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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. For what it's worth.... He is a writer...whereas... I am just a dabbler in scribbling... Or, more accurately, .... A scribbling dabbler.
  2. Right. He is a FAR better writer than I, ... ABSOLUTELY... He doesn't comment on my threads. And... This is as it should be. in life. I read his posts. And, I would be embarrassed if he were ever to read mine. I am an American. He is from Scotland, as far as I know. Few Americans can write as well as those from the UK... Especially.... These days.
  3. By the way, FOLKS, I would just like to mention one more thing, while I am at it: A TROLL is one who INTENTIONALLY sows disharmony or discord, or intentionally disrupts the forum, or one who is intentionally antagonistic or aggressive, just to get his rocks off on it. In my TEN YEARS here, I can honestly say that I have NEVER done the above. However, just because one might occasionally post an enigmatic comment, or a comment that seems weird, or somewhat "off key", then these types of comments are the SPICE of the forum, and should be welcomed, just like Hot Chili is good for any bland dish, and I am referring to the fact that many of the posters here are just too bland for my taste. You can write the same-old same-old if you like. If this really excites you all. But not me. I have OFTEN been called a TROLL, but not recently, during my new Christly Resurrection. And, I adamantly disagree that I have ever been a troll; not on THIS forum or any OTHER forum during my writing career. Anyway, I look forward to adding just a few more Topics on TV, if God allows me the time. But, somehow, I kind of doubt that I will be granted another decade. Simply because, as Noam might tell you if you might listen, We are now in dire straits. TV is the BEST Thailand forums have to offer. And, you should be proud to be accepted into this rarified TV membership. Let's just wait and see.... Nobody can predict the future. I just hope that things go far more swimmingly than I anticipate. Maybe our future will be bright. Even The New Yorker has been wrong, a few times....
  4. Thank you very much for your kind, though somewhat belated, reply.
  5. Why don't you ask....streetcowboy? Certainly, he is one of the most informed historians of this forum. Also, he is, BY FAR, the better writer on this forum, ... As I have maintained, time and time, again. TIME passes just too quickly.....
  6. I think it is best that I not speak too plainly here. But....you are COMPLETELY incorrect that "not even the mods, can guess who you were 10 years ago"!!!!!! All I will tell you is that.... a. I was first in Thailand in 1971. b. I returned to university, soon after that. c. Beginning in 1979, I returned to Asia, FULL TIME, and never left. d. Of all the countries I have lived, Thailand is the best...(Meaning Thai Culture. Or, what I most prefer is Thai/Chinese culture, I guess). HK has died since I have been in Asia, so unfortunately. I still dream about flying in and out of Kai Tak Airport, just because I loved to walk on the floors of the airport, with that special type of flooring that only guys who have walked on it might clearly recall. It was a kind of DIMPLED flooring that I loved. So many things I recall about Asia in the 1980s that I miss SO MUCH. Now, don't get me crying, please.... Like that clown Jordan Peterson.....!
  7. You see, Sir, a decade is such a very long chunk of time. And yet, looking back, the time seems to have slipped away in such a hurry. A decade seems such a very long time to be posting Topics on any forum. But, at least, I can gain some solace just knowing that I spent a decade of my life on... A forum as worthy as TV.... (And I am speaking from the heart, here, as you well know.) I have NO regrets....not one....! Well....maybe my ONLY regret is that.... I did not have more to give this forum. PS: Has anyone noticed that I have been doing my best to, these days, keep my Topic headings SHORT? In fact, one night, very late, God spoke to me and said: Gamma, it might be better for the Forum if you limited your Headings to 10 words or less. It was like the Burning Bush has Spoken. And, I FINALLY saw the light. Since then, I have felt at peace, truly....
  8. Mostly, i was just drooling over those hot young girls in the convertible, And wishing i was still young to trot. AND, wishing I could go back, ten years, to post my FIRST TOPIC on TV, by the way....!
  9. COMPLETELY. COMPLETELY. COMPLETELY unintentionally, for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. You know, I can still recall, almost to the very day, I posted my first comment on TV. I was such a VIRGIN at that time. I got insulted and HAMMERED for posting one of my weird Topics. And some guy got worried that I might be feeling a bit blue, as a result. And this guy reached out to me.... This is why I have always thought that, among the chaff, there are also a few nice people here.... I was a virgin, then, for sure..... But, I aint no virgin now. Google is S. H. I. T. I know what's UP, now! GREED IS NOT SO GOOD..... Greed can DESTROY a good company, such as what Google was originally intended to be.... So, anyway..... Maybe you can extrapolate this view to other venues, as well.... Who knows if you even know what I am talking about..... Most people do not..... Best to you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. SUPER SMART Irish and Scottish Guys.... Having CUTTING and BITING Humor... Who LOVE to Belittle me.... THIS IS WHY.... I have been coming back for MORE....and MORE.... During these past 10 years. I LOVE IT. I LOVE THE IRISH sense of humor. Scottish humor is just a bare second to the Irish humor. I will ALWAYS come back here to be insulted.... Because.... I dunno why, except.... It really cracks me up. And...I love it.... Each to his/her own....maybe... Anyway... Thank you ALL for a good time during this past decade since 2013! I will NEVER forget this great forum....TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. dEAR Friends, This is my 10TH year here with you. Are you still as THRILLED as I? Has the thrill gone? NO WAY! I LOVE TV...and....ALWAYS WILL...till I am NO MORE. Hopefully, I will never be banned as a troll...because... I do not consider myself to be a troll, unlike some others I have come to know here. But, anyway.... I just wanted to say THANK YOU to you great folks. I will NEVER leave TV, you can be sure. When I get burned to a puff of smoke in the local temple, I hope that some of you might attend.. If you are still alive. Best to you!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you guys! YOU guys from the UK.... Especially from Ireland and Scotland.... Are MY KIND OF GUYS.... You guys.... CRACK ME F'ng UP. Hope we never say goodbye..... See you tomorrow... If we're all still here... What with XiJinP:ing's craziness. Take Care, Guys!
