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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Please keep in mind that there is no L in Farang. Just as there is no L in the word guava. Thank you.
  2. Surely, during this Newest Age of Anxiety, one in which we face three major existential threats, we cannot be expected to keep up our libido. Maybe this is the reason why many more of us are suddenly going limp, these days. Maybe, also, this is why young guys in Japan have now lost interest in lubricated tubes. And, it is not only the Japanese young men who are getting onboard with virginity. Any ONE of the following three is enough to soften even the hardest of men: a. The Old School Nuclear Winter is enough to shrivel one's sack. b. Radically increasing rates of extinction of species is a real turnoff. Yet, the mosquito remains a vector for disease around the world. c. Toxification of our environment. Some guys love to toxify themselves with plant byproducts. But, this is not the real existential danger to our world. Any one of these top three threats, if anyone were to think of one while in the sack, might cause even the most virile of men to get out of bed, and head to the medicine cabinet for a downer. This is NO JOKE, my friends. I suspect that MUCH of social behavior among our youth is being driven by underlying feelings which are directly related to the future of our planet..... HOW could this be OTHERWISE??? Maybe this is the point of this topic. I mean, I DO know the point of this topic, for example. And this is just one of the points I had hoped to broach. Yes, I have been wondering, for the past several years, just how much the knowledge of the state of our planet truly does affects our youth. Our youth, as you realize, would never admit to it. Perhaps, somebody should get funding, a heck of a lot of funding, in order to define, more clearly, just how much the bleak future, the deteriorating future, of human habitability of our planet affects our youth in a multiplicity of ways. Maybe. Good Topic for Research, though...Maybe.
  3. In fact, young people, today, are far more cognizant of present-day existential risks than young people were of lesser risks when you were young. These days, so unfortunately, young people are bombarded with relevant, validated information... Bombs Away! And, therefore, this knowledge and stress affects their choices in life, as well as their behavior and feelings of hope/doom for their future. You are so fortunate to be old. The older, the better... Let this be our watchword and mantra.
  4. Perhaps, the reason for this is that they are unable to visualize a better future for themselves. Might it be possible that, finally, the recognition of the state of our planet is beginning to filter down to the hoi polloi? By the way, my friend, we are now WAY past the Age of Anxiety.
  5. And so I say, Go ahead on, Mr. Pattaya Businessman! Negotiate your price on Soi 6, If it means that much to you.... Let it be... Thank those gods... It (ain't) isn't me. Wave on. Wave on!
  6. So very unfortunately, Hendrix died before his prime... Unlike Miss Jean Brodie.
  7. Or, by the way, if Soi 6 turned out to be 9, Then would the prices not be the same? Wave on.
  8. So insightful. I love comments such as yours. Unfortunately, too rare here, or on other forums, for my liking. There should be far more of the same. Soon, no doubt... There will be far more, when reality finally begins to hit home. Note: How are your daily cortisol levels these days, by the way?
  9. Also, just parenthetically..... What is the difference between Stamford and Stanford? Do you often become confused by these two proper nouns? Especially if you are an American? Here is the difference,,,,, This is Stanford: And this is Stamford,,,,,, Such a difference does an M and an N make..... I often confuse the two. Of course, most lighthouse keepers are celibate, by the very nature of their work. I could easily be a lightkeeper. And, you? ((Lighthouse keepers were sometimes referred to as "wikies" because of their job trimming the wicks.)) Women lighthouse keepers, throughout history, were particularly good at trimming wicks. Have you ever had your wick trimmed by a keeper?
  10. Man! Pop Psychology surely does rub us the wrong way.... Right? Quite a number of years ago.... While walking through any international airport.... You might have easily seen a plethora of women, of all types.... Carrying this book, "Men are from Mars". Such banality! Such drivel! What once, for a short moment, seemed so very insightful.... Became Pop Garbage of yesteryear, so very rapidly. So, then... Why read drivel?... When Men can do this.....instead??? Just a question which deserves a decent answer, maybe.
