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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. During the recent two or three decades, Natural Scientists mistakenly believed that, just by making known the facts, then...logically speaking...human behavior, around the globe, would change. They thought that 1 plus 1 would equal 2, like on a blackboard/whiteboard. And then, they gradually understood that, in human terms, in the real world, 1 plus 1 never equals 2. So then, after a few years of useless pondering, they wondered if Social Scientists could step in to fill the gap of their Natural Science facts. And, after a few years, it became apparent that even Social Scientists were not up to the challenge, the challenge of changing human behavior, just in order to save Humanity. In fact, it was admitted, finally, that even Social Scientists could not prevent lemmings from jumping off cliffs. Why? Because they never did. Lemmings are too smart to jump off cliffs. Lemming behavior, just as human behavior, is complex. Lemmings will not jump off a cliff. However, humans will, and they often do. Biology is not rational. Some soldiers, for example, are willing to fall on their sword, even when not necessary, just to prove a point (ouch). So far, there is no solution to our collective drive toward great wealth, and then, to our collapse and doom. If only we could even things out, one might say. But, as you know, in biological systems, nothing is ever stable. Instead, it is always boom and bust, just the way it always has been. Boom....and....Bust. Still, there is no doubt that Michael Milken enjoys much fondness, among his many admirers, for his junk bond exploits. Yet, maybe, ten years from now, when our plight becomes even more apparent than it is today, if that is even possible, then most of us will lose our taste for junk bond guys, and all the other guys, the guys who are, this day, leading our world astray. There is no doubt that, ten years from today, most people on Earth, if there is still life on Earth at that time, will see things in a different way. Wait and see. Wait, if you have the patience to wait. Sit back, and enjoy your limited time. Yes, Friends... Sit back, and enjoy... (Or, in the vernacular of Chinese culture: "lie flat".) Please Note: When the recordings of Savoy Brown are lost, due to climate change, which they surely must be, this will truly be a great travesty...
  2. BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER Evening Snack (宵夜) ============ What do you think would happen to your body, within a few months, if you were to eat nothing but these tasty desserts, for a few months, or a few years? It might kill you. And, you know that this is true. Same goes for our planet. Rampant consumption, with no heed for the results, will certainly destroy us. We will never be able to escape from cause and effect. Even Putin's friends will never escape from nuclear war, global warming, rapidly increased loss of biodiversity, no matter where these rats might hide. Some guys buy super yachts. Why? Because, when the oceans die, yachting will no longer be so much fun. Live an learn. Some guys, though, will never learn. And, some guys, just do not care. Well... It ups to them, one supposes.
  3. Maybe, no matter what, the lesson is to never become complacent, and always try never to complain, as long as you still have a good thing going, in Thailand. Never complain, is a good motto, maybe.
  4. One more thing: Let us always keep in mind that the seductiveness of Eros and Thanatos are equally enticing.... The final death of humanity is so horrific that its horrificness can actually seem sublimely beautiful, almost Heavenly, and many people today do yearn for the end of the world, even those drawn to mainstream religion, today, especially those who sing hymns. We might choose to live, but... On the other hand, we might choose to fly into the flame, and reach our final orgasm as we die and burn. We see this theme repeated in the film, mentioned above, in several comical sequences. The scientist, Joe DiMaggio, or was it Nasa's James Hansen, or was it DiCaprio, and not DiMaggio, who becomes seduced by the Marilyn Monroe figure, in the film, and was this character not based on someone like Megyn Kelly? You know as well as I that James Hansen, gods bless him, has always spoken very haltingly, and he would be the first to admit this. Therefore, in my opinion, the principal scientist in this film must be drawn from the real life James Hansen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Hansen Normally, one might surmise, no one would spend much time watching or thinking about a Hollywood/Bollywood film, in this day and age, unless the film were not intended to be a total farce, and one with ambiguous meanings. It is all about Eros and Thanatos, the meaning of the film, maybe. And, the conclusion is that humankind will always choose Thanatos, just like lab rats, if given enough sugar water, to do so. These days, there is much talk about addicts here, and addicts there. However, in truth, there are addicts everywhere...EVERYWHERE. And, our addiction will lead us where??? (Are we logical? Or, like addicts, are we in denial?)
