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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Think something like this, only smaller, and in less decrepitude, but with concrete walls and ceiling, etc.
  2. Thank you. Quite spectacular in its beauty, the image you have provided. However, far too upscale for me. I am looking for something like some concrete grain storage area, maybe.... something like you might see in China. Some sort of large concrete structure of about 150 square meters. One large single area, as I have pictured in my original topic. Probably, something exactly like this cannot be found in Thailand. However, some nearest approximation is what I had envisioned. And, how to find? Not sure. Because, if you go on the Real Estate sites, no one seems to be looking for a place such as this. Everybody wants a pool, as well as many other worthless baubles, such as a jacuzzi pool. I, on the other hand, have no need for a jacuzzi, being single and celibate. Just looking for some out-of-the-way place, one which has strong walls and an insulated roof, just one very large room.... I.e. something you might think of when you think of a loft in New York City, but definitely not anything you might see in the Hamptons. Thank you.
  3. Already have. Have spent many hours, in fact. Honestly.
  4. Was it one very, very large room? Plenty of insulation on the roof? Large windows. Fields around? Do you have photos, please? Please share. Many might be interested. Thank you.
  5. Please note, living in a place like this, in New York City, might cost you about USD20,000 per month (much more, probably). So, please do not look down your nose on this sort of alternative housing, when it should be able to be had for a lot less in Thailand. Thank you. I mean, it is just a matter of taste. Each to their own flavor, right? As for me, this is a place in which I could feel at home, IF there was land around it.
  6. No doubt these places exist. The only question is...how does one find one. Thank you.
  7. Dear Friends, I am looking for a place to stay, and I do not mean a condo, nor a guesthouse, nor any sort of house that most Estate Agents might be familiar with. What I am seeking is sort of like a solidly built structure, one single very large room, in the middle of a field, well removed from neighbors, yet close enough to the city. A structure such as this could be easy to find in my home country. Yet, here, I lack the contacts to find this type of thing, just by contacting realty agents, or so it seems. Of course, I can guess what you may be thinking. You might be thinking something like...why should we help you? The answer to this question is that, this is an open forum. And, if you can help me by suggesting ways to find atypical places to rent or buy, then doing this will certainly help the next guy who may be seeking the same sort of layout as I. It really does not matter what city I am in, because I could be in any major city in Thailand. My question is just.... What might be the best way to find such an alternative "house" in which to live. My dream place would be a fairly large single room, made of concrete or brick. Something with a toilet and a shower. Maybe a small cooking area. Several large windows. Good insulation on the roof. Plenty of fields around the place. Or, maybe just land overgrown with weeds and trees. The interior would be about this size, 220 square meters....for example, .... and unfinished, as is pictured here: Any thoughts? There is no doubt that many of you might be looking for the same sort of digs. For some, such a thing might not be so dreamy. However, for me, this kind of living holds special appeal. Maybe someone here can reply constructively to this serious question. Regards, Glob Note: Why post here and not in the Real Estate section? Because, if you check out the profiles of people who post here, then you will see that many here have lived in Thailand almost as long as I have been alive. And, people here know a lot. And, very many were born here. This is why.
  8. It was a choice of phrase between either that or, "I love them to death".
  9. Not for me, in my case. I prefer to play the court jester, as you know, providing much-needed truth and insight to this forum. Take care.
  10. WOW! Great tune.....! Thank you!!!!! (First time I have heard it...but...GOOD.)
  11. So, you caught this unintentional ambiguity in my argument? Thank you for your careful reading. Sometimes, double negatives can become confusing. Try this on for size: So, anyway, it is not the case that I did not say that the sex normally associated with having more muscles is the stronger of them both.
  12. Take Care.... Sparktrader..... Be well, and enjoy your coexistence with the stronger sex. I LOVE women. In fact, I love them to pieces...I do!
