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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. I hear you brother. Over 30 years ago, I pissed blood after a long run. I was hospitalized and they shoved this, what felt like a 6 inch diameter hose pipe, up my penis. They found nothing and put it down to a broken blood capillitia. The procedure was pain itself, but the peeing through clotted blood that went on for another 3 days was worse. Some years later I had a reoccurrence after a gym session. This time I ignored it. No way was I going to go through that again and that is my attitude today. Maybe not a very sensible attitude, but it will save some sadistic doctor getting a punch in the mouth. I have a very low pain and boredom threshold. Find another way doctors.
  2. They do have that power for their own airline
  3. I always wai my Doctor, hoping by politeness, to stop the sadistic fxxxer hurting me., I have a very low pain threshold. It never seems to work.
  4. I've lived in the UK, so I don't notice rudeness or miserly, as anything out of the ordinary.
  5. He was a breeder, so in this case your statement is inaccurate.
  6. You clearly haven't visited the UK in recent years. Thailand is years ahead of the UK in very many areas, admittedly not ALL, but very many. That's why I live here. Bananas don't grow in the UK, so I guess we have to call it a 'Potato Republic', or just a cluster fxxx of a country.
  7. A cat may wander, but it won't be too far away. Cats have a territory, within which they wander (see video below). Its quite local and they don't wander far or cross into another's area. I put a small pet video camera on my cat's collar. He was never more than 200m from the house, even if he stayed out all day and night. Often he was stationary, sitting under a tree or a car for hours at a time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QadUonunflw
  8. have you ever stood in front of an aircon outside. An aircon is a heat exchanger and it does not just circulate internal air without an outside vent. Its why portable aircons are a waste of money and never really work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVLhrLTF878
  9. The dry thing is true, but mine usually never switches off. Not sure about the 24/7 bit, but I dont see much point in running it if pollution levels are low.
  10. The best option is having one integral to your aircon. Most modern inverter aircons will have some air purifier options incorporated, some more than others. Mine, set on 'dry' rather than 'cool', seem to be very effective.
  11. What??? Thats hypochondriac country.
  12. If this is a serious post subject, I spend circa 1 million Baht per year for a comfortable life. Add a 5 million health reserve in the bank and there you have it.
  13. I have had nothing but excellent service from my local SCB branch. They are busy, but helpful, much better than my UK Bank. I would recommend them to anyone. However, I would say that, like all Thai banks, it is very Branch dependent.
  14. Better still if you say 'your Mama is better'
  15. I don't care about your view on it mate. You are twisted and biased about this subject, so best to ignore you.
  16. Together with a few other Thai people, I feed two extended families of older dogs and puppies. I've been doing that for the best part of 7 years and I've seen the packs grow from a couple of dogs to a community . They live exclusively in the jungle areas, away from houses and most people. They thrive and seem happy and contented. They are friendly and welcoming to those of us who interact with them. Yes, it makes me feel good to watch them living life and apparently enjoying it and as far as I can see, they only annoy local monkeys. I would support their sterilization, but never their eradication, at least only by natural sterilization means.
  17. Long hair always and at any age, but only on women.
  18. Are you knowingly or unknowingly using a VPN? It may be set up to find the best location, or to do it randomly. McAfee comes with a built in VPN , so if you have that, check its settings. Just a thought.
  19. The only good expat that thinks the way you do, is one that gets thrown out of Thailand, never to return. Good luck finding any comparable Country in the World that doesnt have a supposed 'dog problem'.
  20. They have as much right to a life as you do mate, maybe more in your case. Human arrogance towards these animals just pxxxes me off. Thankfully, there are many kind people in Thailand, Thai and Farang, who feed the soi dogs and try to give them some reasonable quality of life, me included.
  21. I'm curious; what constitutes a 'quality expat'?
  22. Quite so. In a population of over 334 million people, those two are the best that America and its broken political system can put up for President? That is truly pathetic. Leaders of the Free World, I think not. Hang your collective heads in shame Americans.
  23. Although there are outliers in any group, at 90 years old the body is closing down, fast or slow depends on many factors. both medical and environmental, but one can draw a few generalisations; one can't walk far, one has a lot less energy, one's mental facilities decline, one's body can't take much stress or rapid changes in blood pressure. Sex is probably the last thing on the minds of anyone in these later years. Just to show one of the outliers, Bob Hoover was in his mid eighties when the video below was recorded. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7R7jZmliGc&t=12s
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