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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. All that I can say is that I do not care for myself, much, nor my future. Instead, I care for your children, and your grandchildren. Also, I care for the future of humanity, just in case Humanity might eventually evolve some sort of culture which will be more self-sustaining instead of a culture which, in our present world, is mostly destructive. Speaking as a person who has few years to live, I would hope that humanity can outlive me. Yet, I often worry that I might live to see the end. We cannot solve existential problems just by living on apps like TikTok. Escapism will not serve us well in the near-term or long-term. Our Last Generation will either wake up, now, or see the end of organized civilization.
  2. All that I am saying is that "Business as Usual" is completely untenable.... And, if we are to survive, then very radical changes must be made to human behavior, all throughout the world, in almost a split second. And so, since this is completely impossible, then you know what we have to look forward to... Right? You can escape into fantasy, if you like. Or, you can escape into music. Or, you can escape into the fantasy of apps like TikTok. I agree with you... There is no longer hope for Mankind. We waited too long... We should have begun preparing to save our world, back in the 1960s, when the Hippies were telling us that we should. And, even, back then, the writing was already on the wall. Old books, like The Population Bomb, were already written. And, even, The Keeling Curve was already collecting important data which would portend our eventual doom. Please do not just kill the messenger.... Mauna_Loa_CO2_monthly_mean_concentration.svg
  3. Hendrix is not nonsense. Can you even ban Hendrix, after all these years? Some tried. And, they always failed. (The Hendrix estate was bound up in legal matters, for years. This is why we could not see most of his music on YoutTube, freely, in recent years. But, maybe now, we can see more on YouTube. We need more Hendrix. And, we need more Science, too.) VERY FAR AWAY. Fly On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Is Humanity nothing but a joke, my friends? Maybe, Hendrix was correct. For sure, we do not care about the future.
  5. Our Albedo is changing, rapidly.... Our albedo is changing, just due to rapidly melting ice in the arctic. Not good, My Friends...
  6. Hey, Man! Thank you for being the only guy to reply to this submission of mine, one which expresses, in sort of a roundabout way, what seems to be happening in our world today. My main point was, even if I did not express it clearly enough, that most of us seem to be conveniently and completely distracted from existential issues which will necessarily mean, for sure, either Life or Death for us, in the near future. When we say Perception is Reality, what we mean is that we can never actually see reality, as it is, or might be. Everybody knows this full well. Each one of us perceives reality in a slightly different way. Our perception of reality is only an approximation. And, further, as you must also know, most of media, of any kind, seems to be ever increasingly distracting us from focusing on what is important and crucial for the survival of organized human existence. You know: Sometimes I FEEL like we are collectively dying, simply because we refuse to see. We refuse to see, and we prefer to engage in behavior, stupid behavior, which helps us to become distracted from what must be done, if only we might try to survive. We refuse to see the train wreck up ahead, simply because seeing clearly might force us to radically change our collective behavior in ways that are just too painful, and not fun In fact, we are acting like children, and not like adults. It is so obvious that most of us, and especially the next generation, or can we call them The Last Generation, refuses to see their future, the future written on the wall. Tick Tock, Tick, Tock... The clock is ticking... And these young people refuse to take their future seriously. Maybe some should be tied to a whipping post and have Science beaten into them? Still, this would not help. They are still in denial. Sometimes, I feel like we are dying...
  7. Maybe you and I can meet for a Bubble Tea in Thailand, one of these days. OK? (Your treat, of course.)
  8. Most likely, there is no need for such a button. The powers that be, on TV, most likely, just expect us to fade away, like the old soldiers we know we are.
  9. As long as you are still here....then... All good. Regards, Glob
  10. You have been here for 16 years. The first time I read a TV post was just over nine years ago. Therefore, you have been here not much longer than I. Yet, you have obviously been far more dedicated to keeping this forum alive, than I. And so, regarding your tentative au revivor swan song... I think that somebody, although not me, should say..... We do not accept your resignation. Full stop! As you will recall, during the Nixon years, there were always those who wished to bail out, and jump ship. However, rarely were their resignations accepted. It was always stated that these workers, diplomats, and bureaucrats, had a duty to their country, especially while fighting the Vietnam war. And now, here we find ourselves in much the same situation. We do not wish to lose even one good man. We cannot afford such a loss. Therefore, you must reconsider. Taking a break is reasonable and logical. Hopefully, you will take a nice vacation, recharge your batteries, and then rejoin our flock. Where would we be without this forum, really? I do not ask this question in jest, no way. Have a nice rest, for sure. Regards, Globule
  11. Well, aa. If you are too poor to actually travel to other countries, then you might still be able to visit Disney's EPCOT Theme Park, where you can travel the world just by walking through the exhibits, within about an hour. bb. Or, if you have a bit more money, then you might be able to travel, as a tourist, to places like Thailand. And, during your visit to Thailand, you might be able to see this land in the same way as you might see the Thailand exhibit at the EPCOT theme park. I am not sure how much clearer I could be. cc. What I suggested is that tourists, in many cases, treat foreign countries as oddities. Tourists treat real countries in almost the same way they might view exhibits in a theme park, such as EPCOT center. dd. Maybe this is why tourists are viewed with distaste, by most. And, it is only the money of the tourist which makes the tourist slightly tolerable. OK. NOW, do you get my meaning? Hope it is crystal clear.
