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Everything posted by Iamloki

  1. I thought economic migrants all wound up at the US/Mexican border...
  2. No argument Mike. What was the Prayuth Decimation given the following definition? From Wikipedia: Decimation (Latin: decimatio; decem = "ten") was a form of Roman military discipline in which every tenth man in a group was executed by his cohorts. The discipline was used by senior commanders in the Roman Army to punish units or large groups guilty of capital offenses, such as cowardice, mutiny, desertion, and insubordination, and for pacification of rebellious legions. The word decimation is derived from Latin meaning "removal of a tenth". The procedure was a pragmatic attempt to balance the need to punish serious offenses with the realities of managing a large group of offenders. A cohort (roughly 480 soldiers) selected for punishment by decimation was divided into groups of ten. Each group drew lots (sortition), and the soldier on whom the lot of the shortest straw fell was executed by his nine comrades...
  3. Take your pick... either in the States or in Germany...
  4. Ah... some people have no sense of humor, and are so full of their own... stuff... there is just no talking with them... Shooting stars are so cool to watch, but burn out so fast, don't you think?
  5. "It increases my paranoia Like looking at my mirror and seeing a police car" Be careful what you wish for... I came here from this country... supposedly the leader of the free world... there were State Police, County Police, some times Township Police, City Police, Town Police, Park Police and let's not forget the Sheriffs... So much for freedom. One pleasant surprise for me when I arrived in Thailand was the realization that there was not a cop on every corner or waiting behind every billboard or overpass... Now, I've been here for a while... and I am still on high alert for hiding cops while driving down the highway... Yes, I will say it again, be careful what you wish for.
  6. I do not use or particularly appreciate FB's reach - or that of the other tech giants - but I do not begrudge him his success. It was his idea and he did work for it. With that said... Now, I don't know I don't know I don't know where I'm-a gonna go When the volcano blow
  7. I think that should be "sucker enough millions to be a billionaire (several times over)".
  8. Good advice... Lately though for small baht orders, Lazada has been not accepting my card and forcing me to use COD... pain in the neck!
  9. Saved yourself about $5... How long did the negotiation take?
  10. You can't be so old that no longer have a tool...
  11. When I did mine in 2021, I brought the new passport, old passport and the letter from the US government asking them to transfer the old visa & stamps to the new passport. They did not actually paste in a new visa, but stamped the new one and filled in the information...
  12. Same with me... same Immigration Office for 8 years, a few different addresses, never a home visit on my retirement extensions.
  13. Old enough to know better? Sure... but apparently also young enough not to care...
  14. Just for the record, while I do not disagree with what you're trying to say, pedophile refers to sex with a prepubescent child.
  15. From Google: Others, such as Germany and Israel, do not allow for extradition of their own citizens in their constitutions.
  16. What is premium diesel? The only diesel I see is B7 & up? My 2001 Isuzu 3.0 DDI definitely misses real diesel...
  17. I know I will be crucified for this... I don't care what hormones one overload oneself with, or what kind of clothes one wears... If you have the "junk" you are a man. If not, you are not... Reminds me of a ditty... back in the days of old, when men were men, and women were women, and woman where glad of it...
  18. "If he has paid three to four times the principal, the debt will be considered settled." Let's see, he borrowed 30,000thb and has paid over 3 million thb in interest - or 100 times the principle. I would say the loan sharks owe him a 2.88 million baht refund...
  19. I live up North... this past May I purchase a re-entry permit to visit Laos for a few days. The IO told me if I returned to the same address, I did not have to do anything. So, I did nothing. When I renewed my retirement extension last July, I had no problems. Based on my experience vs those of other commenters, perhaps it would be advisable to ask at your local Immigration Office?
  20. Really? I would think closer to 88 years ago... that 12 step thing started in 1935... Regardless... just as true today as when first spoken...
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