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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Perhaps so, or maybe not.... But, you wanna hear something heartbreaking? Grand Funk is No More..... Talk about heartbreaking.....!
  2. Hi Folks, Anytime I am feeling too HOT, in Thailand, here is what I do.... I just pick up my phone and try to call some of the coldest places on Earth. This habit of mine began in the late 1960s, a time when I began trying to place a radio-telephone call from my home in Pennsylvania to ANYONE on Ellesmere Island. At that time, just one phone call was SUPER-DUPER expensive...I mean like Really Expensive! Now, though, communication costs have decreased markedly. And so, anytime I am feeling just TOO HOT in Thailand, I get off...by calling guys like this: Just talking to people on either one of our two poles not only cools me down, but raises me up. Many of these guys on the poles, or near to the poles, are so bored that you can talk to them about almost anything, almost as if they were your personal shrink, or something, and they will be grateful for your sharing. Most of the guys up there are basically nothing more than lonely geeks. And, they are not especially handsome, in most cases.... But you might be surprised at just how warm and friendly they are.... And that is completely understandable when you consider just how remote is the place where they live. I mean, much of the time they don't even see the sun. And then, during other months, the sun is about all they see, 24 hours a day. It's not so easy to call Ellesmere in the winter months. But, still, you might give it a try and get back to me about your success. IF you do make contact up there, please tell them.... Gamma sent me.... Or, what is it that you do, when feeling HOT at night, that helps to cool you down? Regards, The Glob
  3. I am saving my quality face masks for the Smoking Season, which now in the offing....
  4. So far, strangely enough, I have yet to be scammed... And... I have been around for many a year. Also, I have never scammed anyone.
  5. YOB? The backward spelling of BOY? Anytime I hear the term YOB, I think of A Clockwork Orange.....one of my all-time favorite films from Kubrick... Here is an example of what I think of when I think of the term YOB.... NOTE: Did you notice the ORANGE IBM Selectric Typewriter???!!! (Kubrick wast/is .... an AMAZING Yob!)
  6. Or, nip it in the bud. Anytime you let things play out, without early intervention, things have a way of going awry.... This is, after all, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, and Entropy, at play. Never let Entropy play out, because you will always regret not doing what you should have done, early, and in the first place. Anyway, this is my best advice for most people.....
  7. You are, obviously, gifted with a sense of understatement, if not a sense of humor.... Still... Nice try!
  8. Personally..... I truly LIKE this comment. To be the biggest of anything, for me, is an honor. Also, I respect honesty. You have provided me, this night, with a very welcome chuckle.
  9. My Dearest Friends, IF you really care about me as much as I think you do... OR, if you might want to help others among us with the same aspirations to leave Thailand for Japan, should the Thailand-Visa-<deleted>e hit the fan, at some future, as yet, unknown time.... Then, I would TRULY appreciate the input concerning how a guy from the UK, or from Canada, or from the USA...can obtain a visa to retire in Japan. Japan has changed a GREAT DEAL in recent decades, and it has changed a LOT, compared to the 1980s. Japan is graying rapidly. Japan, these days, seems to be slightly more open to having westerners live in Japan, during this present New Japan Climate. IMHO, Japan is now a real place to consider for retirement, and pretty upscale, at that. This post is not a joke, my friends. I have come to the conclusion, after over 50 years of living in Asia, that Japan is about the most upscale place to live, and certainly one of the safest for old guys and old gals. The Japanese people are very polite and respectful of others. And, I appreciate this, just so very much. I have no idea how many more years I have to live. However, IF I were to completely retire in Japan, then....I am sure that I am still young enough to resume my long-lost Japanese language study, at least sufficiently enough to fairly quickly develop a working knowledge of Japanese. So far, I know three languages, and slightly Japanese, which would be my fourth. For sure, I could find happiness in Japan.... I know I can. I know I can. I think I can. The ONLY hurdle for me, I suppose, is to find the best long-term visa solution. I am a clean-cut, handsome, and upstanding citizen of the world. I just need to be able to obtain a long-term retirement visa in Japan, or any old visa that will allow me to live there for about 10 years, during which time I will choose to become a welcome member of some countryside village outside Tokyo, or maybe, probably, somewhere around Nara. This is my Plan-B. This will be my work-in-progress for the next many months. Thank you and regards, The Glob. PS: TV is pretty darned GOOD at providing accurate and useful visa advice....as we all know. So...this is why I posted this topic here on TV....
  10. Though you may be correct in your assessment of me.... Still.... I appreciate your creative comments.
  11. V8 Juice? My Heart Sings.... My Hear Sings.....! You make...EVERYTHING....Groovy. I think I love you..... Hold me tight.... I love you!
