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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. As I recall, anytime I travelled from the USA to China, I would immediately contract a very severe "cold", but rarely the flu. Must have something to do with immune system being used to bugs in America that might be different to bugs in China, including the Palmetto Bug. Anytime I travel to China, I always expect a severe cold that lasts for over two weeks. Here in Thailand, I have not had a cold since October of 2019. Sometimes, though, I get a backache, or similar.
  2. Again.... Recall that I already mentioned Vitamin C Pauling, and, also, the fallacy of Pauling's thinking. Just one chemist, Pauling, to another, is all that I was saying.
  3. Hope you are not planning on leaving, any time soon. Remain positive. Anyway, as for me.... Give me life in Thailand, or... Give me death anywhere else.
  4. Well, if airport squatting continues to climb, then toilets are a must. Also, what about setting up soup kitchens so that you can get a free meal with your boarding card? And, showers to minimize the stench of the situation?
  5. Google UTUBE often dishes up homeless videos, but is the problem as pervasive and serious at is portrayed in these videos? I have not returned to the US since 1990. The UTUBE videos must be an exaggeration I think to myself? What is your experience traveling in the USA? Are things as dire as we, those who live in Asia, are led to believe? Does the sight of homelessness bother you? Or, are you fairly impervious to the plight of these vagabonds? This woman says that she is both human and homeless. But, true? (And, she says that she has a bun in the oven, and so maybe she is not just one, but two.) Here is a videographer who enjoys shooting the homeless. Is he telling the truth? Why does the US Gov ALLOW such things to happen? Don't the US citizens ever get tired of this trash? How can they look beyond it, and how are they able to enjoy their lives, if they must step over this all the time? Just sign me... Perplexed in Thailand, Gamma
  6. But, you would not be able to park it at the airport without paying SKY HIGH monthly parking costs.
  7. It seems that airport living is becoming trendier. But, might it be preferable to live in a Beijing airport or a Florida airport? Personally, I think the Chinese airport dweller seems the happiest. Would you consider living in an airport? Why? What might be the advantages and disadvantages to airport living? Here ae just three examples, but, as I say, the Beijing Guy seems happiest and most at peace with his lifestyle.... When one is Chinese and one has the right attitude, living anywhere is just....better. Gamma
  8. My great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather. He was great, you know.
  9. Yes. I seem to have mentioned this guy a few times, here on TV. He stated that he always had to WORK HARD to gain insights into whatever he was researching. It never came easy.
  10. At least....you have memories. And, regarding your ex wives...
  11. Nothing lasts forever. Not even DVDs. My suggestion is to liquidate all your assets, and use the proceeds to buy a Van Gogh. His peach trees are to die for...!
  12. You sound quite beat. But, you are too young to be a member of the beat generation. What gives? Why not take up the bongos, and get a new lease on life?
  13. I can only presume that yours is a rhetorical question needing no reply from me. Am I correct in my presumption?
  14. No....! I hate pretenders....like... Bobby Zimmerman. He's a phony. “There's a word I really hate. It's a phony. I could puke every time I hear it”
  15. I can read it better than speak it (Thai), of course.
  16. Almost anywhere, you can get people to do almost anything. First lesson they teach you on Madison Avenue. And, it's true.
  17. Being fortunate can be unfortunate, at times. Being unfortunate can be fortunate, at times.
  18. Seems to me... your sentence makes no sense. Seems to me....
  19. You are more fortunate than many in this world, obviously.
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