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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. So, you lost your wife, worked in Dubai and moved to Thailand. Did you start any golf magazine, or just lost it all?
  2. That´s the statement of the year! Wonder how many they were in the brain storming circle to make up such a fantastic result?
  3. Ok! Yes, but the statistics for the last day is not included in the numbers.
  4. It means it around 70 and not around 60. It also means that they should be Happy Happy with only 40. As a side note: 237/7 does not belong and make absolutely no sense. where do you get 7 from?
  5. So, is it anything wrong with me editing the wrong information? You should have done that with your 237/7 too.
  6. Sorry, the number that is mentioned in this news is for 6 days, not seven. So, I don´t know what you are trying to count? Why are you giving me misleading examples?
  7. No, it is not! The regular rate is generally a little bit below 70.
  8. No chase! That´s wonderful. This resourceful woman manage to do it all by herself.
  9. Yeah! Sure, dude! Everything is very clear cut in Thailand. They always go by the book. ????????????????????????
  10. I have a friend in the same position. According to him, the best way is to see a doctor every time he need new meds. He get it for 3 months at the time.
  11. Oh Yeah, follow the bright beacon of the world. Why should we follow the US, as they were the world guide society?
  12. 1. You do not need a neutral wire in 3-phase. ???? 2. Yes! 3. I would say 2 volt is close enough to 0. 4. Always best with solid copper.
  13. Any short time hotel, every 4 hours. The hotel fee would probably only set you back about 4 x 250 baht. The short time, however, is a totally different ball game.
  14. I can hear the boss in the back room: "Slow day, guys! Go create some work!"
  15. What´s with the silly last info? I have been drinking over a 1 000 beer in 2 years. Still don´t kill people.
  16. That looks like Pak Kom. Translated that means Thai spinach.
  17. Seems to me that the fees are far too much for you. They might be free at home. ????
  18. And on one side there were eunuchs and on the other side of the battlefield were the proud and mighty virals
  19. Short answer. No, I have no compassion neither for the the people that comes here, and like you chose to say "get fleeced". Nor do I have any compassion for the stupidity they bring with them, that is the real reason why they get fleeced. And, yes, I do blame the stupid foreigner that believes he is in heaven of sex, beauty and affordability at the age of 60+ in a relation with a 18 - 29 year old girl. It´s all summarized in two simple words: Blissful madness! The punishment for that, is going broke and asking ones friends for money to the plane ticket home to the nursing home they no longer can afford.
  20. Ok, so when you decided what education get, then that was based on that the teachers were so sexy? The first work you applied for and got, you said yes to because there were so many girls working there and for the availability of booze every lunch? You have been buying all your cars in life from the seller that gave you most booze or pussy? The choice of banking, was made after great sex with the branch manager? What you eat today is based on how many beer you drunk yesterday, and the performance of your last sex partner? The place you live in today, was sold by a very sexy woman that throw in her own body in the deal? If you have any insurances, they were all bought and signed for under the influence of alcohol?
  21. Why do you think that? Have you made bad judgements yourself, and suffer the consequences of them? Or, might it be that you have heard so many, half wit, drunkards coming to Thailand complaining over their mistakes?
  22. That, Mr Leaver, is a question of judgement. If you are not clever enough to to chose your partner wisely, than the same thing will happen in your home country. You buy a house, a car and make some children. The wife want´s divorce. Who then gets the house, car, children and some of your money? But, with your attitude, you probably do not own that kind of good judgement. So, for you it is definitely best to stay alone and rent your needs on a day by day basis. Out of that reason you should not blame Thailand and it´s people. There are bad and good people in all countries. What is the thing here, is that too many foreigners comes to Thailand and make bad judgements. That based on the availability of booze and girls/sex. They get blinded and start thinking with the wrong head. So, at the end, you own NO right to blame Thai people for yours or other foreigners losses and bad judgement in Thailand.
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