  12. I would say that being prostitution free is anything to crow about. Mostly, being prostitution-free is about uplifting the entire population, economically. Or, for that matter, paying women BIG BUCKS to not go into the bars as B-girls. My view is that there is only a small minority of females who would opt to enter into prostitution if some Sugar-Daddy government would pay them well to do something else. No one in my family is a prostitute. There must be a reason for this happy state of affairs. The profession of prostitution never ran in my family, as far back as we have been able to determine, through researching our family tree. Mostly, people in my family were bankers, teachers, engineers, CEOs of businesses, and the like. Even the movie Klute was beyond the Ken of anyone in our family.
  13. I had already anticipated your response to my comment. Your scribblings are like water off a duck's back, to me. I respect your right to post your comments, no matter how distasteful they might be to some who have a bit of taste. Will you never strive for a higher, more refined. level in your postings....at least a few times....before you kick off from this mortal coil, no matter how amoral its continuing metamorphosis proves to be, both now and in the coming years? I could say much more to you.... But, I hold my tongue, in most cases. I am not here to change the thinking of people on TV. In fact, such an endeavor would be tilting at windmills. NOTE: You, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, are among the WINDIEST of windmills I ever did see.
  14. I already have a life, such as it is.... And, one life is enough for me.
  15. This is why I NEVER go near the bars, or the bar streets, or the bar scene. I have far better things to do. I am just blessed, I think, to be far above this kind of thing.
  16. Anytime I read a Topic like this.... I just Thank the Lord that I always do my best to keep my mind out of the gutter. 'nough said.... Please NOTE: As for me, and only true of myself, I imagine, I find Topics like this full of NO Redeeming Value. Still, if you enjoy this kind of thing....then....I am not one to be overly critical.
  17. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance can truly be such a drag... When the EMP hits you from overhead. Let us hope that this never happens. I often worry about such a thing as this, just before I nod off in the evenings... What a catastrophe this would prove to be. Let's ALL pray about it.... Thank you for your cooperation. May TV Endure for 10,000 Years! TV 萬歲! TV 萬歲! Translation: Long Live TV (May TV live for 10,000 years!) 萬歲 = 10000 + years old Best to All Who Read these Words!
  18. Yes, Folks... I must admit that I am now feeling pure ecstasy... Now that TV is back ONLINE, with far fewer online hiatuses. I also admit, that I was feeling quite blue, when TV decided to not be with me during a short period, which we all recall so memorably. Give me TV, or Give me DEATH!, I say.... I will NEVER STOP posting to TV. Rest assured, my friends, I will NEVER LEAVE you.... You can always count on me... Like Death and Taxes. Never doubt me. I DO Love TV. I am hooked like a flounder on TV. But, I can tell you.... I am NOT a bounder.... Like some posters I know. Best regards, Gamma Note: I just hope that the recent hiatus caused by server problems never happens again, unless it might be due to some unnatural event, such as HEMP, or smoking HEMP.... What is HEMP? High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) is a near-instantaneous electromagnetic energy field that is produced in the atmosphere by the power and radiation of a nuclear explosion, and that is damaging to electronic equipment over a very wide area, depending on power of the nuclear device and altitude of the burst. NOTE2: Speaking of EMP.... What do you now about STARFISH? How would you live your lives if EMP were to hit you from above? All non-hardened electrical stuff, even including the entire electrical grid, would be turned into molten MUSH. Even your water pumps would not work. Even your sump pump would not work. Forget about trying to start your car! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starfish_Prime Such beauty. Then, it must be like BEAUTY and the BEAST for Civilized Humanity! NOTE3: I just hope that TV never needs to deal with a true EMP event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Being on the ignore list of some posters makes life less stressful and far more pleasurable.
  20. Yes. I think your guy was entirely correct. I have seen photos of Thai kids in Chiang Mai making snowmen , and getting into snowball fights in the streets of Chiang Mai, near the Chiang Mai canal area. That was the year, I think, when there was frost on the windowpanes and icicles hanging from the coconut palms on the CMU campus. The students were attending classes in long underwear that semester.
  21. Have you ever studied SET THEORY in your past math classes. My title is logically correct. Also, formal logic. Have you ever studied formal logic in your days at university? My title is logically correct.
  22. Yes. That's the one. Plenty of heat. BUT, I have seen far bigger burners in Hong Kong. The USA burners are just not big enough for me.
  23. Haha....! Who stole my ZEROS??? 75,000 BTU. This is the absolute MINIMUM I use to cook Chinese cuisine. Actually, it comes on a tripod, and was designed to boil large kettles of fish to make chowder. What a magnificent gadget. It sounds like a jet engine. (By comparison, my AC machines are each 20 BTU.) Wait.... I meant...20,000 BTU. So, 75,000 BTU burners are nothing to sneeze at.
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