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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. OK, my friends... Let us get real. The very last thing I would wish to do is to hook up with some old bag, with all her baggage, someone my age. Never will happen! The women my age turn me off, Big Time. Doing this would provide me with sad times, and two sad sacks. This will never happen, baby.
  2. Invent a vaccine. Find a cure. Build up our immune systems. Get a little exercise..... And you never have to be afflicted with women, ever again!
  3. Years ago, I often thought that the woman sleeping next to me was an alien, after a week or so. If I might have found a woman more like me, then things might have worked out better. It is fairly rare, these days, when two people stick together. Why? Because, there are no longer many social strictures against separation. Far better to just hook up, for a time, and then part as friends. Do not get married, my friends...not unless... you are willing to pay the price.
  4. UNFORTUNATELY... There is just NO WAY this upstart can compare to Janis Joplin. Janis will live forever. On the other hand, O'Connor has already outlived her usefulness. O'Connor reminds me of the stereotypical alien, for example. See what I mean? Love Janis. Always will.
  5. Nothing better than the smell of a woman... And, Janis was a REAL woman, for sure. Amazing female. So Sorry I cannot find one like her, ever again. You know I once had a one-night stand with her...right? After that, all other women lost their luster, for me. After being with her for just two hours, I was left a shell of a man for the rest of my life.
  6. Maybe so. Maybe I find my possible choices of GFs less exciting. Once you have seen the likes of Janis, on stage, then does your GF measure up? Does your GF jump up and down on your bed, like Janis, and sing like this? No girls sing like this. After you have had the best, then, anything less is just not worth having.
  7. Yes, Charlie, I TOTALLY agree with you.... However, on the other hand, in order to fall in love, then there must be some sort of physical attraction. Would you not agree? And, for an old guy to fall in love, then there must be some chemistry. ==== Again, Charlie, as you say...when a couple grows old together, then shared memories, and shared trials and tribulations make up for any sort of lack of physical attraction. And, in this case, this a different sort of love. I am sure you know what I mean.
  8. How old is who? You mean....me? I have already mentioned my age, several times. I will not repeat it.
  9. Fine... Here is what I am talking about, my friends: Feminine Very masculine Not the same, my friends. See what I mean? And, as you know, when Slick was younger, before she went on stage, she once stated that she would need some good old in and out, just to reach an emotional state which would allow her to perform, on stage, so amazingly. These days, things are not the same, baby.
  10. My Dear Friends, Or, might I say, my "older" friends: One thing you must have noticed, as you age, is the fact that, as we age, due to hormonal changes, women become men, and men become women. As for me, I have always loved dating women, and have never dated men. Therefore, now, as I age, the women I meet, the women my age, and the women who have seemingly, through natural processes, become men, due to age, are no longer appetizing to me. You could not pay me enough to date them...No Way! And, likewise, there are very few women, of my age, who would be paid for dating men, in Pattaya, although, maybe, there must be a few, since the law of probability states that nothing ever has a zero chance of happening. Anyway, I am just wondering about how you see it. How are you able to date women your own age, after you reach my age. Is this not just something so repugnant to you that you would never, ever, attempt it? I find dating women my own age as something like climbing Mt. Everest...just something that I would never wish to do, and never would attempt. Therefore, as you can plainly see, I prefer to be celibate, rather than to fool around with young women, and rather than to force myself to have older women, because.... Having an older woman of my age makes me think of being forced to eat shredded wheat cereal, in the mornings, when I was young... Sure, it might be good for you. But, eating shredded wheat cereal in the mornings, when one is young, is just something that no one would chose to do. So very unappetizing. I have no doubt that many of you, if you are my age, or if you will soon be my age, must or will feel exactly the same as I. Not even one of us, as is my guess, would gladly date a very old dried up prune, and a masculine prune, at that, when one would prefer some younger woman full of life and juices. Therefore, I guess, my sex life is now over. I would not foist myself upon younger women, even for money. And this, my friends, is why I choose to remain celibate, and alone, though not lonely, indeed. Best regards, Globby Note: I know you know that I am not wrong
  11. There is nothing that I do not wish to know.... Because.... I am a curious fellow.
  12. Each one of us may have our own solution for ridding ourselves of feelings of jealousy. My solution is celibacy. Is celibacy just too high a price to pay? Not in the least. Finally, I am completely free of jealousy. Feels great! What about you? Are you in a relationship? Are you enjoying it? Or, is the jealousy you feel taking years off your life? Mark my words: You cannot escape it. Even if you try, the woman you are with will always pique your feelings of jealousy, just when you least expect it.
  13. My Friends, Let us say that you are in a relationship. Maybe, for example, you think you are extremely close with a hot number. And yet, you are not so sure how close she might feel, to you. And then, for whatever reason, one evening, she stays out late. Maybe she has an unbelievable reason for being out late. And then, the same thing happens again, and maybe again. You get the same old tired excuses. Sure, you had always promised to trust her. And, you had always hoped that you could. And gradually, you begin to suspect that you may have trusted her, just too much. You start to realize that the time she spends on her phone, and the unexplained absences, can no longer easily be explained. Maybe you begin to check her purse or pocketbook. You do this at first only in an attempt to allay your irrational fears. And then, the more you worry that she might be seeing someone else, the more your dread begins to grate on you, as time goes by. You begin to imagine, irrationally, that someone else might be holding her, and even kissing her, in some sort of cheap short-time hotel, for example. And, every time you think of her kissing someone else, your heart beats rapidly, you feel dizzy, you begin to hyperventilate, and you can't concentrate on your work; You become convinced that this is the end of your world. You realize that you are smitten with her, and besotted by her, most irrationally. And so, what do you do? How do you solve this problem? How do you deal with these baser, illogical feelings which are controlled by the limbic system, the most primitive part of your brain. What are the ways you use to rid yourself of these feelings, in order to avoid destruction of your life? Many a great man has inadvertently been brought down, and laid low, by some B-girl. And, in this type of milieu, even the likes of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec may have been laid low, many, many times, one might imagine. Therefore, how best to deal with jealousy? Especially, jealousy when one is dating a woman who is a working woman? I never was able to keep my emotions in check, in such circumstances. Some guys, I have been told, have the 3-day rule. However, what about if one has been dating for a year? How does one avoid that sick feeling brought on by the green-eyed monster? Regards, Globule
  14. Death Knell to the Species??? Let us not forget all those externalities, baby! Yeah...that's right. Externalities.
  15. Dear Boyn, I am on nothing. Let me tell you, my friend. Back in 1970, most of what we know now was known back then. And yet, zero progress toward making our world sustainable has been made. This is a total failure of human behavior. And, this failure is totally not surprising. I am on nothing. Yet, I am getting evermore worried about the prospects for humanity. I am an old guy. I have no children. I do not worry for myself. I only worry for you.
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