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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. This Christmas, I do hope that all of us will recall that WATER is also a solvent. In fact, if you remember what we all learned in High School Chemistry Class.... Water is considered to be THE UNIVERSAL SOLVENT!!!! Why? My ONLY objection here is that the term SOLVENT, if water is left out of the definition, is not the accurate definition. I just wanted to clear this up before the year 2024 rears its ugly head. Merry Christmas, to all! And, let us all be thankful for the Universal Solvent, water, without which life, as we know it, would not be possible. And, keep your bodily solvents, as well as your fluids, pure, for that matter! Also, as you know... There IS water on the Moon.
  2. As we continue to age (and is there any other way to live?), during this holiday season, we are reminded of the passage of time, most cruelly, it seems to me.... Anyway, this novel just popped into my head, one I read many years ago, and I think I might read it, again, before 2023 finally closes, out from under us. I have always thought that the novels written by Wolfe has some meaning for me, and maybe you might feel the same? Here is an excerpt to think about while your are gobbling down your gobbler....: Excerpt[edit] "At that instant he saw, in one blaze of light, an image of unutterable conviction, the reason why the artist works and lives and has his being—the reward he seeks—the only reward he really cares about, without which there is nothing. It is to snare the spirits of mankind in nets of magic, to make his life prevail through his creation, to wreak the vision of his life, the rude and painful substance of his own experience, into the congruence of blazing and enchanted images that are themselves the core of life, the essential pattern whence all other things proceed, the kernel of eternity." How old are you, this year, might I ask? Are you older than you were last year? I just mean...are you wiser? I hope you are. Otherwise, what were you doing with yourself during the past year that you are not a bit wise this year? There is good reason why time passes in only one direction in this universe. Do you know the reason? Do you care? Or, to you do your best to remain as oblivious as possible to reality, at this point in your lives? Maybe I will add a few thoughts in the comments section below, just in case anyone might wish to comment concerning this Pure Gold Topic of mine, this blustery Christmas Eve, in Thailand.... Merry Christmas. And, I would be more of a Scrooge if I did not care so much about all my close friends on TV.... I mean, I don't want to pour too much cold water on Christmas Eve... Gamma Globulin Merry Christmas to ALL....! NOTE: Wolfe was a GENIUS (And, whom amongst us does not prefer a GENIUS?)
  3. Here is mine.... What's yours? Regards The Glob (The One and Only Globby....)
  4. Maybe, until we get the Canine Brain Implant.... We should first import some Street-sweeper dog-sucking-up machines from the UK? Of course, in past years, I have owned a dog, a Taiwan aboriginal dog, that I loved dearly. Such a smart dog, too. It's not that I do not very much love dogs... It's just that....
  5. Bread Shops? a. You mean BANKS? b. I bake my own. c. I would print my own bread, if I could, and if it were legal....
  6. "Kip heard it. He reacted badly, crouching low to the ground and then attempting to flee. There is no doubt in my mind that he hated the ultrasonic." Sounds good to me, anyway....
  7. But... How to attach one to the neighbor's dog without the neighbor noticing? This is the conundrum....
  8. SORRY! I meant the Cessna 172,,,, I am truly an idiot, as some here have occasionally mentioned! I was thinking Cessna 150, and Cessna 172. But, the signals got crossed in my brain. And my signals went from Green to RED... As Hendrix would say. Let Jimi take over! Best advice for me, I guess. PS: Concerning spinning an aircraft, it has been my understanding that with modern aircraft, in order to get certification, the aircraft must be capable of auto-correcting in order to get out of a spin, within three full rotations, with hands off the controls. I could be wrong, as usual, however. PPS: The Bellanca of my day was a beautiful aircraft fabricated from canvas and wood. Fairly high performance. Such a thing of beauty, in my estimation. I would like to fly in one, again, before I die. We were compelled to wear parachutes before doing aerobatics, but nobody showed me where the ripcord was located. Still, It would not have mattered, because....I think it would have been too difficult to exit the Bellanca if we had come apart in mid air. The forces would have precluded it. Am I wrong?
  9. No need to remind me...actually. This entire travesty has been much on my mind for many weeks. But, thank you for mentioning it, once more. Let's all remember.
  10. Very funny... But, your are getting warmer...
  11. OH.... I thought you meant the Cessna 152, four seater... Sorry....
  12. My Dearest Friends of TV, How much longer must we wait for the US Navy to develop Brain Implants for our Lovable Canines, the very same ones that keep us up at night with incessant and needless bark, bark, barking? Here is an article which discusses progress being made by the US Navy for Mood Disorders in Human Beings.....but I don't care so much about this technology. I just want everyone to have a wireless remote control to stop barking at the touch of a button, any time I feel like pressing it. DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, seems to be making steady progress. BUT, they are not even thinking of the most important use for this technology, which is to STOP the Canine in its bark, if not its tracks, altogether. Read the article in Scientific American, if you have any interest in this Topic!!!! So, the question is how much would you pay for a remote control, such as this, and.... Should this Canine Brain Implant, once perfected, be required for all dogs, as well as, maybe, for dog owners, too? I would pay a lot for a wireless remote control, such as this. And, I would also like the canine brain implant to cause any dog to immediately lie down when aggressively confronting me, with teeth bared, ready to bite. Much superior to rabies jabs, after the fact of being bitten and mauled by a lousy (flea bitten) dog, IMHO. Regards. Gamma Note: Send me one for XMAS, if you know where to buy one!
  13. Yes, but the 152 is not aerobatics rated. Hammerheads might not be such a good idea.
  14. I would say that it is imperative to wear proper eye protection. My hands have healed, but it took over a month. I am an idiot, of course, for not wearing gloves without knowing more about this product. STILL, as I say.... I purchased this product, again. I like its performance and resilience.
  15. Or, if Mormon.... It's possible to have up to 5 in one bed, or even more, if the bed is wide enough. Why restrict oneself to just couples coupling?
  16. AI has no taste. Some are lucky enough just to be able to eat anything, this Christmas. My heart bleeds for those that are so unfortunate. There SHOULD be plenty to go around.... If only the food were distributed more equitably. ALSO, both AIs are all screwed up. There is no mention of a goose, which is most important for a British Christmas dinner. So, the entire list is bogus from the very beginning.
  17. The Sounds of the Hounds of the Baskervilles are now upon us in this village! There is no escape!
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