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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Valid observation. Must rethink and reset. High fences better for improved mental health. At least, at night, it's more peaceful over there without the deliveries. But, the madness begins again, around 9:00AM, depending on the courier. (I have never observed FedEx opening his gate, though. Why, I wonder....)
  2. The best things on Google never last. As soon as some service becomes almost indispensable on Google, then Google will revise, modify or end the service. This seems to be both policy and strategy, or stupidity. Example: Hangouts. Example2: Google Voice with USA phone numbers now expire after 90 days of inactivity: Example3: Google Podcasts (Just ended this month) And, many more examples. Google must do whatever is best for Google. Google does not exist to give us what we want or what we need. Google seems to be nothing but an Amoral Beast that does not Do No Evil. And, the best things in life are not free, obviously.
  3. So, when I first read the original Daily-Male article, I wondered to myself... Might it be possible that both his father and his mother... Were carriers of the Recessive Horse Gene? (The dreaded Equine Gene, I mean)
  4. Finally! Finally, you have posted an image that I can identify with. You are really beginning to get into the spirit of things.... My Topics, I mean... Good Job! Note 4: Bowie (Wish he was here now....)
  5. I live quite near you. (You live quite near me, but you are NOT me, fortunately) Every day, rain or shine, I see the delivery guys delivering boxes, parcels, envelopes, packages, of all shapes and sizes, to your house, yet.... I rarely see you. The delivery trucks pull up outside your gate. They open your gate and enter your premises with the garbage you have ordered. And then they leave. I can see out my picture window, almost as if I were looking out over Waterloo Station, and all I see happening is boxes being delivered to you. Everyday, I see so many packages sent to your door. But, not knowing what is inside your boxes, It ruins my paradise. Why do you receive, on average, FIVE deliveries per day? Also, every day, Five Boxes! They always go in. I never see any boxes coming out. I can't remember seeing any people coming out, either? Your house must be like the NYC Flat of those Jewish Brothers.... What was their name? What a terrifically crafted film, a true masterpiece, I believe. But, the brothers were such hoarders. Wait just one MINUTE: One set of brothers: Jewish One set of brothers: Gentile Apparently, no significance to being one or the other. But, that should have been obvious. And now, with this online-ordering, thingy... Is this just a better way for hoarders to do their thing? They needn't exit their homes. They can do all their hoarding by remote control, and... The delivery couriers become.... THEIR ENABLERS!!!!! Therefore, please do tell me now, while I have your attention.... What is going on at your house? Do you have stacks and stacks of useless junk in there? And what about the packaging? Do you save the bubble wrap in one room, and the cardboard in another room? Do you eat the contents of the packages? I mean, is what you order edible? Or, do you stack all that junk in a third room? And, where do you even sleep? Or, DO YOU sleep?????? This has been going on since you moved to this neighborhood, almost opposite my house. Will this never end? I worry for you sanity, and mine, as well. I just gotta know. I need some resolution, here, of this puzzle. Tell me. Are you sick? Do you need a shrink? Will your house finally explode as a result of the pressure of all your online orders pushing out, against the walls of your house? Please take a warning and a caution from the Collyer Brothers. Please stop this over-the-top love affair with deliveries from your many courier friends. If the Collyers had had Couriers, things would have reached a head, far sooner. At the very least, tell me what you are doing with what you order. And, please tell me WHY. How did this happen to you? Is it your hope that... Someday, relying on some 12-Step Program, You will be able to wean yourself off of your Buying Habit, And eventually live an uncluttered and worthy life? But, do you think there is actually any hope of your getting well? I am just grateful that being addicted to ONLINE Shopping, and.. Being addicted to Courier Deliveries, and visits from couriers, is not a problem that I, or anyone I know personally... Such as a wife or a GF,...have...I mean, .... It is not something that I must deal with in this life. Do tell... What is going on with this out-of-hand ONLINE shopping.... Regards, Gamma Oh, Forgot: The Collyer Brothers..... Note 2: The Infamous Waterloo Station Window Note 3: Coming UNSTRUNG
  6. Correct. Not only speeding, but, this rider was not practicing Defensive Driving Techniques, and really should have seen the white car as it first began to veer off the straight trajectory, as it began to make the turn. Also, although difficult to determine from the video, still it does appear that the driver of the white car neglected to use turn-indicator lights. The woman in the short white skirt, the passenger in the Benz, is too hot to handle. Could it be possible that the driver of the Benz was preoccupied discussing the weather with the hot passenger, and forgot to use the car's turn indicator lights? Waiting for more info before drawing any conclusion, here.... NOTE: It is really quite fortunate for the motorbike rider that the vehicle he chose to collide with as a Benz with a low front bumper, and not some cheap SUV with a high wall of metal in front. The rider sailed effortlessly over the Benz. This would not have happened if the collision had been with an SUV.
