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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. You mean, you don't watch videos concerning empathy? Or, maybe you might enjoy this one on Empathy and Dogs as a reply to a question from a lay member of the audience after a Sapolsky lecture? Enjoy! And, please do not miss this clip, too! Important Observation: Robert Sapolsky has a better beard than Freud ever had.
  2. Yes. This is just anecdotal and is not science. Sorry. A trial of ONE is meaningless, as you know.
  3. Your statement is TOTALLY untrue. Everyone knows that depression improves spontaneously without drug intervention. Also, when we consider anxiety/depression, natural (non--drug-intervention time) healing time is an important consideration. In other words, just like any physical injury, depression may be thought of as being an "injury" which requires time to heal. I would suggest that you watch this entire lecture series given by Robert Sapolsky: I really enjoyed these lectures (most if not all of them). Sapolsky is an amusing guy...and knows, full well, the meaning of Science....
  4. No I am not. I learned the meanings of both words before I attended elementary school. I know the meanings of both words in English, Thai, and Chinese. I think you are confused.
  5. Wow. You are quoting GARBAGE SCIENCE again. Show us your EVIDENCE for this chemical imbalance hypothesis of yours. You cannot. The evidence does not exist. This is garbage science. Drugs are useless. The brain quickly compensates for many of the psychoactive drugs added by doctors and shrinks. And this causes lasting harm. Even more tragically, this can also delay or even prevent recovery. Welcome to the American Medicine Show!
  6. RIGHT!!!! But, fortunately, I will not be arrested, and off myself, just due to my self gratification, like the lady in the video I linked, in this OP. Such a sad case, really. I feel great EMPATHY for her. I wonder if she might have been on psychiatric meds, too! Maybe Hers is just one more case of the many lethal casualties caused by western-style Psychiatric Quackery.
  7. Right. The best that can be done, at the present time, is to provide support during the natural healing process, if it is to occur at all. Drugs should not be prescribed due to significant and very harmful side effects. Psychiatrists that continue approaches that do not work are: a. Not scientists b. Quacks c. Scammers By the way, the mental health in countries such as SE Asia is far better than in English speaking countries, the countries where this pseudoscientific psychiatric quackery originated. I have always felt that the population on Taiwan was quite sane compared to English-speaking countries. And, I do not think that it is the English language that is responsible for this problem. Mental Health in the USA and the UK, according to some, is in dire straits. Would anyone disagree?
  8. In fact, I was not joking. These days, I wear a hat, one of those hats with a strip of netting near the top, but not on the top, to release the heat from my head. I do not walk when the temp gets above 37. However, 37, or below, and I usually feel quite comfortable walking at any time of day. I hydrate during the hours before I go out for walks. And I carry 1.5 liters of water in case I get thirsty. 37 degrees in the sun in Thailand is still quite comfortable for me, when the humidity is low. At the moment, this morning at 11:30AM, the humidity is about 20 percent. Extremely comfortable, and a nice time for a walk.
  9. This type of quackery should be met with heavy malpractice suits. Why... These psychoactive drugs they use are very powerful, and they easily change normal brain chemistry. Also, these drugs have been shown to prevent recovery from mental illness. You say, sometimes patients get better, and sometimes they get worse, and sometimes they remain the same. And then you still insist that this kind of drug therapy is a good idea. Your belief sounds like BLIND FAITH to me....obviously....
  10. What robot are you using to compile your list of traits of narcissists, presented here? And, YES, I am NO narcissist, according to this list. Also, why should I state that I am not a GENIUS, just to please you? Would this not be dishonest for me to do so? Still, I must admit, on rare occasions, some of my fantasies border on grandiosity, like the times I dream of saving the world from Psychiatric Quackery....
  11. So then, you expect a psychiatrist to write the definitive book critiquing the field of psychiatry? And, you want me to read such a book? OK. What about THESE books, written by a psychiatrist.... https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1049731511419372 Yes. Shrinks are NUTZO, simply because they know not what they do. In fact, it would be far better to study the social science, Psychology, which is more of a science than Psychiatry will ever be.