  12. Let us always keep in mind that perception is not reality.
  13. Yes, we recall Nixon. He said, "I am not a crook", as you will recall. Come back soon. There is no politics here.
  14. Helpful and supportive bar girls? At least, in your experience? Well, maybe... But, only if you look like this, probably...
  15. Please Note; Here in Thailand, during the pandemic, there has always been a surplus of fresh vegetables available, if one were to go to the market, for example, and cook these vegetables, themselves. However, I am lazy. And, I was too lazy to venture out to the markets to purchase the surplus of vegetables which were ALWAYS available to anyone (as we all know). Let there be no confusion about this, please. This topic is for those who are like me, and wish to pay for canned vegetables, for convenience, or just for personal choice. Some might even say that canned vegetables, in some cases, might actually provide increased vitamins. But, only in some cases. Do your own research, and do not take my word for this, please. (always do your own research)
  16. Dear Friends, For over two years, since the virus struck us, back in March 2020, I have been able to consume very few vegetables. I have, alas, been to far too few restaurants during the past two years, as is probably the case with you, too. Children often say they don't like vegetables. Well then, I wish they had been here to enjoy the lack thereof. But, now that I am old, I need more fiber, and vegetables. As well, we all realize, beans, peas, and legumes are the best way to get what we need, and what we need is more vegetable fiber. As they say, fiber is good. Beans, beans, they're good for the heart, the more you eat, the more you fart. This is so true. Therefore, I have decided to buy a lot of canned things, especially, if I can find it, canned black beans, which I love. Black bean soup, I would be willing to die for. My question is this: Which, in your considered opinions, is the highest quality canner/packer importer/distributor selling to the Thailand market, of canned vegetables? For example, in the American market, most people have heard of Green Giant brand. And, for example, there is also the Fiamma Vesuviana brand, named after, I guess, Mount Vesuvius, which seems strange in itself. However, it seems that this packer from Italy might be quite good. Anyone know anything about the quality of Fiamma Vesuvianan? I would definitely buy their products if I had more input, and if I could get their products, in quantity, for a better price...for sure. I am a person who hates to go shopping. Also, just as you, I am a person who has found shopping to be rather inconvenient during this pandemic period of time. In my case, as it might also be in your case, I would find it very convenient if I could discover the best quality brand of canned goods here in Thailand, and then purchase larger quantities of canned goods, about twice per year. Probably, I might purchase 400 cans, for example, just for my personal consumption, twice per year. Canned food lasts a long time. Also, by so doing, I could save on petrol, to and from the market, and I could thereby reduce my carbon footprint. After all these somewhat extraneous-to-the-topic words, I just have only two questions, really: AA... Which two brands, supplied to the Thailand market, are considered to be premium brands offering a variety of canned vegetables, legumes, etc, including tomato sauce, sliced tomatoes, and even canned broccoli, if it might exist. BB.... Which distributor in Thailand can offer the best price for these products. (As I mentioned previously, so many times, it seems that the individual cannot buy in bulk, or in quantity, and expect a deep discount. Maybe this is true. Maybe this is not true. In conclusion, I just want to find a way to get what I want and to get it cheap. Everybody wants the same thing, I think. I want superior quality canned vegetables, etc. I want a deep discount if I purchase in higher quantities. I just do not know how to do this. No doubt, others are getting deep discounts. And maybe they can share their experiences. Thank you and regards, Globule
  17. Yes, truly it is. In fact, this reporting seems to be some sort of deep-down wishful thinking surfacing, in other words...wishful thinking which somehow demonstrates their deep-seated and secret wish to get probed in real life, maybe by their friend or neighbor. OK. In this case, you and I see eye to eye. Take care, my friend.
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