  13. Dear Guys; this topic is for you: During past years, I have read thousands of posts and comments here on TV. And, all I have to say is that, after reading these posts, I have made up my mind concerning which is truly the weaker sex. I will not directly share my opinion, other than to say that the weaker sex, from my experience, is not the one with more muscles. Let us not forget the tale of Samson and Delilah. Yes, my friends. When you go toe to toe with a woman, you guys are at a clear disadvantage. The many wiles of women tie you in knots when you least expect it. And then, you whine about it here, after the fact, on TV, which I find curious and quaint. Also, sometimes, you laugh at me for being celibate, even though I have bared my soul to you in many of my posts, just in order that you might follow my good example, and, thereby, save yourselves from debilitating angst, over and over again, as you continue to do the same dumb thing, time after time, expecting a better result, each and every time. So, I ask you: Which is the weaker sex? Some of you guys have written on this forum that you have met a lot of women. And you say that you are EXPERIENCED, just like Jimi Hendrix sang, and who really knows if he was not undone by a woman, though I doubt it. But, strangely enough, it seems that the more experienced you are, the harder you fall, every time. Why don't you guys just take a page out of my playbook? Why don't you guys just give in, and become celibate? Why do you expose yourselves to needless, repeated, and avoidably torture? Are you not able to control your urges enough to live happier and pain-free lives, in freedom, as am I? Maybe I am being too harsh in my evaluation of your situation. Maybe you are like unthinking moths drawn to the flame, and,.. Each and every time, having never learned from experience that you will get burned.... You repeat the same experiment, over and over again, without gaining any further wisdom. Wisdom is the quality of using experience to gain knowledge and good judgment, and even more. Yet, you guys get burned, over and over again, in some cases. Therefore, I beg of you, in case you want to rise to a higher and happier level in life, and become celibate, which is a far happier state of being than the one that some of you lead, apparently, please follow my happy lead. I can understand your feelings of wishing to be with a woman, because we all do think about sharing time with the stronger sex, women, very often during each and very day. But, just as is true of the case of the Mantis in the insect world, I have found that it is wise to steer clear of the stronger sex, at my age, and I have done this religiously during the past 20 years. Sorry, my friends: There is no good solution to this predicament in which we find ourselves. We are darned with them. And we are darned without them. One must just make some sort of decision concerning which choice might lead to your ultimate state of least unhappiness. There is no perfect solution to the war of the sexes, for sure. Regards, Glob
  14. Please tell us who we are. Thank you for reposting this.
  15. OK, my friend. However, how many here, do you suppose, know the difference between Big G and Little G, physically speaking, of course. I agree with you: Silence is Golden. Still, few of us are capable of holding our tongue when we would most benefit from doing so. Enjoy, my friend:
  16. Why do I not feel sorry for the OP? I have warned him, if he has been reading my warnings, one should remain celibate, forever. And yet, you guys just do not listen. You think you can have your cake and eat it, too. Maybe pie, also. Love is pain. Be celibate, and enjoy the rest of your lives, my friends. This is NOT a joke. I came to this conclusion over a decade ago. Best decision of my life. Anyway, it ups to you..... Have fun, and stop crying when you get burned.
  17. We are not saying that parody is not fine, here on the forum. We just need to keep our discourse uplifting, refined, and respectful:
  18. My Dear Friends, if I may be so bold as to address you so: Here, in this forum, we have a historical and still enduring resource which is one that never fails to brighten our days, any time we click on the Farang Pub. This forum has been provided to us newbies for Fun and Entertainment, mostly, and is a forum built on the shoulders of giants who came before us. There is really no doubt that some of the comments posted on this forum are original and surprisingly refreshing, and they often provide everyone here with a much needed chuckle, as well as welcome diversion from time to time, when most needed. Surely, some of you must admit that there are a few talented writers who comment, from time to time, just in order to improve the overall quality of this forum. I suppose that it might be possible to choose to write comments which are apt to improve the general quality of this forum. And, likewise, one might make the decision to post comments which are less helpful in the grand scheme of this Farang Pub. One thing that I often consider when posting a comment on this forum is that there might be "Little Pitchers Having Big Ears" who might also be reading what is written in this space. Speaking of being earnest, then satire is wonderfully suitable for this forum. Maybe we should cloak our satire so deeply that little pitchers have no clue? Also, as regards being collegial, then this need cannot be denied if our forum is to survive and reach its full potential, and remain a forum providing us with some, or more, modicum of pleasure. Here is a quote you might find on the internet: "Children are good and keen listeners to what adults are saying, and sooner or later they will catch on at decoding the metaphors of proverbs whose imagery is less obscure. " No matter how much we try to obscure what we are saying, still, bright children always uncover hidden meanings, and this means that we should be more careful about what we post, just knowing that Little Pitchers Have Big Ears. I have no idea who, or what demographic, might be reading the Farang Pub forum, of course. Best regards, Your budding young writer, here on this forum, Globulin Note: Always be earnest, always glory in satire, if you must, yet write in a way which is representative of writing that your family members would admire. Just a suggestion, of course.
  19. You have regained your stride, sir. Truly, an example of your former glory, eight years ago. Congratulations. We shall overcome, and you have.
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