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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. This is just an intelligence issue. The Thai girls I know are very insightful, serious, and kind. They do not giggle behind a hand, as do some Japanese girls. I tend to hang with the smart Thai girls. Otherwise, they seem shallow compared to my former Chinese wife, whose brother did his PhD in Computer Engineering at U. of Pennsylvania. If anything, my former wife was a bit too mature for her age, and not shallow enough in bed, although once she got going... She was up for any sort of sexual antics.
  2. He did far better than I. But then, I suffer from Test Phobia. (Most likely, some sort of passa Thai quiz might be nice, say about two Thai language quizzes per week; and in both Thai Script and also Romanized alphabet.)
  3. All traffic signals and signalling should be completely OPTIONAL. I hope that one day soon, I can configure the removal of said green arrow. Next you know it, we will have to use our indicators while posting Topics.
  4. In my view, Olympics Organizers are always too conservative. This is why, in Beijing, Plant was, so mistakenly, not invited. Plant would have been too much for the Commies. Page was invited: But, Plant, sadly, was not. Plant would have been Too Powerful For Karl Marx, and Marxism!: There is just NO ACCOUNTING for TASTE!
  5. Culture is Important! You even stated as much in the body of the OP. How many times must I repeat myself? Culture plus IQ are crucial for understanding aesthetics, and also so much more.
  6. Sorry, I did not know. What about flaming cheese, or other flambeed dishes. I love flambeed cheese, which is just flaming cheese, and I wish I had some right now. Give me five, please!
  7. Or, even worse... One member might take the quiz, and then write down the questions... And then feed those questions to another member.... And then the second member would have both the questions and the correct answers to the quiz, even before clicking on the link to begin the quiz. The only way to circumvent this eventuality would be to have a much larger pool of possible questions, using some AI Robot, and then select five questions from an infinite number of questions, at random, while ensuring that no two quiz-takers ever be presented with the same quiz questions.
  8. I am sure that the wording you had been searching for is: flaming masochists
  9. I can't stop. My readership will not allow such a thing to happen.
  10. With all these new quizzes, although I like the idea, in principle, I also worry about increasing levels of competition between members. This is why I would favor a collective quiz rather than an individualistic quiz. If we had one of these group quizzes, such are now very popular in most schools, then nobody would feel that they had lost, or were losers. Or, as a good alternative to this, I would like to see more quizzes on TV that had no single correct answers. Maybe we could, instead of multiple-choice questions, use essay questions. Personally, I would prefer any quiz that had long essay questions. I am more used to these. Hopefully, soon, I will see some essay quiz-questions posted in this new Quiz Section of TV.... Hopefully..... (Remember Hendrrix....and his song that ended with HOPEFULLY?)
  11. I will never become a card-carrying Farang. Better Red than Dead, I always say...
  12. Shows that specialize in rampant hyperbole, such as TYT, I do not watch. They give me a headache. They cloud the mind through their reliance on EMOTION rather than calm presentation of evidence. It is shows like these that go over well with nitwits in the USA.
  13. I disagree, in that much of the manipulation happened before the presidential candidates were selected. Obama who chose Hillary, and not Biden, in the far distant past, for example. Is this a democratic approach to the selection of office-holders? Maybe read some research such as this...? https://www.brookings.edu/articles/democratic-decline-in-the-united-states-strategic-manipulation-of-elections/ In the US, those in power will do anything to stay in power. This is the same in China. Democracy is a threat to those who hold power in BOTH the US and in China. Everybody knows this... Nobody gets elected to a top office in the US without following a path through either one of two powerful parties. This is NOT democracy. Democracy in the US is crippled and broken. Everybody knows this. At least, there is still such a thing as free speech, but... Do Americans actually USE free speech in order to make positive change? No, they do not. Instead, they talk about non-issues such as religious freedom, abortion, gay rights, etc. These are issues that can be debated AFTER America achieves a more democratic political system. At the moment, America is not free, but just slightly freer than living under XI....
