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Everything posted by Iamloki

  1. Round numbers - Trump 51%, DeSantis 20%, Haley 19%
  2. Before it expires, I would think... I know, not helpful. If your current expires 15 Sep, you can renew 30 (or 45?) days prior to that date. If you need to be out of country in Sept, if possible for you, I would suggest renewing on August 16... Due to the home visit requirement, you might want to have a conversation with Immigration about timing.
  3. As difficult as I am sure it will be for you Little John, perhaps you should reread that sentence with discernment... I will hold out hope that you will fathom its meaning.
  4. Dog is good.... https://youtu.be/02IePc2YkVI
  5. I'm from the States and know the truth... That said... how many hopefuls have you interviewed, or even listened to the interviews? Why are some crossing oceans to enter through the southern border? Why are they not going to other countries, closer countries... say your country?
  6. When I young there were no people of color in TV commercials, or movies and TV programs (black face not withstanding)... Then one person in some commercials, and over time all commercials and TV shows and movies... Today it is matter of course (as it should be). They are using the same play book to condition acceptance of the gay world... I don't really mind if there is a gay scene because it follows or adds to the theme... but drop them as a "token" is offensive. Now... here is the thing... I do not know the validity of this number pulled from answers dot com... 79.75% of the world population are people of color... 4% are non-heterosexual... I really don't appreciate the values of the 4% being forced into my living room or the kids universe uninvited... Even Dracula has to be invited in... This is of course just my opinion given with no ill intent . You are equally entitled to your own.
  7. Not really so foolish... I woke up this morning after only waking up once last night... the sun is shining... I am above ground... spending time with people whom I love and who love me... That equals heaven...
  8. So... heaven = earth - the human race... got it and agree... lol
  9. I am no expert... I would ask for an item list of the tests and charges... then call around to other hospitals. I would also list my location so people on this board could better help you.
  10. To add to Bublegum's reply... the requirement if your from the USA or similar is: > 65K tbt per month transferred to your Thai bank account as a FTT transaction for 12 months. OR: > 800K tbt on deposit in a Thai bank account OR: a combination of both. So... if your monthly FTT transfers were only 60K for example... the amount to keep on deposit in a separate account (recommendation) would be 800K - (60K x 12) = 80K... Hope this helps. What country is your passport from?
  11. Iamloki

    Go Wholesale

    Norway? I am so sorry... just could not stop myself!
  12. I have gotten quotes for Colonoscopy only... but have not had one done yet... So I do not really know - I would suggest going to a different hospital. If you list where you live, people on this board will give you suggestions at to doctor/hospitals...
  13. When I renewed my passport (US) I took the new passport, the old passport and the letter from the US Dept. of State (I think it was from State) to the IO. They put a stamp in the new passport and wrote the old passport number in the stamp along with some other data that allows them to link back to my original visa, entry date etc...
  14. Glad you're starting to feel better... I do believe you may be a candidate for Guinness World Record for the shortest ever rant!
  15. This website lists the Cigna Close Care Plan... Country of residence + Country of nationality... https://www.cignaglobal.com/where-we-cover/thailand?&utm_campaign=TH+-+EN+-+B:+Cigna+-+Countries+%5BExact%5D_ipro_thailand_2020&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8-LC6uPRgwMVCKRmAh1j-wMAEAAYASAAEgL_ivD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds It it were me, and if possible... I would walk into a Cigna office and talk face to face with an agent... or, go to an independent broker and see what Cigna offers...
  16. A low grade infection in the inner ear could also cause dizziness. As others have suggested, getting yourself checked out is probably the best and safest course of action.
  17. Yeah, I don't get the older citizen references I see from time to time.... Our generation are the ones who developed the most of the tech used today (not necessarily the software)... I mean the internet was developed by the WWII generation, but the PC, cell phones etc...
  18. Especially condoms with holes in them...
  19. Just curious, what exemptions do guys in your home country get for "defacto relationships"? In the US they get zero...
  20. This is really good information. Thank you!!! Scanning through this and looking at the tax form example, it seems my unaccessible income exceeds my accessible income... Although I know it exists, I don't see the > zero rule... gets me thinking how nice of the tax code to provide an addition income stream... lol
  21. Just for clarification... My understanding is that it's only marriage to a Nurse or a Doctor who works at a Government Hospital that allows the farang the same healthcare that his wife gets. Marry any other Government Employee - teacher, court, the department of your choice - and there is no medical coverage other than the insurance you purchase. This was told to me by a nurse for a government hospital. Is this information false?
  22. Yes, but without that Third World desperation... what is a fat, old, drunk, retired farang to do?
  23. A couple months ago I read the news from my home country... there were mass shootings, the House of Representatives were not producing any useful legislation while the government raced toward a potential shut down, a certain ex-president was still crying foul and people were demonstrating one thing or another.... I am pretty sure that today I am still up to date....
  24. I thought it was only in Russia that Russians had problems with high windows...
  25. That is what I still do not understand... Woke means the past tense of wake... This morning I woke up... tomorrow, if I am lucky, I will wake up... and if I am really lucky... a man will be a man, a woman will be a woman... and all the women will be glad for it...
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