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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Yes! Perfect to start that at the same time as opening the country. Not enough time to get set and ready during 2 years of Covid? Or just maybe it took this long for the baht to fall down.
  2. No it is not. The studies are showing slower learning capabilities, antisocial behavior, anger issues as well as a correlation to ADHD regarding increased number in groups of children that uses cell phones at low ages.
  3. Yeah, sure! It´s excellent, for all lazy parents that can´t <deleted> themselves with enough interest to tech their own children. And, I can guarantee this is no comment from a person who does not know. You on the other hand, has probably not studied all the reports regarding effects of to much and too early screen time for children under the age of 7. I suggest you go back and study before you let the next verbal fantasy hit the writing board.
  4. @steveb5 You do realize that your kid is 3 years old, right? Why in the world do you act like an irresponsible parent on this forum asking what tablet to buy for him? The right answer is NO tablet! After that I suggest some elementary education for you.
  5. Nah, no problem. If you want to go in that direction, I will not stop any 14 year old in your case.
  6. What??? Gambling debts???? !!!! That´s illegal! Another crime. Charge him for that too.
  7. No! Nothing in the whole wide world is like Pattaya. It´s a 22 sqkm bordello!
  8. Oh Nooo! This is an evil master plan. Here the goal seems to be to lure as many to Thailand as possible, before they have to go into total lockdown again. All that got infected will then be taken into hospital and get their insurances activated. In one way or another they will get the dough! ????
  9. Yes, they die everywhere, and it´s not really a Thai problem. Just that there is a little bit more of it. I guess that goes hand in hand with all other traffic stats.
  10. Do you know the difference between a moped, an EU-moped and a motorcycle? Doesn´t seem like that.
  11. So, 50 is old? Really? I am still skate boarding, running on rollerblades. Up with modern technology and programming the future web. Up to you if you fell like old. Your problem dude!
  12. I am 51 years young! That´s not considered old in my book. However, who are you to tell me what I should do? Driving a motorbike or not wearing a helmet.??? Since when did that become part of a culture? Maybe you should call TAT and give them a new slogan for Thailand "Welcome to Amazing Thailand with Beaches, Smiling People & Helmetless Kids on Motorbikes"
  13. Nah, just buying what I need all the time. No problem! I thought that was how it is supposed to be when you move to a foreign country. If you have to complain about such trivial things, you did not have a solid enough economy to move.
  14. Yes, you are. And more, about money taken back that isn´t even yours. After that you signed "How dare they do without notifying you?" Why wouldn´t they dare to take back money that has been added to your account by fault? How about you? Did you notify the bank when you got double paid? No, you didn´t! What has happened now, is only that you are angry that they realized it because you though you could spend more money than you really have. The fact is that the bank has corrected a mistake that was made. If you wish, you can check that they have sent the money back to the rightful owner. They have all the right in the world to do so, and you have not a case at all, Mr. Problem Farang. Just smile, take a coffee. Wait for the next pay check and have a laugh with your friends! ????
  15. I am more interested in how it went for the three vehicles?
  16. Idiotic response! Where did I say what the law should be? I only voiced my opinion how I think it should be. Please explain where I decided what the law should be, or refrain from ungrounded accusations! If you want to lock up old foreigners who pay for sex, it´s up to you. I only think you are a little bit mean in that case. Why should only old people that pay for sex be locked up? Please answer that to, when you are at it.
  17. 14 year old children are not supposed to drive. Lock the parents up.
  18. The hordes are standing at the gates. Let the invasion begin!
  19. So, where are the evidence that supports many are eager to visit Thailand, then?
  20. Yes, the western world have always been riding towards disaster. However, it´s the same way in most countries in one way or another. So, absolutely no reason the let the US stand out again. It´s just time for them to understand they need to take care of internal problems instead of trying to rule the world. The world will still spin without so much interference.
  21. Because most people on this forum come to retire and relax in Thailand, but still fighting for every minute. Yeah, I know it sounds crazy! I am with you, and can not for my life understand what is so important with quick transfers. I have no problem to do regular bank to bank transfers. See it much more important with safety for transactions. In that case, there is no safer than a SWIFT transfer. Moreover, everybody needs quick transfers and use Wise. After that they need to complain over the problem with not showing the right transfers for Immigration and visa extension. You know what I say? That´s what they pay for the need to hurry with everything. ????
  22. I mean, even you stand baffled. Then it must be horrible. ????
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