  11. My Dear Friends, We have read about what is going on in Japan, these days... The fertility rate in Japan continues to decline, and it is headed down through the cellar, for sure, never to recover.. Why is this? Is Japan, the men and women of Japan, collectively, onto something really good? We all know that Japan has long been at the forefront of cultural innovation. And, also, K-pop is just nothing more than monkey see, monkey do, from guys in Korea based on what went before in Japan. Japan is still Number One, and is at the bleeding edge of what will soon become the norm for the rest of Asia, in so many respects. Everybody knows this, even Chomsky. Culturally speaking, we now hear that many/most young guys are just too bored to get it on with hot chicks in Tokyo and other Japanese cities. Why is this? I am not here to write a coherent essay extolling the many benefits of becoming celibate after the age of 45. There is no need. Everyone here already knows the many benefits, fully well. Why beat this old horse, again…to death? Also, there is no need for me to add citations, from learned publications, referencing what we all know is happening. Because, sexually speaking, the culture in Japan and other Asian countries is changing fast, not to mention that the same thing is happening in my favorite place, at least. my favorite up until the night of 30 June, 1997, China. In addition, please do not ask me if this is a “serious” Topic! YES! This IS a serious topic, and it becomes seriouser, and seriouser, by the day, sociologically speaking. In fact, our world, these days, is in a state of flux as it has never been, far greater than the good old days when we first emerged out of Africa, a small tribe at the time, one which would truly become the most prolific mammal of all animals in the Animal Kingdom. As we all know, Change = Stress. This is a given if you know anything about human/animal behavior, and I am a behaviorist, or, at least I was during the heyday of Skinner. Speaking of “stress”, I know, as do you, that practicing celibacy is one of the best ways to relieve ourselves of stress. Or…would you prefer, relatively speaking, a very stressful marriage and breakup, or some sort of other contorted relationship with the opposite sex, per se, such as engaging just for a short-lived hookup-producing dopamine rush?..One which leaves you dry, very dry, yet somehow not fully satisfied? I have just begun to attack this topic about which I hesitate to write overly much. I could write for days and days, yet never reach the end of it. But I can tell you that this topic is just the tip of the iceberg which we are now facing, both in Asia and around the globe, as well. Celibacy is the true wave of the future, just judging by what is happening among the youth in Japan, and I mean the guys who now stay, forever, in their rooms, alone, signifying nothing. Yes. This has happened in Japan for years, and continues to happen. And, please, My Friends, do not think that this cannot happen here. Sinclair Lewis wrote about this, at the beginning of the last century, 1935. In fact, it is already happening. ======= These somewhat sorry days in which we find ourselves are changing fast. And, as you know, during recent years, there seems to be increasing alienation between males and females. This is obviously true of both sexes, either living in Occidental cultures or in Asian cultures. So many pop-media channels, such at the NYT, have harped upon this development during recent years, and you, thusly, might be tired of hearing further about it. I have even heard it said that some women in the West now believe that men are toxic, just due to the Y chromosome anomaly. But what they might not realize is that sometimes genes are expressed, and sometimes genes are not expressed, or genes might be too fully expressed, in some cases, for the liking of some. We now know this to be true after much recent research utilizing modern-day biochemistry to study gene expression. ========= One thing you might not realize as much as you should, and this is that alienation between the sexes, as I suggested above, is becoming ever more palpable … Please just check out the blatant lyrics of pop music during the recent two decades. I am not a prude for the pop music lyrics of the present. Instead, I have become blessedly celibate, partially as a reaction to same. Need I go on? No. Instead, I would leave you with an image of what life between the sexes might be like in the year 2525, if Man is still alive: I am just quoting the script of this great film: "We have come across some illegal sexual activity" ==== As I say, the best way to go is to stay within the law. Just remain celibate. Stay risk free. No safes necessary. Best regards, Glob
  12. As has always been the case in past years, you remain well-informed about things that matter in 2022. This is true. But, I just wonder... How much longer can you keep on keeping on. Many more years, is my dearest wish. Take care, and remember to exercise, at least once every other day.