  7. Concerning Overcrowding in Phuket: Charge those who enter via bridge, boat, or plane, Bt.3000, entry fee, per visit. Provide homeowners and business owners, and local/foreign workers with Work Permits, exemptions from this fee. Use proceeds from entrance fees to return Phuket's natural habitat to 1950's level. There are MANY among us who would pay BIG BUCKS to stay in Phuket, if Phuket were pristine, as it once was. People with money, also people with good breeding, don't want to live next-door to boors. And, Quality Tourists around the world care about a healthy ecosystem. The higher the number of Boorish Tourists in Phuket, the fewer quantity of Quality Tourists there will be. Concerning Overcrowding in Pattaya: a. Continue to follow the longstanding SNAFU strategies b. Pattaya is not overcrowded. c. Pattaya can easily double or triple its existing number of tourists, and Pattaya will only improve in character as it does so. d. Redirect any tourists headed to Phuket, and send them to Pattaya, instead. This way, all tourists, all retirees, and all local citizens can reach a compromise that will protect the environments of both Pattaya and Phuket. Send those wishing to take the High Road to Phuket. And, send the Low-Roaders to Pattaya. Case closed. Potential problems solved. Phuket will return to a path bound for sustainability.
  8. a. If you are saying that Bt.1200, give or take, makes no difference to you, and will not break your budget, then you are speaking more abut your financial resources, and your uncaring about energy use issues. b. If you wish to contribute usable data in order to draw conclusions concerning potential savings from increased AC efficiency, then this comment fails, miserably. c. You need to present data which helps to make a comparison between a house (A) which uses machines having SEER ratings of 13.5, and a house (B) which uses machines having SEER ratings of 23. You need to run the ACs in both houses for the same number of hours during the same times of day. d. Basically, your comment implies that you are conducting some sort of informative experiment which can yield meaningful data, and lead to valid conclusions. If you wish to conduct such an experiment, then please be more careful with your variables: I hope this info will be helpful when you design your next AC-efficiency experiment.
  9. Please provide the SEER ratings for all ACs that you mention. When you say 13K units, do you mean AC units having a cooling capacity of 13,000 BTU at maximum cooling? This is the only way to draw any conclusions from your testimonial. Also, does your house have sufficient insulation installed? What about shading from trees and shrubs, etc? If you mean that your savings have been Bt.1200 per month in electric costs, then this would amount to savings which might be significant to some on a budget. Moreover: If we multiply your energy savings by ONE MILLION, then...this energy saving is SIGNIFICANT for our planet. Or, should we just kiss the planet GOODBYE, at this point? Yes, and I do agree with you that the Gaia Hypothesis is still alive and well, and even more valid today than ever before: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-and-planetary-sciences/gaia-hypothesis Tim Lenton, out of Exeter, is definitely one of my personal heroes. I like this guy's taste in wooden antique furniture, as well. https://www.man.com/maninstitute/ri-podcast-tom-lenton Underlying Science of Climate Change, etc., for dummies.... Tim is always a great interview....IMHO....
  10. I am all for that! 100-percent agree with you, Sir. A cool drink. A decent chair. Make yourself comfortable. Even a decent book on Global Warming would be good for what Nature intended.
  11. OH.... Very sorry, Sir. Basing upon the published SEER ratings for three Panasonic ACs:....approximate 23 to 24: Average COP for all three ACs is approximately 6.8 Not sure if this might help you, though. Because, here in Thailand, most ACs show SEER values, or, more infrequently, EER values. Therefore, when shopping for a new AC, and making your shopping comparisons.....I think...it might be...MORE HELPFUL for you to....use.... SEER as your standard of unit-of-efficiency when doing AC unit comps.... Right?
  12. Why do we see some people buying cheap ACs, and then.... After a months or so.... They just stop using them. They refuse to run their ACs. The ACs sit installed in their rooms/homes, but are rarely used, no matter how hot it gets. WHY, of WHY, is this? The ACs sit so long that they just rust/corrode, and probably stop working after a few years of sitting idle. What causes this misuse/underuse? I think it is the case of power costs, power costs which AC users are reticent about paying. This is why it is important to choose the highest EER rating that you can find. When one chooses an AC that has a 90-percent higher efficiency rating than one with an EER of 13.5, then the AC is much more likely to be used during very hot days, and even routinely at night, or, in my case....I never turn off the ACs (or, I never have in over 10 years living in The Heat of Thailand). Maybe they buy ACs as a matter of establishing FACE and Position-in-Society? I have an AC: Look at ME! I never turn on my AC: But, Look at ME!; I have an AC sitting in my window....rusting away....to scrap metal.
