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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. REJOICE! REJOICE! WE HAVE NO CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, just to carry on..... Good Men are actually dying here in the heat. Wow!
  2. Sorry. Rain stopped after five minutes. Still having a heatwave here.... Even HOTTER after the short rain, in fact. Humidity through the ROOF. Can it get any hotter? IDK....
  3. The rain is now coming down, maybe not in buckets, but this downpour is what can easily be considered... REAL RAIN. Everyone here in Chiang Mai is just so very happy to see REAL RAIN again. I think we are about to, finally, break this Dry Spell which has been plaguing CM inhabitants, for so very many sweltering weeks. Yes! A new morn, and new dawn, is FINALLY breaking.....! REJOICE! REJOICE! REJOICE! Rain coming DOWN. Humidity going UP.
  4. Yes. That is what I meant. Saying what one means makes sense, when one has any sense, that is.
  5. Yes. I guessed the chipset fan before looking at the OP's photo. This is why I hate mainboards with fans. Always problems. And, noisy. I never buy mainboards with fans!!!!
  6. Wait: The speed of light is considered to be A constant. But, the speed of light is not constant in all cases, such as when it travels from one medium into another, for example from a complete vacuum into a liquid, or, say, a glass fiber (fibre). Capisce?
  7. Less than 500 milligrams is really not that much. I have a few capsules of 500 milligrams of amoxicillin on my desk at the moment. And they are hardly even noticeable among the clutter. There must have been far more convenient places to carry 500 milligrams of a white powder, without resorting to one's passport for safekeeping.
  8. I could always write more, in fact: Maybe count yourself lucky that I was not born another Balzac? (Anyway, it is not that I write too much, but that others do not write enough, in my view.)
  9. OK. Very good idea! I have seen these at the Robertson store in CM, and they are usually on sale. I will buy one or two (maybe one for each cheek). At the moment, I am temporarily using just a bed pillow. But, it's not much of an improvement.
  10. So, I am wondering if all these expensive chairs are just a SCAM! Maybe the HUGE prices for some chairs are not actually warranted. And so, maybe it is best to choose a chair which has been sold to millions of happy users, and where you get the cost savings due to the chair being produced at scale, and a chair which has been given reviews by many satisfied customers. Something like this, maybe.... Would be best for comfort. Note: The trick is to be able to buy this chair in Thailand without paying the shipping and import charges. Maybe find out what company makes this in China, and then import it. Maybe this chair is actually made in Thailand? (This chair is only 0.22 the cost of my existing chair, my Torture Chair.)
  11. Thank you for the links. I would buy any good chair for Bt.10,000 or less. Over Bt10,000, and I would need to give it a pass. Tks for the links!
  12. These are all good suggestions. I cannot afford to pay over USD1000 for a single chair. Therefore, as you say, maybe use just a very cheap chair that is mass produced but which is very comfortable due to the fact that mass production necessitated spending much thought in the design of the chair. Amazing music for a Chair ad. This company has a great marketing department... Unlike the Japanese.... ITALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course. Had to be ITALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.leyform.com/visitor-reception-board-room-chairs/chairs-f-meeting-and-conference-table-ipa.html#
  13. This is a nice drawing and a few good pointers concerning what one must consider when choosing an office chair. Excellent site provided by Mr. C, in fact.... https://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/ergonomics/office/chair_adjusting.html
  14. I don't like Japanese software or online catalogs. The Japanese don't think straight. This is why they are unable to develop software with a logical machine to human interface. They are LOSERS when it comes to software design. So, after much time trying to find a few designs of these chairs, online, and the pricing... I was redirected all over the place. I do not like this company for that reason.... All I could find is a headrest, after a 20-minute search, which is priced in Singapore dollars. Just a headrest. And.... 9 weeks delivery!!!! The Japanese are WAY OUT OF TOUCH when it comes to marketing what they make. It has always been this way. Japan is still an island. People are still very insular. NOTE: Looking at the Singapore dollar exchange rate, maybe this price is for the entire chair and not just the headrest for the chair. But, still, I would not pay approx USD1100.00 for a chair, such as this. Although, who am I to say that it might not be the best chair for others.
