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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Anyway.... WD40, several doses, was tried, without success. Therefore, either use a hacksaw to cut off the head of the screw, or use a drill. In my case, the only option seems to be a drill. There is no room for a small hacksaw. The most important point is to use some solution which will not fracture the porcelain of the toilet, which is one of my concerns. I was hoping for a better solution, though....
  2. Three on one small motorbike? Two girls on the back of a motorbike? There should be a law.
  3. Why do UK guys insist upon wearing tie-dyed T-shirts? Such a sartorial disaster. If this guy had been wearing a decent pair of shoes, then he might not have ended up in cuffs.... Shoes make the man. What an idiot for venturing forth in such disgusting garb! Such a slovenly fool. He should be back home baling hay, or sleeping with the hogs in the barnyard. Like Tom Jones.
  4. OK. Thank you. But, you must admit.... Sitting on a copper seat might be beautiful. Also.... IF I must pay USD100 for a decent toilet seat from HomePro....then.... I will DEFINITELY buy from Amazon, and have it sent here, even if I must pay the import tax. I will NO LONGER support local retailers that sell garbage. My new policy....
  5. Yeah.... I know. I used to subscribe to this rag, when the Dreamliner was but yet a dream. And, it was discussed in this mag many years ago.... ================ There is a REASON why the Dreamliner can maintain a higher cabin pressure, without sacrificing longevity.... I guess you must know..... Right? ============== Anyway, this higher cabin pressure is a major advantage for long-haul flights.
  6. The most important thing to keep in mind when flying Boeing aircraft is that ALL of the aircraft from Boeing ALWAYS have a 7. And so, they are lucky. With the Dreamliner, then you should enjoy a higher cabin pressure, of course. This should be the main advantage to choosing this aircraft for long-haul flights, since this can reduce fatigue, dehydration, etc. I am ignorant about most things. But, I am not ignorant of this important point.
  7. By contrast... I would kick a Cartier girl out of bed! Too ANGULAR for me.... Of course, I like Cartier watches, but just do not like Cartier women, compared to Chanel girls.... Of course, I like the Cartier aviator watch.... I once had one of these. But, then.... I threw it in the Pacific Ocean, just to spite my Taiwanese GF. Now, this watch is somewhere off the east coast of Taiwan. She wasn't worth it. Neither was the watch. a. I will never again buy a Cartier wristwatch b. I will never again have a GF
  8. This is MY idea of.... HEAVEN.... Who could ask for anything more? Far better than Trump's women, for sure....
  9. Have you ever been paid for favors by some rich bich from NYC? Chanel N°5
  10. Maybe you do not get my meaning: Take a look at this Chanel girl....for example.... Now, I can tell you.... When you go to Naples, Florida, you will see some Old Shriveled Ladies in ugly bathing suits floundering around on the beaches, like walruses. And then, you will also find some HOT European chicks with their tops off, looking like Chanel models. And then, what do you think happens? The old broads get really upset about the unfettered pert breasts of the Europeans, and make a stink. Personally, I would rather ban the old broads from the beach, and then make it a requirement for the Chanel girls to not set foot on the Naples beach without first removing their tops. It's like.... A no-brainer. Old broads, lugging around heavy Chanel jewelry, looks dumb. Young chicks, with no tops, look cool! But.... OLD BAGS from New York City, on Naples Beaches...look...uncool. I have so much experience, just because..... I used to be hired by those old girls, like.... 65-years-old.... To be their gigalo... On the beach... In Naples, FL. They tipped me PLENTY.....!
  11. Let us just hope that it is not too late to save the frogs, Sir. (NOT joking, either. But, unfortunately, I believe it might be too late, now. SAD, really.) Anyway, I am one who follows people like Tim Lenton, and for good reason. These are just thoughts I think while on the hopper, of course. In case you might not know.... Tim is very well known in his field. Exeter
  12. Also, if we are to have FULL equality of the sexes...then... Women should have the right to remove their tops, too!!!! No big deal, really. Who cares, really!
  13. https://www.quora.com/Do-people-who-live-in-cultures-where-bare-breasts-are-the-norm-have-the-same-fascination-with-breasts-as-Americans-seem-to-have Listen Folks.... I spent some time in Naples, Florida. And some Europeans loved to come to Naples and remove their tops. This was fine with me. However, there were some old ladies in Naples who did not like it. But.... WHY? Maybe, because these Europeans' breasts looked great. Not shriveled, in any way. Maybe the old women of Naples, Florida were jealous? I think...YES!
