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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Oh...Man! Weird Science!!!! Keep it Clean, my friend.... Your moon is not science.
  2. My Dear Friends, Strangely enough, we have just had some interesting news concerning demographic shifts both here in SE Asia, and also in China, as well as elsewhere in Asia. Of course, there are still some places, maybe such as the Philippines, where fecundity has not taken such a huge hit. The interesting news is that China's past forecast for population growth, and for the sheer number of its population, has been seriously overrated. In other words, China is dying, just due to lack of population growth and also due to graying of the population. Here we are in Thailand. And so, what is happening to the growth, or lack of growth, of population here? You can post numbers, if you can find accurate numbers, but I will not post numbers which I am not sure about. Some of you have stated that you think that there are too many Chinese tourists in Thailand. And, others have said that there are not enough of them. Either way, this past Chinese 2020 census has been a shock to the powers that be, in China, since the counted population of China is far less than what was anticipated. What I am worried about is this: Let us say that population numbers continue to radically decline, as seems to be the case, then how might this affect your life in the near future, in Asia? Maybe you might see a rapid decline, during the next decade, of the people from neighboring Asian countries which you most enjoy. Personally, I doubt that this major change in demographics will affect me much, simply because I am celibate, and I do not depend upon cheap labor for much of anything. But, what about you? Or, if worse comes to worst, and we find that the sector of the population which we depend upon, as retirees, decreases overly much, and too rapidly, then maybe one might need to relocate to a country with a different demographic trajectory, for example. So, what do you think? Does this Philippines population pyramid look quite good to you, at this time, compared to other places? In my opinion, it might. The above graph was taken from Wikipedia, and you can search for other pyramids based on other data, if you like. Still, most collected data seems to agree, closely. When you consider your life, during the next decade, then, .... All that I am saying is that you should also consider the population pyramid. Regards, Globulin Please Note: The above pyramid will not influence me. I will never leave Thailand. I love it too much, for sure. And, also, I do not rely on cheap labor to make my life pleasurable. I do it myself.
  3. Just my two cents: The Xiaomi is an amazingly wonderful air purifier machine. I use the tall ones, and not the short ones. If you do not replace the filter, then the small circular screen will change from red to green, and then back to red. This is a sign that you need to replace your filter. Do not be stingy on buying filters for air purifiers. The Xiaomi air purifier seems to have a very high quality and reliable fan motor. All you need to do, in order to keep this machine in proper working order, is to replace the filter at the proper time, and the machine will remind you when to do this. Simple as Pie,....really. Great machine, IMHO.
  4. The answer to this question is that: aa. Our Moon reflects light. bb. Our Moon also emits radiation, of its own. I am sure that everybody here understands Black Body Radiation. Correct? And so, even if our Moon was by itself, far, far out in space... Still, we would be able to calculate the amount of radiation (even light) that our Moon would radiate. You know, sometimes I wonder why I reply to some of these questions....
  5. Dear Friend, I am not sure whether or not you understand the perception of Time. As we age, our perception of time does change, and the seconds tick faster. Sometimes, looking back, you might think that you have not done much. And now that Time is speeding up, you become worried that there might not be enough time to accomplish what you had hoped you might. Just keep in mind that, for everyone, the seconds tick faster, as one ages. Not sure if this might help you. However, if anyone, over the age of 60, is in prison is reading my words, then this might provide a bit of solace. This is Experimental Psychology 101. Regards, Note: I do hope that anyone reading this is not existing on a diet of bread and water, of course.
  6. I would react by wanting to know more about her, for sure. I mean, if she uploaded a photo of Janis Joplin, then, I think I would wish to continue the conversation... Maybe, I might even ask her to give me every piece of her heart, for example, not to mention, in return for every inch of my love. Who knows.
  7. My Dear Friends, Some here have suggested that I go on line in order to meet a woman. They often tell me how easy it can be. They say, just posting one profile in some Thai dating forum, that one can reap too many replies. Personally, I am not sure that I believe what they are telling me. This just seems too easy, like shooting fish in a barrel. Yet, I do have a question for these old guys who post on dating forums. And this is... What profile photos do they choose to use? For example, do they search their house for some high school or college photos? Or, do they choose any random and handsome photo they find on the Internet? I mean that, why would I post my present-day photo, if I could alternatively choose a photo from my rowing days, days gone by when I was slim and trim? Or, what I would really like to do, and I wonder if it can be done, is to post a photo on my dating site profile which is not mine, but that of a rock star, say. Personally, I am leaning toward a photo of David Bowie, a singer that most very young girls of 28 probably have never seen before. So, what do most old men choose to do when facing this quandary? Just wondering, and just in case.... Best regards, Globulin
  8. Thank you. As you will note, the grout on the bathroom tiles should not be black. In my opinion the best indication of substandard workmanship is the color of grout on tiles. Still, thank you very much. Please note: Black grout on tiles is just as spooky as fluorescent lighting around the house. Things like this you will never see in the Louvre in France, or the replication of the Louvre in China. Disgusting grout between tiles is always a sign one is in China, baby.... SPOOKY!
  9. Have you ever been to New York City? Do you realize that people live in warehouses in NYC, and pay premium prices for the pleasure? This is a serious post. Note to You: Yes, I have been to Thailand.
  10. But then, living with a 60-year-old woman might be worse than living with a rooster.
  11. Might be doable, provided that the person to be married is also celibate.
  12. Well, anyway, very constructively speaking, there has been mention of a farmhouse, or a workhouse. And, in case you are looking for what I am looking for, then you might consider something such as these options. I am sure that you and I will never meet. Please let me put your mind at rest concerning this, at least. Hope you find a nice place to stay in Thailand, for sure.
  13. “Oh, the terrible struggle that I have had against sleep so often of late; the pain of the sleeplessness, or the pain of the fear of sleep, and with such unknown horror as it has for me! How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads; to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams.”
  14. No need to be "too" close to a city. But, also, not too far away, either. (10 Kliks is OK) Bt.10,000 would be fine for such a place.
  15. Interesting, for sure. Also, in truth, this is something that I was not aware of. (Although, I have been aware of the fact that most people are afraid of ghosts, even though they might not admit it to a farang.)
  16. Looks nice. This is what many, but not all, people might be looking for. And, when you say "heaps", one naturally cannot but think of this other image... I would guess that many who dream of coming to Thailand also dream of living in a tin shack, with so much greenery around. Heaven to some, might be hell to others. However, so honestly, as for me, this tin shack looks grand. In order to move into a shack like this, then one would need to move further out, farther away from the city, something that I have been very hesitant to do, so far. Now, I am considering doing so. And, in this case, then one might first need to check with the internet company, in order to ensure reliable service. I may be a newbie to TV, but I am not a newbie to Asia, and I have lived is some very remote places, and loved it. One thing which concerns me most, and this is no joke. I worry about roosters. Barking dogs do not bother me. However, roosters are utterly intolerable. And, almost everywhere I go, there are always roosters. Don't know why.
  17. Sounds nice. Why do you say that not many people dare to live alone outside the village without security? Just curious...
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