  5. Dear Friends, Please allow me to speak more frankly concerning this topic, which I think is one so pertinent to today's commonly shared angst, even feelings of dread, might I say. As for me, living in Thailand provides me with huge amount of comfort during troubled times. This must be the same for you. ======== One more thing, concerning this 2021 film I mentioned in my topic, as well as the view from the "pure science" side of the argument: First, please listen to the science side from one of the foremost researchers at Boulder, Colorado. Second, then please listen to the Hollywood side of the argument from DiCaprio, an actor who went down on the Titanic, and consequently knows a thing or two about existential outcomes. OK... First: The above sounds logical. Second: Here, DiCaprio is saying basically the SAME THING as Professor Toon, except he is stating his case in a more emotionally filled way, simply because he is a better actor. (Important Note: I was unable to find the English version of the second video clip. And so, in this case, just pay attention to DiCaprio's body language. Totally adequate to convey the message, in this case, I think. Feel free to watch the English version of the movie, anytime.) My Friends, Both Hollywood and Science are now onboard with the more reality-based narrative which actually does reflect our present predicament. And, it will NOT be the common man who can solve this problem, most likely. Instead, it will be those who are in power, those who have the levers to actually shift our present path towards a far better trajectory, one which just might carry us away from doom. But, is it already too late? I really do not know. All that I know is that, at this point in time, DiCaprio's character now makes far more sense to me. And so, this is why I feel lucky to be in Thailand, at this juncture in the evolution of humanity. Regards, Glob
  6. (And, why I have resultantly learned to love Thailand, even more, despite the bomb.) My Dear Friends, The only reason I watched this film, yesterday, was due to having watched a discussion on the Internet between Paul Ehrlich, his wife, and a few others, including Brian Toon, who is no science slouch, in his own right. You member Paul, of course, the guy who wrote "The Population Bomb", in 1968. So anyway, while listening to Brian Toon, Alan Robock, as well as Paul Ehrlich, speak about present-day Nuclear Threat, I began to feel even more lucky to be where I am, in Thailand, a place I love, a place where I would gladly see my last sunset. You might know Brian Toon, a professor and researcher who has done a few Ted Talks trying to encourage the common man to wake up and see the reality of our predicament, including our Nuclear Doomsday predicament, our rapid Extinction-rate predicament, and our Global Warming predicament. Well, my friends, I am not trying to be a doomsayer. Instead, I am just suggesting that anyone who enjoys a bit of black comedy might wish to watch the film, "Don't Look Up". I am fairly sure that most of us can see the writing on the wall. In fact, this is the premise behind this film, ie, the powers that be, the people with the power who could actually make a change, were the very ones who delayed the solution in order to line their pockets, or just because they were to fat and lazy to overcome their inertia, and act. Judging by past trends, over decades and centuries, and knowing human behavior as we do, we can predict with a high degree of certainty that the outcome, for us, in reality, will be the same outcome as is portrayed in this film, Don't Look Up. And therefore, what does this realization mean for me? And, what might it mean for you? Here is what I think it might mean for us all..... Thailand is a great place to spend the remaining good days of our lives; this final single decade before things get really hairy, in 2032. I can say with utmost surety and sincerity that that there is no other place I would rather be, during these uncertain times, than Thailand. I love living here, and I will also love dying here, if I must. Cremation, by the way, might be free if we die by nuclear-bomb incineration. Although, I doubt that this will happen. More likely, we can be cremated for free if we make donations to the nearest temple, a thought which I find comforting. This is not a joke topic, of course. How could anyone joke about a topic as serious as this? I am sure, by now, you are old enough to know that we humans are not logical creatures. If this is so, then we can expect that we will not act logically. And, if we do not act logically, during this point in our human history, Then, we can surely expect the end, not only of our species, but of many other species, as well. I am not saying that I care about other species more than I care about the human species, just to be clear. Although, I do love Abyssinian cats, very much. The original point of this topic, which gives me much comfort is this: When you got to go, you got to go. And, if you got to go, then when you go, as for me, it would be best to go while I am still in Thailand, a land, a culture and a place I most love. You know, I think that Jimmy Durante said it best when he sang: "Did You Ever Have the Feeling"... I go! Regards, Thinking of you, Glob
  7. Strangely enough, while, at this very moment, reading a copy of "Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented", Thomas Hardy, I was suddenly reminded of my days in China, decades ago, days during which Chinese women were more innocent and reserved. And then, I recalled a tune I heard, just before I left China. And this tune will always remain sort of my signature tune, one that reminds me of some of my days in Shanghai. Would you mind if I post here? Shanghai, these days, is not what it once was before the revolution. Maybe there will be another revolution in the future. No one can say. "REVOLUTION IS OUT OF HAND" Quoting from the lyrics here. "The solution is revolution" Although it cannot come quickly enough, yet, it will not come easy, and it will not come quickly. ==== Music aside, and good times aside, in Shanghai, it is all about PURIFICATION. Purification of the Air. Purification of the Mind. Purification of Thought. Etc.