  14. The point is that both Dems and Republicans, and I mean those running for office, would prefer to manipulate the elections in the US, rather than to actually represent the majority of the voters. There are many ways to manipulate US elections. One way is just to ensure that there are limited numbers of candidates, and that all candidates have been vetted by those with party power. This is the same thing that happens in other countries, such as China. There are many such ways, including gerrymandering, and other ways of engineering an edge, at the expensive of "the will of the People"...
  15. Too much information. We do not need, nor do we wish to know, that some US presidents may or may not wear diapers. Personally, I find the subject not fit for polite dinner conversation, and distasteful. If we make the choice to go down this path, to wonder which of our presidents are wearing diapers, then how can this curiosity be satisfied and verified, one way or another? Also, concerning the incontinence issue, we obviously have BOTH parties to blame..... Because, otherwise, who was it that coughed up both Trump, Biden, and now Harris, as our only potential choices for the election of 2024. Where is JFK when we need him???!!! I would much rather discuss JFK's bad back, than to speculate about what might be in Trump's diaper, if he even wears one. There are some Topics that are just too.... Too much. Too much information, for most of us, especially in this strange year of 2024.
  16. Yes. This is what I chose to do. The import tax was out of sight. I will not pay money for nothing. Money for Nothing? Kicks for Free?
  17. Time will tell who will be the next US Prez. Meanwhile, Harris was anointed and appointed to be the Democrats' candidate. However, this was done in both an opaque and non-democratic process. There was no open-convention offered to the vast majority of voters. Instead, Harris was chosen by a very small group which probably does not represent the majority of registered Democrats in the USA. And, what about Biden? Obviously, he has disrupted a fair election every bit as much as Trump. Neither the Dems nor the Republicans want, nor will they tolerate, a truly fair and open election. Therefore, I ask you... Will our next Prez truly be the elected president? As to insults, I always loved Tricky Dick. And, do you recall the campaign button: "Nixon's the One", having a button showing a young pregnant woman.... ? Insults are expected from congressmen. American Politics would not be good politics without the insults and backbiting and dishonesty and lying. Not sure where you are from, though...
  18. Well, what with all the cackling, which I mentioned previously... And, if the shoe fits... But, seriously, as you will recall, there were four mentioned, one from each of the points of the compass. And, WHICH one is she? Mirror, mirror, on the wall... Is she from the North? No way!
  19. He said, very forcefully, that we are: One nation, under...GOD He said it like he meant it. He seems to be appealing strongly to a certain segment of Floridians. I really do not see how, after a month or so, most Americans, especially those in Florida, will be willing to vote for Harris. She is just tooo far to the Left. Also, given the known known that she is far to the left, the way she forms and presents her ideas is too far out for almost anyone, once people begin to actually listen. At the moment, the prospective voters seem to be voting for her face, such as it is. By next month, they will have become sick and tired of looking at her face. Then, they will begin listening to what comes out of her mouth. Trump will become much more easily stomached than Harris, in coming months. All Trump's negatives are already very well known. But, we have yet to see some of the goodies which may soon come out of Harris's broom closet.
  20. Well, I guess we can be thankful for small favors.... It's good to recall the Birthers....and wonder why they are not here, this time of year. It causes us good humor and reason for celebration
  21. Who's Ted? You mean.. Ted of Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice? My only excuse is that my NOTE4 is definitely NOT what it used to be. Why do people insert multiple quotes from multiple members inside quoted text? Should they not be banned for doing so? I would ban them if they did it multiple times. Or, if not banning them, then what should we do with them? Maybe we should make the members glow in the dark in different colors so what we could know who said what? Also, just curious, what did I quote when I quoted, not yours, but Bob? Isn't life complicated enough without this?
  22. They do not speak passa Thai. They DO believe in The Catholic Church.
  23. And, how do we REALLY know if she was born in the US? Can she produce her BirthCertificate, for example? Have YOU seen an authenticated copy? I thought not.
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