to get into her pants and a bar girl, who has slept with as many, to make a living in a poverty stricken society? One seems much the same as the other, only the bar girl is more honest about it.
  21. Go back and read the post that I was commenting on, instead of rushing blindly to your keyboard
  22. Really? I pay a lady cleaner to clean my house, a pool lady to clean my pool and a gardener couple to look after my garden. I also pay ladies for street food, in the coffee shop and at the gas station. I also pay the lady at the Big C till and in Subway. You must live a very odd life if you pay no bills to women here.
  23. So enlighten us mate, how did you escape your 'poverty', helped by massive western aid programs perhaps? Or by many Charity and other NGOs pouring millions into your country? Thai's don't have those options, or that kind of help. Why are you so dismissive of others who try to get out of their poverty, where is your empathy? I'd say this, you are not a good advert for such poverty programs if they produce attitudes like yours. ? This is now off topic and far too many off topic and frankly idiotic comments , so I'm out of it.
  24. Well thanks for that uncalled for and juvenile insult. I am neither dumb nor stupide, you on the other hand, well, I'm not sure. I am not so ignorant, unworldly or judgmental to dismiss ALL the circa 60,000 sex workers in Pattaya as untrustworthy or immoral. Many have few to no options concerning their future and many hate the position that birth and fate has put them in. Have a bit of common humanity. In my circle of friends there are two or three who have long and happy relationships with ex so called 'sex workers'. I don't judge and neither should you.
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