  15. Yes. I agree. The biggest offender of this chair is: This is taken from the suggestions of the Office Ergonomics site you linked, which is very good. IMHO, pressure on the back of the thighs or knees, while sitting, can impede maximum blood flow in the lower extremities, which can lead to serious health consequences...like....maybe even PHLEBITIS, or something. And, we all recall that it was PHLEBITIS that was causing Nixon so many sleepless nights during the Vietnam War. Yes. Good idea about a stool in front of the chair for feet, in order to take pressure off the back of thighs and knees. Maybe an old beer bottle crate might do, if not too high. I still like the idea of the contoured thigh-channels in the seat bottom. But, would they even be an improvement? Maybe not, because the main goal is to lighten the load, and lesson the load of the feet, knees and thighs pressing down and compressing the blood vessels beneath the thigh and behind the knee. Strangely enough, I have never experienced this kind of problem in the past. Maybe this is a consequence of cutting corners on proper padding and design during the manufacturing process in China. And, THIS would be the fault of the importers for demanding a low price which is even below the production costs, which often happens. THIS is why we get junk products out of China, and not due to the inability of Chinese manufacturers to produce whatever importers buy. The Chinese can make ANY LEVEL OF QUALITY that importers want to buy. It's just a matter of paying the true costs of manufacture and avoiding unrealistic cost cutting at the manufacturing level.
  16. So, this guy's videos do not really mention circulation problems caused by office chairs, even though this is a major health issue:
  17. We need a better carbon tax system. You are right!
  18. I just happened to think that, maybe, my chair is too high off the ground! I have my chair screwed up to the highest setting, so that my legs are almost dangling off the front of the chair. OBVIOUSLY, this puts a bit more force and compression on the undersides of the thigh, toward the front of the chair. And, it is here where I can almost feel the blood in my legs from travelling more freely. My only problem is that when I lower the chair to the lowest setting, then my head is to low for the desk. And, I can think of a temporary solution for this, as well. I just need some sort of low stool placed in front of the chair so that my legs will be less likely to dangle off the front of the chair. Still, I think that a proper office chair should correct/predict all these faults and be more comfortable before it is put on the market for sale to users.
  19. This looks good. Reason: You see that the bottom cushion is designed to not compress the underside of the thigh, where mucho-blood-vessels are located. This should help immensely. Also, it is this problem which causes the chair from China to be, I would say, a bit hazardous to one's health. I am not joking, of course, and.... If this problem is not corrected, I would say that the stretching of blood vessels in the lower legs and feet, over time, could lead to loss of elasticity and future circulatory-system issues. Just my opinion as someone who knows little.
  20. Nice chairs! I especially like this design on your linked site: For use either in the office or, maybe, for blast off.....
  21. So, as I suspected: I think this Chinese-manufactured chair, which is sold through a local large retailer, is causing problems with circulation in the bottom of the thigh. Here in this video, the guy talks about a SCULTED seat bottom. And, IMHO, this might provide some benefits. This guy might have a healthier chair (for now), but I have about 10 times the desk-top space (maybe eleven times). NOTE: Please note in parts of this video where you can actually see the sculpted concavities which are designed to nestle the undersides of the thighs.
  22. I have been afraid that this might be the only answer. I have even tried using pillows in various configurations, but the seat (bottom) of the reclining office chair I purchased several months ago is as uncomfortable as ever. I have never sold anything on line, either in Thailand or anywhere else. I would be happy to get 80 percent of what I paid. I might even contact the original seller, the Office Blank store, and see if I can negotiate a return at a loss to myself. (Best scenario would be to find some great cushion that would solve the problem.)
  23. My posts are definitely not nonsense. In fact, they are no nonsense posts. But, just out of curiosity, I will play along with you and ask: By what metrics are you saying that anyone here might be ignoring my contributions to the Forum?
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