  8. Dear Sir: You have been abroad since I first had the pleasure of knowing you, almost 10 years in the past. Do you now mean that you are abroad from that place where you were abroad, the first time we met? Continued best wishes to you, while you continue to live abroad. Take care!
  9. Now that we have established that the Soapy Massage might be safe for younger guys, I happened to think a bit concerning whether or not young men of the Flying Tiger Type might have had Soapy Massages in-between times they were flying over the hump. I have no doubt these men of honor had soapy massages, and good ones, too, anytime they came back from their very Un-safe missions. Flying over the hump, even today, is a phrase which has a ring to it, and one equally full of glamor. We can be sure that Claire Lee Chennault had no need of soapy massages; He had plenty of opportunity for in-house scented baths, at home, with his beautiful wife. Pretty much, same with me. I loved soapy massages with my wife, too. She was Chinese, you know.
  10. Just out of curiosity, after reading your comment here.... What is it that other nationalities like, including men born here?
  11. White noise is great, in Thailand. This is what I was intimating.
  12. While I understand the complete logic of your thinking.... What about if you had enough money to hire a caregiver in Thailand, if and when you became ill or somewhat incapacitated? Would it not be better, still, to remain in Thailand? As of this moment, I am not yet overly demented. However, if I were, I do know of at least one facility in Thailand which might care for me with kindness, if and when the dementia sets in, inevitable or not.
  13. I knew that you knew that I would have known that you knew. Just pleased to not have let you down, this time.
  14. As I am sure you know, and as everyone else here knows, there are two standards for measuring particulates in the air. Regarding the Xiaomi machine, if you are normally getting a reading of 003 at its lowest fan setting, then it is likely that you do not need to use it. However, I do not care what the reading might be on my machines. I just keep them running because I love the sound of them; the white noise they produce helps me sleep, and precludes me from posting overly many posts on TV, for example. To answer you question: If you are using an AC, plus your Xiaomi machine, and your Xiaomi registers 001 to 003, you do not need to keep your air purifier running, for air purification purposes. Although, if you are also using some sensitive electronic equipment, such as a high-class server, then you might still wish to keep your Xiaomi running. As you have already stated, there is a small port (air inlet) on the Xiaomi machine which should be kept clean so that the sensor provides accurate readings. Also, I once needed to open up the machine in order to remove a lizard which crawled in there and died. This may happen to you, too, depending upon your local environment.
  15. Before you post a tune, then you should know from whence it derives. For example... HERE is the original, and the BETTER version of what you posted. BLACK BETTY, baby.