  13. Of course. If you intend to not use your AC, then... Don't buy one. You can save even MORE money, this way. Also, consider the re-sale value of a machine with a high EER vs a low EER. If you intend to use your AC for 2 hours each night...then...that would be utter stupidity....why? Because, it might take almost one hour to get room to desired cooler temp. Also, operating any AC in this way is less efficient. Just get a fan, FanBoy!
  14. Why do some (fools) try to differentiate a "HEATPUMP" from an "AC"? a. This is a heat pump: b. This is a schematic of a Wall Air Conditioner: c. What is the difference? Duh! d. It disgusts me when I hear NITWITS using HEATPUMP to differentiate a Heat Pump FROM A Heat Pump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I love it when I see people using heat pumps to both cool and heat their homes. Heat Pumps deliver the highest efficiencies when using electric power to heat homes, and cool them. https://protonsforbreakfast.wordpress.com/2021/05/15/air-conditioning-versus-air-source-heat-pump/ In Conclusion: If one is really INTERESTED in how HeatPumps work, ... Then, please apply at university and study a bit of thermodynamics. Or, follow along with this course...? OK... Let's START!
  15. One more note about COP calculations for choosing consumer ACs.... a. Using the simplest way to compare various ACs for power efficiency in the retail store is the best way, and so using EER as a ratio for comparison is quickest and best. b. These days, most ACs in Thailand do show the SEER value, although, in some cases, one must first do a short search. c. If you want to calculate the COP ratio, then please just refer to the calculations on Wikipedia or on many of the other sites devoted to AC and HeatPump efficiency. (HeatPump becomes a STUPID term when anyone tries to use the term to differentiate a "heatpump" from an "AC", as we all know. Why? An AC ...IS a heatpump, even though it might not provide heat to the room in the winter. I chose AC (heat-pump) units with both cooling/heating settings in Taiwan because winters are fairly cool. It makes a lot of sense to have the same unit cool and heat the house. Also, this is far more efficient than using electric heaters or "heat-strips" inside the AC.) So, please refer to articles such as these to read more about COP calculations and Energy Efficiency quantification: https://www.atlantissolar.com/cop_eer.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient_of_performance If you, Joe Consumer, intend to design your own AC unit, and build it yourself, using off-the-shelf components, then by all means, please study thermodynamics, and please understand that, just like a combustion engine, increasing the engine temperature (measured in the combustion chamber), and decreasing ambient temperature where the combusted gasses are expelled, can improve efficiency. This is Physics 101, right? But, the average consumer just needs to calculate EER in order to know which AC unit is comparatively more efficient. The average consumer has no need to calculate efficiency using calculations used in the study of thermodynamics,....maybe.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient_of_performance In Conclusion: a. Use the calculated SEER or EER values shown on the AC unit, or in the sales literature, or calculate them yourself, or ask the manufacturer. b. It's helpful to check the noise ratings and compare the dB values published by the manufacturer: https://www.daikin-ce.com/en_us/daikin-blog/what-do-air-conditioner-noise-ratings-mean.html Panasonic ACs that I buy are quieter than many others. The dB rating is listed in the sales literature. I hate noise. BUT, you may LOVE noise, especially if you have chosen to live in Thailand. Therefore, if you LOVE NOISE as much as many here, then choose the AC with the HIGHEST db(A) rating for both the indoor and outdoor units of your ACs. This way, you can enjoy MORE NOISE, 24/7, the way you really like it!
  16. For whatever reason: I REALLY like to see people saving money on electric power bills, for the life of the appliance, just through doing a few easy calculations. If one's ACs are ALWAYS ON, as are mine, then these power-bill savings can be significant. If one can increase efficiency by just 30 percent, then if one's normal power bill for cooling, including the refrigerator(s) and ACs, is Bt.3000 per month, one can save Bt.900 per month. Also, the inverter-AC will provide a more stable room temperature, and will be less noisy, and will provide better dehumidification, as well. YES, do your own research, because the PURPOSE of this Topic is solely to get someone to THINK about efficiency BEFORE buying an appliance.