  13. I am not unreasonable. I am fine with stopping my UTUBE watching, as I have already stated. I believe that watching UTUBE can lead to an unrealistic perspective on life and on the world. Who needs it, anyway? UTUBE does more harm than good. But, Google no longer cares because Google changed its motto or slogan from Do No Harm to...who knows what. As I say, I will stop UTUBE and start listening to JS Bach instead. JS Bach is uplifting. UTUBE is depressing. I have enough JS Bach on my 12 TBytes of PC HDD storage to last two lifetimes if I listen to it all, consecutively. I have about 800 GBytes of JS Bach. Also, I have a ton of worthwhile books to read, and I am not talking about those dumb POPular books, like Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind 2015 Edition by Yuval Noah Harari... What a dumb book written for .... NITWITS that are too stupid to actually read the original research sources, peer reviewed. I HATE books like this that are POP Sci, or POP Psy.... I am NOT an idiot, Folks. Therefore, why should I ossify my brain any further than has already been the case during the lockdown? I gotta GET A LIFE, folks. And, I hope you follow my warnings to you. Life is only precious is you do not waste it on UTUBE PABLUM. And, who in their right mind would pay for USELESS pablum? The CHOICE is yours! Give the FINGER to Google, I say! Don't let Google divide us and dumb you down!!! Let's ALL take our lives back, and show Google that we are not the lowly animals of Animal Farm, and Google the PIGS!!
  14. I don't know about you guys... BUT, I would far prefer to take this premium subscription fee amount,....and send it directly to one or two of my preferred content creators. Why should I let Google decide which creator gets my money. Also, Google has not stated how much, what percentage, of this premium fee goes to the creators. And what percent is kept by Google. I think the creators of content work much harder than Google. So, I think the creators should keep 97 percent, and Google can keep three percent. This would encourage me to use this premium UTUBE subscription offering.
  15. Here is the POPUP UTUBE NOTIFICATION that has been popping up quite constantly these past few days. I do not know what benefit Google thinks it will reap by showing me this garbage. I will NOT pay. Google can go soak its head in sea, for all I care...
  16. Not a troll post, by any means. I will post a UTUBE pop-up stating UTUBE policy next time it appears.
  17. As I say, there is NO WAY I will pay for UTUBE. Google KEEPS most of the money, and shares very little with CREATORS. Also, there are many better ways for creators to be paid by viewers, rather than ad revenue. Also, many of the UTUBE stuff I watch has been "defunded" And, Google stuffs videos with TOO MANY ads per few, anyway. So, what about this alternative? Ever tried it? https://freetubeapp.io/ Or, has this already been mentioned by someone. I still think I should not watch UTUBE, but if I do, then I will not watch ads. IF the ads UTUBE showed to me were interesting and useful to me, then I would obviously watch the ads. BUT, Google STILL does not know how to create ads that I would be grateful to watch. Google also does not yet know what I like, or what I would be willing to buy. Google SAYS it knows what I like, what I dream about at night, and when I will have a baby, but actually they do not. What a load of Hot Wind, is Google. Bunch of Blowhards.
  18. What do you mean highlight. Never have I seen drivel of mine highlighted. I don't post about visa-related information or hotel reviews. So, I have never been highlighted. I think maybe you might go looking for anything I write, And therefore you mistakenly believe that someone is highlighting it. But I can assure you that no one is.
  19. You see. A true scientist must never state the obvious as an immutable fact. Scientists must always use words like apparently, or from the data it seems to show that.... This is why I (almost) ALWAYS use absolutely and maybe in the same sentence. These are things you learn while writing theses, which I accurately call feces. In fact, ALMOST everyone knows that most theses are nothing but feces, maybe.
  20. Correct. I actually thought, long and hard, before deciding to mix it up, a bit. Just hoping for a comment such as yours. You seem to have not overlooked the obvious. Thank you!
  21. I only know my fiction is stranger than fact.
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