  16. Dear Friends, I have never been to a Soapy Massage parlor. Still, who might not be curious about what goes on there. Visiting a Soapy Massage parlor, morally speaking, is fine with me; and I see nothing wrong with a bit of fun and entertainment. My only concern might be that of safety. For example, I have difficulty getting in and out of the tub, even at home. If I were to visit one of these places, with so much soap, then these tubs and floor surfaces could be slippery. Maybe I would slip and fall, while having fun. Do the girls really take care of you and ensure your safety? Also, do they provide some of those non-slip stickers on the floor, and in the bathtub, for example? I would say that, for most of us, getting up the courage to visit a Soapy Massage parlor is not easy. And so, if we knew that there were safety features in the parlors, this might encourage us to expand our horizons in this direction. Otherwise, probably we will choose not to visit these places, and just read, on social media, about the experiences of others who go to have Soapy Massages. I have never been. But, if safe, then I see nothing wrong with going. Regards. Note: I would say that having a Soapy Massage is no different than going to get a haircut,
  17. Dear Friends, A Thai woman I know recently explained to me that she never thinks about the future. She told me that thinking about the future gives her a headache. Apparently, she just blocks out, from her mind, the future. Also, I know this Chinese guy who told me that he has worked with Thai friends to help them think about the future. His mission is to help Thai people to plan for the future, including his help for financial planning and estate planning. This Chinese guy has plenty of headaches. And so, I wonder, who is the fool? Neither are fools, and both are smart. Only, the Chinese guy who helps Thai people to plan for the future often complains of headaches... While my Thai friend has none. My Thai friend sleeps a lot, too. She both loves to sleep a lot, and she does not think of the future. She seems very happy. What do you think? Is it better to sleep a lot, and not think of the future? Or, is is better to sleep far less, and plan for the future which might never come? Regards, Glob Please Note: This is a true story.
  18. Another few years of Exponential Growth, baby.... And, soon.... I will see you on Neptune.
  19. Now if 6 turned out to be 9 I don't mind, I don't mind Alright, if all the hippies cut off all their hair I don't care, I don't care... Dig, 'cos I got my own world to live through And I ain't gonna copy you Sing on, Brother. Play on, Drummer. Let's just continue to pretend that the Exponential Function of Economic growth will never have any negative impact on Humanity.... Looks good. Everybody is getting rich. Nothing could go wrong with a curve such as this. GDP-per-capita-in-the-uk-since-1270_v6_850x600.svg
  20. Soon, the Moon will turn a fire red. Soon, the Amazon forests will catch on fire. Soon, the corals of reefs around the world will be bleached to death. Soon the phytoplankton will begin to die. Maybe the krill will die, too, and then this will mean the end of the whales. Soon, the cryosphere will be melted down to a pitiful state from what it once was. The glaciers on the Himalayas will be reduced to no more than what you might put in your home refrigerator. Soon, you and I will become just a shell of our original selves... And we will become Voodoo Children in a land which we no longer recognize. Yet, no matter what might happen, such as this... ThaiVisa will still survive. And, this is enough for me. Thank heaven for Seven and ThaiVisa, baby.... You better believe it, just because, these days, you got nothing else.
  21. Dear Friends, Some have asked the question concerning the best country for old men. Therefore, what might be the worst country for old men? Or, no country for old men? And so...here is a real question..... What might be the worst country for you, an old man. There are some places in Mexico that I would not want to be, being old, or being young. However, regarding the very worst? What do you think? What would be NO COUNTRY for OLD MEN? The worst of the worst.
  22. Sorry: Please add the following to what has been mentioned above. Thank you.
  23. Dear Friends, Are you a hippie of the first order? I am talking about the hippies who may have first arrived here in Thailand in 1967. I am talking about A Day in The Life. I am talking about, If 6 was 9. And I'm just asking about, White-collared conservatives flashing down the street. I am asking about, if all the Hippies, cut off all their hair.....Do I care? I don't care. Thailand has changed from those glorious days. And, these days, i just stay by myself, and I grow my bananas, because.... After living the Hippie Life, any other life is just too blah-blah, blaze, if you know what I mean. Dig? Wave on. Wave on! Wish I could return to a day in the life, when atmospheric CO2 was about 300 PPM, and life was happy, all the time. What about you? Regards, Glob Note: Love you, my friends. ..... I've got my own life to live I'm the one that's going to have to die When it's time for me to die So let me live my life The way I want to, yeah. Take care...!
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