  17. I read it to mean what you read. To take a license plate means to remove it. Unless you watch old Gangster and Cop movies on TCM (Ted's Classic Movies channel)...maybe....
  18. Right. COP is a hard one, for sure....unitll....it is not.... Fortunately, if one wants to know more about COP and EER, then just google on Google for enlightenment and a giggle. You might start here, and work your way deeper: https://www.cibsejournal.com/product/what-is-cop-and-eer/#:~:text=The Coefficient of Performance (COP,against the energy it consumes. Knowing EER is sufficient to tell one if they can or cannot anticipate being destined to Pay Through The Nose for the next decade, using a GARBAGE AC. The most important thing to calculate, before buying an AC, is EER. Let's just leave it at that. Keep it simple here, for the mentally challenged. My pleasure is to help the common folk to pay less by reducing electrical inefficiency and through, especially, the reduction of FUD. Why, the very idea that AC sales clerks at major retailers might lead customers astray, when purchasing ACs and refrigerators, is repugnant to me in every way. Such an experience has never happened to me in Thailand. Clerks are always very welcoming and helpful, and they do not intentionally prevaricate or obfuscate. Clerks here are direct and clear, and convey important, accurate information to their customers, in most cases. You just gotta know how to ask the modern-day Major Retailer floor-sales-clerk questions in an effective and efficient way: This is what I do, and what you should do, also: I know what I want BEFORE I enter the retail stores. My buying experience is ALWAYS improved by being EDUCATED before I enter the store.
  19. FALSE logic IF you maintain there are any contradictions in my comments, Sir. Here is an example of why your claim is false: a. I do not thank the people in ChengDu city, China, for spitting out huge green gobby-globs onto the public pavements of the city. b. The reason I thank the people of ChengDu city is that they really know how to either prepare or enjoy the dish, Ants Climbing a Tree (Ants Climbing a Tree (ma yi shang shu – 蚂蚁上树) is a classic Sichuan dish consisting of glass noodles in a delicious sauce with ground pork.). You see?
  20. Concerning door seals. The Samsung machine, listed above, uses a very strong vacuum to securely pull the door tightly shut. Almost impossible to get the door open for the first two seconds after closing it. A very nice feature which probably leads to higher efficiency. And, it seems to me that the walls of this refrigerator are quite thick, due to the thickness of the insulation. It would be nice if the manufacturer would provide more comprehensive data about such considerations. Insulating characteristics of refrigerators are just as important/more important as EER ratings. But, then, how to obtain this data for a refrigerator?
  21. No. But, I am not the one to ask. I rarely see Farang walking, except on YT. There are no Farang around here. There is one restaurant about 1.5 kilometers from here that can prepare Phanaeng Gai (chicken). It's OK, but not great, and I would say not very authentic, either. I like the flavor, but not Phanaeng, really. Just the name of the dish, on the menu, is Phanaeng. So, if Phanaeng is he best stew in the world, then what is being served around my house is not the best, and also not stew. I would pay extra for the real deal.
  22. Even Vindaloo is not a stew. Instead, I think that Phanaeng is more of a ROAST or a TOASTED dish. Personally, I prefer this flavor above almost any others. Here is a kawali, for you...
  23. If I were to buy a refrigerator, tomorrow, and I had about Bt.12000 to spend, in 2014 dollars, since you purchased the fridge 10 years ago for Bt.12,000... Then I would get this unit: But, I would buy it where I could get the 20-year warranty for the compressor. Also, I would try to buy it for about Bt.15,000.00, at a store that would give me this price, approximately. Also, I would want to know the power consumption, in watts. But, as you can see from the Homepro website, and other websites which sell this item, the maximum power consumption in watts is not listed. Why, IDK, really. So, this is why I have taken this photo, attached, which shows additional data which might be of interest. Now, for some strange reason, it seems that Samsung has not listed the EER for this refrigerator on retailer websites, or on the refrigerator, either. What is the cooling output in BTUs or Kcals? Looking at this info, nobody would have the foggiest. I suppose one could call the manufacturers of refrigerators in Thailand before making a final choice. But, is this not overly inconvenient? I mean, don't people here in Thailand wish that they had easier access to this type of appliance-efficiency information, either at the store, or on the website, or on the machine itself? Very strange it seems....
  24. I agree with you. Buy a new one which is more efficient. And, I just hope that nobody here will forget to calculate the EER before choosing a refrigerator brand and model. For example: https://refexperts.com/understanding-energy-efficiency-ratings-for-refrigerators/
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