  14. When I was young, just the idea of nudity, or even public nudity, was repugnant to me. Now that I am older, I just don't care much about whether I might be clothed or unclothed. Why is this? These days, I spend most of my time wearing nothing, at all, just because, it's TOO HOT. Yesterday, the temp was 41. Today, the high temp was 42. I just wish that we could change the law so that, anytime the sun beats down upon us, and every time the temperature goes above 40 degrees, then people in Thailand could be able to remove all their clothes, and get cool. I have never been a nudist in the colder climates. Also, I think that if women would remove their clothing, then most of us would find it much easier to deal with the excessive heat caused by Climate Change in Thailand. Many years ago, neither men nor women were required to wear shirts or blouses. So, then, now that Climate Change is creating so much heat stress.... Why can't we go back to the good old days when women would bear their breasts, and when everyone could feel free to walk around with no clothing above the waist? Regards Gamma Note: Also, if Climate Change is real, then if this might be the end of the world, and if we are living out our final days due to our own CO2 foolishness, for sure, I would love to leave this world being able to see women walking around, free as the Birds they are. In my opinion, most women love to show off their physical assets. THIS is why they get breast augmentation. Therefore..... WHY HIDE the result of the expensive work they have had done to their breasts? Why not just show their big augmented boobs for all to see? Why pay money to make one's mammeries larger, if one must hide them under clothing? Also, every woman's areola are different. And so, I enjoy seeing the differences. And, how can we if women's breasts are hidden under clothing, during the Hot Season in Thailand? It's not fair to men that women are able to see men's breasts, but men are not able to see women's breasts, during Thailand's Hot Season. ============= Women's breasts are more beautiful to me than men's breasts. Why hide them? Why hide beauty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????? I have never understood this suspect principle! ================ Of course, these days, most women feel much more comfortable in showing much more of their bodies than they ever have....since......the 1920's. But, I would like to see women go FULL bare breasted. I think it would be good for them. AND....it might be better for society, too! If we can just allow women to share the sight of their nipples, in public, in as a matter of course, then this taboo will soon fall. And, we will no longer be so preoccupied with women's breasts, which, I think, is not a good thing.
  15. If only I had a more comfortable toilet seat, I might be able to provide more enlightening comments on TV. Just like you, I do my best thinking while sitting on the hopper.
  16. Tim is, actually, an amazingly effective teacher. When on the hopper, I often think about Tipping Points, in fact.
  17. Bard/Gemini is.... GOING WRONG!!!!! Are we afraid of the truth???????????????????????????????????????????????????
  18. But, if we burn the books, then what else will help us to to take a decent SHT upon the hopper? My Friends... Our entire world is going CRAZY, now. Fight Back, People! It may not be too late...... IF you must destroy the books, then do not burn them.... At the very LEAST, use the pages to wipe your behind.
  19. HERE is the GREATEST Problem with Bard!!!!!!!!! What a piece of SHT is Bard! Bard shirks from showing Reality. HOW MUCH IS GOOGLE SEARCH BEING CENSORED, these days? My guess is.... A LOT! FK Google, these days. Google is NO LONGER the same as it once was. Maybe we should also burn our books???? https://youtu.be/ekax1n5Wy4s https://youtu.be/FUQthEm1G3M https://youtu.be/w0PwQOr53SA These links cannot be embedded. Why not? Fahrenheit 451 Trailer https://youtu.be/w0PwQOr53SA Sickening! FK Google Burn the Books!
  20. I have nothing against them....except that..... The PuYai lack enough education to actually BE PuYai. I am talking about IGNORANCE from the Top Down.... (Once I get my USD100.00-toilet seat, I will not longer much care about this Topic, anyway.) I will focus on something else....
  21. In China, there are many fish-pond toilets. The human waste goes directly into the pond to feed the fish, upon which humans feed. Talk about a VIRTUOUS CYCLE!
  22. NOT!!!!! This song of Winwood's is just TOO BEAUTIFUL not to last for.... Forever! Greatest song he ever sang.... Glad to have heard it in my lifetime..... Nice mic, too! Beautiful setting, as well. So much that is beautiful about this song.....in fact. (Nice song to listen to, also, when one is sitting on the hopper, in contemplation, as I am sure you know.)
  23. OK. But, it's now just a matter of import duty, as I mentioned. I would gladly pay the USD66.00 for the toilet seat, which seems of good quality. However, I cannot, in good conscience, pay USD44.00 for import duty, just for a toilet seat. Anyway... Thank you very much for your reply!
  24. I will try again. And.... Thank you very much. (Sometimes, you just got to let the WD40 work for a while....IF....the WD40 gets constipated. Time and patience is important in these things.)
  25. Young Men in their Flying Machines? When I think of Bernoulli, I think of wings, actually. Rather than, just.... Taking a Simple Dump.
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