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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Not to mention CO poisoning. Let's not underlay the effects of carbon-monoxide.
  2. Take off to Pattaya solo? What's the attraction?
  3. Thank you, and I find your dedication remarkable, and your results very interesting.
  4. I have not. And so, all the more reason for the governments to pay for ACs for those who are unable to afford it. How much could it cost, anyway? Not much. It would not cost much for the gov to pay for and install small, high-efficiency room ACs in one room of each house, or any house that wanted one, providing that a financial need could be verified.
  5. So, are local labs cheaper than having work done at hospitals? Are there any restrictions? Anyone can walk in and request various tests, on a whim, without an order from a medical doctor? If true, I might be up for some blood work, such as D3 serum levels, etc. No need to have a medical doctor read the results, either... (I will send my lab results to you, for interpretation...OR...I will just post them directly on the TV Forum, in order to spark a lively debate. Good idea for a Topic, by the way....)
  6. Nice! Well Done! Note: Do you live close to or far from a city? Note: Has the vegetation and tree cover remained basically the same during the past five years? (Has there been any significant clearing of land for agro purposes or building purposes near you?)
  7. One needs to invest and establish a registered company, as did I. There is a minimum investment which you can easily check by googling. Even if Taiwan was giving away visas, for free... Why would anyone, in their right mind, wish to waste their lives on that GARBAGE island? One thing, though... The Taiwan government does offer many great scholarship programs if one might qualify. These may be doable even for older people who are not strictly students. Worth looking into.... Taiwan has a LOT of money to throw around trying to promote itself as an INDEPENDANT Country...which.... I believe it actually is.
  8. Not even one. What would I do with it? I brought one VHS tape. But, I have no machine to play it. The VHS tape has been just sitting here in its cassette for years. Probably, it has succumbed to the humidity and mold by now.
  9. So.... Have you been recording the Daily Minimum Temperature for all days of the year, during the past 5 years? If so, then what can you say about the Daily Minimum Temperatures? Are they the same, year on year, or are they gradually rising? But still your data will not tell you much. You need to have many well-placed temperature sensors throughout your region in order to avoid introducing artifacts due to things like the heat island effect, and other anomalies. Weather is a very Fickle Thing....
  10. But, this value, the average daily and monthly average, tells you nothing about the average minimum temperatures during the coolest time of the day, usually around 7AM. And, it is EXACTLY THIS Minimum that Climate Scientists worry about, as well. We are no longer seeing the cooler nights and early mornings that we once did. And, the effects of this can have severe consequences for humans. I am sure that even you can understand their concern. RIght? Are you sure that you have studied university Statistics for the Natural Sciences? Many a university student has failed Statistics, and it is a course that causes students much worry.
  11. The expense is only worth it, to you, if you were to die due to heat stress. It is not the same as Thailand installing heating. We will not die from the frigid temperatures in BKK, most likely. Anyway, it's a free world. Install ACs if you wish. Don't blame me if you get overheated. The frequency of heatwaves is increasing. Good Luck! Chok Di!
  12. OK. (But, just one favorite vibrating tool is OK?)
  13. There is not only the THREAT of earthquakes. There are several earthquakes per week in Taipei. Also, I was in Taipei during the 1999 earthquake. We lost power for a long time. And the rolling blackouts persisted for months. Large buildings toppled over, in Taipei. When the thing hit, the ground-floor where I was began to sway back and forth. Had to hold onto the wall to keep my balance. That was a big one, for sure.... The present-day Taiwanese generation are WIMPS and do not know what hard work is. The food (Taiwanese) is GARBAGE, all except for SAN-BEI-JI (A chicken dish. Google it.) The mountains, on the east coast, are among the most beautiful in the world. Night life is garbage. The tea grown in Taiwan, the expensive DongDing WuLong tea, is better than anything you can find in China, or anywhere else in the world. Yes. the tea on Taiwan almost makes up for every other travesty on that GARBAGE Isle of Formosa. But, the people are the worst backbiting BACK STABBERS you would ever be unfortunate enough to meet. Mostly, they just stab each other in the back, and cheat each other in the Hui (the informal lending system at the grassroots level). Never seen so many Pawn Shops and Betel Nut skanks in my life. So, then, why would I leave if it were so great? Oh...the housing there is GARBAGE. Worse than Garbage, even, because nobody is will to tear down the concrete dumps and cart it away. Just take a look at some examples of the overpriced housing on the island. All the above, IMHO, is exaggerated and undue flattery of the Isle of Formosa, ever since Martial Law ended, and those wonderful Taiwanese took over from the Mainlanders. Lee Deng Hui was a NITWIT. Need I say more? Yes. Who was that midget president they elected who they sent to prison a few years later? I met him one time and was not very impressed. Ah Bian, I think. Wish I could get him out of my mind.