  13. Where will you hide when the Gongfei (Commie Bandits) come for you? Will you hide together with the Chinese antiquities, stolen from China, in the bunker near the Grand Hotel? Or, will you stand and fight like the braves of Hong Kong?
  14. Fair question. No, I am not Mainland Chinese, Waishengren, nor am I Bendiren. Neither am I Hakka. Neither am I a Taiwan aboriginal person. Nor am I a descendant of the Dutch who briefly visited Taiwan, for that matter. Still, I was there about the time Jiang Jingguo took over from his corrupt father. Poor old Jiang Jingguo... He died a very difficult death, hounded by the press, to his final moments. I have always felt sympathy for him, having seen him in his final days.
  15. Of course, I am sure that you knew that Taoyuan is so named due it's history as a peach orchard, hundreds of years ago. But, unfortunately, these days, Taoyuan is a disaster not fit for man nor beast. Don't believe me? Then, you are free to try living there. Taiwan is one of the most overpopulated places on Earth, with about 650 democratic citizens per square kilometer. And, in fact, I have traveled to almost every square kilometer on Betel Nut Island, since before you were born. Please don't let me get started on the terrible Taiwanese cuisine that people love there. Taiwanese have always been an insular people with no taste. Am I wrong? The only local dish that is stomachable might be SanBeiJi. All the good cooks from Sichuan, the cooks that JiangJieShi brought over from the mainland, have long since croaked. Nothing left now on the Isle of Formosa, except strawberries.
  16. Food insecurity. Resultant starvation. Likely. Therefore, possibly, the direct carnage and death in Ukraine may pale in comparison to the cascading effects of loss of grain supply to the world. But, this was Putin's plan. His intention must have been to kill off the most vulnerable. Such a big boner.
  17. Some believe that Mao swam across the Changjiang. (not true) Xi believes he is China's new Mao. Therefore, Xi should be able to swim across the Taiwan Strait. Isn't this some sort of a syllogism?
  18. Reading this topic is sort of reminiscent of reading Gordon Chang, of Cornell.... but... Crazier. Anyway... No need to fret.... Yet. China, today, is still stable.... Unfortunately.
  19. I am fine. I feel even finer after having left Betel Nut Island. Please don't misunderstand... Democracy on Formosa is a charade. Enjoy your time in the sun under the protective parasol of American military might, while it lasts. After that, then Taiwan will surely be strawberry jam.
  20. How many of the posters who have commented above know anything about.... 草莓族 ? 草莓族 (The Strawberry Generation/Strawberry Tribe) The Strawberry Generation in Taiwan are milquetoast. How many years, for example, has anyone here spent in Taiwan? 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? How many? Tell me. IF China were to mount an attack against Taiwan, then, the MILQUETOAST Strawberries would fall like the hothouse plants which we know they are. Taiwan is hiding under the US umbrella, at the moment. This is a symbiotic relationship which is good for the world, as well. But, I have never met a man in Taiwan who could stand up to a man from Dongbei. The ONLY way that Taiwan will be able to defend itself is if all weapons are fully robotic, and controlled using AI. The fighting man of Taiwan is nonexistent. Taiwan, these days, is totally undertested, and full of children of dead soldier who retreated to Formosa, decades ago. Anyway, for sure.... Thinking that Taiwan could, in any way, defend itself against a Chinese invasion is just ridiculous. Also, the Taiwanese democracy, and the Taiwanese political situation, is sort of like a cartoon. It is not real. There is no way that Taiwan would exist, today, without the force of the US. The US needs Taiwan, for sure. But, almost everything about Taiwan is a complete JOKE....except...for..... TSMC Long live TSMC. Otherwise, Taiwan is a joke, both politically and militarily, and in most other respects, as well. I need to keep this short. Or, otherwise, I might wish to make a few other valid criticisms here.
  21. Please note: In Failed States, Chomsky was not writing, particularly, about the United States. His criticism extends far and wide, as always. Therefore: This Penguin book cover image should be considered both provocative and misleading...for sure.
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