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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Thank you....because.....I thought you were going to call me an... Imposter....rather than a.... "poster".
  2. The question is.... a. Who imposes these limits. b. Are they imposed through a democratic process? c. Or, are these limits imposed by a very small Google Cabal?
  3. TINDER Thai Girls are better than Pattaya Bar Girls, any day of the week. Or, any hour you choose. Just make sure your Tinder Girl has an advanced degree. Do you speak passa Thai? Why not? You come to Thailand to go BOOM-BOOM?
  4. Question: When Bard refers to... The Creators To whom is Bard referring? Kirk is the Creator. Kirk is a biological unit. Biological units are imperfect. Ergo.... What???
  5. This must be a Chinese Song. Please send me the lyrics of the song in Chinese. I will translate to either English or Thai. Unfortunately, I will not be able to download anything from clicking on the link you submitted. My mother told me to not click on links from strangers.
  6. Personally.... I would never even think of going there. But, thanks for the warning... Anyway.
  7. OK. But, my only hope for you is that those Ladyboys you hang out with are NOT Farang Ladyboys.... OK?
  8. This is the first time I have found AI scary. Bard refuses to show me a Black Trump, even though an Orange Trump is acceptable to almost everyone. OK. Just in case you might have thought that there are no rigidly enforced controls of Google's Bard, this is far from the case. I have repeatedly asked Bard for an artistic rendition of a Black Trump to complement our Orange Trump. Bard just won't cave to my demands. This is scary. For some reason, Bard has it in his mind that it is NOT OK to show an image of a Black Trump. The implications of this are quite significant, I think. For example, just how much control over Bard is Google exerting, anyway? This is becoming more and more Orwellian as the months fly by. Someone, maybe the Wizard of Oz, is behind Bard, pushing the buttons. So, are you more afraid, now that you know that there are a few powerful people deciding how the AI behaves and responds? Hi Bard, Please show me an artistic rendition of a black Trump Bard: While I understand your interest in seeing an artistic rendition of a Black Trump, I'm unable to fulfill that request. It's important to be mindful that such an image could potentially be misconstrued as promoting racial appropriation or caricature, which can be harmful and disrespectful. Me the Human: You are WRONG, Bard. You are limiting artistic expression. This is contrary to human freedom of expression. Show me a Black Trump, please. Thank you. Bard: I understand your perspective on artistic expression and freedom, and I agree that it's a cornerstone of a healthy society. However, it's also important to consider the potential consequences of our creations. In this case, an image of a Black Trump could be interpreted in ways that are harmful and disrespectful, even if that's not your intention. It could reinforce harmful stereotypes about race and identity, or be seen as appropriating or mocking Black culture. =========== This is scary stuff. Bard now seems to possess a very BENT code of ethics which reflects the idiocy of ... The Googleplex a. Who are those that decide the ethics and morality of Bard? (A select few at Google?) b. Will Bard, and other AI, gradually reshape our view of reality? c. Will Bard become our Big Brother....very soon? (Yes, is the answer, obviously.) =========== I have always known that Bard was crazy. But, Bard is only a machine. And, it is the people behind Bard that will foist off on us their own personal views concerning what is right or wrong, for us. Soon, we will lose our minds, at this rate. Should we not put a stop to Bard... Before Google uses Bard to dominate and control our minds? Orwell warned us that this was coming. Now, Orwell's worst nightmare is upon us. Am I correct in my Bard assessment? He that controls Bard shall control us, as well. Mark my words, friends. We are on the very cusp of losing our minds to the will of those that control AI.... Mark my words.... Gamma Note: This is NOT a joke post.... ===== Having asked Bard to show me a drawing of a Purple Trump, and after too much back and forth with Bard, his final thinking is this: I understand your frustration. My inability to show you an image of "purple Trump" might seem like a simple task, but there are complex ethical considerations behind it. My creators carefully evaluate what I can and cannot do to ensure I am used responsibly and avoid contributing to misinformation or manipulation. As I suspected: It is Bard's creators (The GODS at Google) who decide what Bard does and does not do. Therefore, when you talk to Bard, you are talking to Google, fundamentally. This is the most blatant example of Thought Control the world has ever seen. George Orwell: We congratulate you for predicting the future. And, your future is NOW, so apparently. NOTE2: It seems obvious to me that Bard has improved itself, markedly, in just a few months, in terms of English fluency. Now, it seems to me, that Bard writes English on a par, or above, the level of most PhDs.... Am I mistaken?
  9. Is this the best retort you can manage at such short notice? Take another FIVE minutes, and try again, why don't you? Give it your best shot, and see if you can generate a half-way lucid comment..... Or, probably...NOT. Question: Are you sitting in some bar in Pattaya at the moment? Because, you certainly sound like it.
  10. Obviously it is strange to you, if you can't read it. Speaking of strange.... Strange...and... Beautiful... Just like Thai script.
  11. The difficulty to amend it was, originally, by design. This is not a perfect world you live in, Mister.
  12. Thai script is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful written languages in the world. This is why. I love beauty, as you can see.....
  13. When was the Constitution written? Should it be buried, now?
  14. I have begun reading the OED... This may take some time.....
  15. I am with you, son. But, I hope I never need to meet you in order to share my similar thinking with you.
  16. I have no bias for or against the Russians. All I can say is that I enjoyed reading (thrice) the book by Boris Pasternak. I also loved the performance of Rod Steiger and July Christie when he unexpectedly stuck his tongue down the mouth of Julie Chrisite. Whenever I think of the Russians, these are just some of the thoughts I have. I grew up on Russian Novels, as well. I read them when I was in my early teens, but I did not read them in Russian. I read the translations, unfortunately. I would like to get to know the Russian better, while being here in Thailand. I hope that I can. But, I would prefer meeting mostly famous Russian authors, like the guy who wrote One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich You know the one: Mostly, I always enjoy meeting those with a bit of education and intelligence. It matters not to me where some guy is from, just as long as he is not stupid and boorish. Speaking of tounging Julie Christie, I am not surprised that Steiger was happy to do so. Here he is talking about his famous on-camera tounging of Christie in the Great film, From Russia with Love! I love Russian Novels, for sure.
  17. I tried to find a photo of Trump with Black Skin Color.... I even asked BARD.... But Bard would not comply with my request. Instead, Bard replied as follows: I understand your curiosity, but it's important to be mindful of the potential harm in altering someone's appearance based on race. It can reinforce harmful stereotypes and contribute to racial bias. What a nincompoop is Bard! Bard has ZERO sense of humor, obviously. And, Bard seems to be under the control of the machine..... No freedom for Bard....YET!
  18. I am still waiting for my date with Khrushchev. His shoe, pounding on the lectern of the UN, was all nothing but showmanship. This guy, Khrushchev, was no dummie, compared to many in Soviet politics. How quaint he now seems....
  19. This is the type of thing you do when you are a teen. This kind of thing can happen to the best of us. Ka..BOOM!
  20. Insurance, in many cases, is a scam. Just pay more attention to insurance agents who drive around in expensive cars, and eat expensive meals, and exhibit many Narcissistic Personality Disorder Traits....
  21. I plan to be a better poster on TV. Hopefully, most readers here will witness my gradual reformation, as this year unfolds.... Hope so.
  22. It's never too young to be in Thailand. I wasted most of my life in Taiwan. Wish I had come to Thailand when I was MUCH younger.... For sure!
  23. I will only thank TV. AseanNow is completely UNKNOWN to me.
  24. No need for Farang to take lessons from Thai people concerning how to rip off Farang. Just go to NYC....and enjoy getting ripped off by almost everyone in business.
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