  14. Interesting. Thanks for the info. And, as for me, when living in Hong Kong, I rarely saw police officers walking around with guns. Batons, yes. Guns, no. That would have been from 1979, onwards. After the commies marched in, I very seldom returned.
  15. You neglected to include two important pieces of data: a. The average low temps at the coolest time of day. b. The relative humidity. c. Two degrees difference is a LOT, and if the humidity is also higher, than this will severely impact the body's ability to cool itself.
  16. Hopefully, by next time around, when the same thing, or worse, happens again, they will have installed ACs...
  17. And, you began living in Hong Kong what year? You see, I am just reporting what I saw when I lived in Hong Kong. I saw many police officers. But, I did not see guns. I am just reporting what I personally saw. Where did you see the guns, 45 years ago, when you were in Hong Kong, at that time????? No guns. No guns. So, when I was in Hong Kong, years ago, the first and most remarkable thing that I noticed was the fact that the police walked around the city of HK and Kowloon without guns carried on their belts. Quite odd, I thought, at the time....
  18. Strangely enough, when I was first in HK, for some years, I do not recall most of the police I saw there walking around on the streets carrying sidearms.
  19. So then, you would say that the situation is sort of like a... CATCH-22? a. The more guns the police carry in the USA, the more police get shot with a gun? b. The militarization of the police forces in the USA has led to the glorification of gun battles on American streets, COP Shows on TV, and the arming of criminals?
  20. The <deleted> WAGNER, of course...(I meant, the Vanker Vagner...) What Else on a STEAMING Monday Afternoon? Das Rheingold!
  21. You could be correct. But if so, then my neighbor, with his daily deliveries exceeding 4 or 5, must have a case of....the... INSATIABLE DRIVEL (This phrase now should be taken to mean: Unquenchable Appetite, (FYI...))
  22. Right! I picked up on this malapropism, too! What actually DOES "Insatiable Drive" look like, you may ask? I did ask. I asked Bard. I gave Bard this prompt: "I would like you to show me, or create for me, an image which best represents the nonexistent literal meaning of the two-word combination: "insatiable drivel" (if one were an artist, what image would an artist think of that might come closest to the phrase "insatiable drivel"?" Then, BARD replies with this: "Sure, here is an image that captures the nonsensical essence of "insatiable drivel":" And, then, Bard offers up his best imagery showing what Insatiable Drivel might look like in a less literal world: It seems to me that Bard REALLY DOES NOT LIKE the Insatiable Drivel phrase first coined here on our Forum. Bard offered other images but, since this is a Family Friendly Forum, I have chosen to NOT display some of Bard's more appropriate responses to the malapropism.... INSATIABLE DRIVEL.... Enjoy!
  23. a. I never use AI tools unless I specifically state that I have done so, on any single comment or Topic. And, the occasions when I have used AI tools is not to improve or change anything I have written, and it is not that I would ever use AI tools as a writing-aid, how foolish! But, I have posted output of/from AI machines just as examples of AI output. b. You seem to be a "very-literal reader". What I stated concerning comment counts, or counts of posted comments, was not intended to be taken as you seem to have taken the statement. You may have missed the implied meaning, and you seem to have only been able to glean the superficial literal meaning. c. I have been told, and I am aware, that there are those in this world who are unable to distinguish humor of irony, not to mention facetiousness, and facetious statements, from the rigidly literal meaning of what they read and hear. (The purpose of irony is often to elucidate truths that are less easy to communicate more directly.) If you are one of this group of readers, then I cannot help you, and you may be beyond help in this area. There exist many forms of humor in this world, and thus you are very fortunate. You are fortunate enough to be able to choose the narrow-band of humor and topics, from a much wider offering, that are more comprehensible to you. Some people are tone deaf. Some people have no sense of rhythm. And others, just do not get irony, or recognize cynicism, no matter that it is staring them in the face. This kind of humor just ....may...not.... Be for you. So solly. Maybe in the next life, you will be born with different talents and abilities than the ones you now have. And then, you can come back to reading the comments you seem to find objectionable. And, hopefully, after you have been reborn, you will see them in a new light.....But,.... I believe, it will always be HIGHLY UNLIKELY that you will ever see the light.
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