  12. Thank GOD! From reading your other posts, mostly skimming as you say, I had begun to worry that I might be a narcissist! But, thankfully, since I feel great empathy for others, including you by the way, and according to your statement, it is impossible that I am a narcissist. Thank YOU!
  13. Wait a minute, PLEASE, and do not say such things about us elderly. I am slightly under this Swiss guy's age. But, I have no problems walking 10 kilometers in the Noon-day Sun. At noon, the humidity is lower, due to the higher temps, and THIS is the way I like it. What I do is to enjoy more soy sauce on my food, and then drink water, before venturing forth to enjoy my long hot walks. Start slow, and after a few years, you will be just like me. Some, like me, like it Hot.
  14. Are you sure there is no cure for narcissism? What about.... "The Talking Cure" Surely that would work! It is said that there is no cure, simply because most narcissists are happy in their narcissism, and their narcissism provides benefits for them, meaning that they feel very little motivation to change. But I am curious now. You say that you have read so many (countless) science articles and science books. Therefore, does this mean that you are able to provide your view of what Science is? Are you even able to state clearly and concisely your definition of what Science is? You have already stated that I am mistaken in my view of what Science is. Fine. In your opinion, what is Science?
  15. Wow. Now you are confusing Psychiatry with Neuroscience? No, Psychiatry is not science. Yes, of course, neuroscience can be considered a science, depending upon how the research is done.
  16. Wrong. Psychiatrists have prescribed, and do routinely prescribe, psychoactive drugs with VERY LITTLE understanding about efficacy and side-effects, and it's always hit or miss, AND these drugs do GREAT HARM. AND, these drugs often seem to make patients WORSE, and not better. Also, psychiatry, during recent decades, has shifted from the cognitive therapy approach to the drug management of mental illness. Psychiatry, these days, is DANGEROUS for your health, and, this time, I am being deadly serious. YES, it is true that I am a genius if one of the qualifications for being a genius is the ability to avoid ingesting harmful substances prescribed by a psychiatrist (QUACK-QUACK!, QUACK-QUACK!). Watch this Video by Robert Whitaker, a presentation to the Council for Evidence-based Psychiatry, if you can understand it given your obvious bias against evidence-based science. Concerning the use of drugs such as Xanax and benzos in general: Here is the BEST example of what can happen when taking Benzos. Benzos should never be taken regularly, and these drugs are so powerful because they change brain chemistry. Drugs will NEVER work, simply because the brain, by its very nature, rebounds and adapts and habituates and COMPENSATES. If you want to end up like this, then just take benzos.... I do not take these drugs, being a genius. But, some geniuses, such as Peterson, no matter how smart they pretend to be, are still ignorant, as even Jordon admits of himself, about the harm that benzos can do. How can one have studied the brain and not know this????? Incredible! But, most humans, seem to be born dumb, and stay that way. So, watch Jordan on Benzos....or after being on Benzos. It's not a pretty sight! Or, after Jordan returned after treatment for the effects of Benzos in Russia. The drugs routinely used by psychiatrists are dangerous. These Quacks actually are aware of the danger, yet, probably due to cognitive dissonance and other defense mechanisms, they continue to do harm, and to rake in big bucks from their patients (victims). How does Cognitive Dissonance play such a large role in the harm being done by those practicing psychiatry, and especially those using this pharmacological approach to treatment of mental illness? Simple: Some young student decides to pursue the study of psychiatry. Said student spend many year and much money to get a degree. Student spend even more years in residency, and getting shrunk himself by other shrinks. After all this...... After all THIS.... It would be almost impossible to quit the field and to stop the practice of psychiatry. The only alternative for the student is to reduce anxiety through maintaining the belief that psychiatry is the most effective means of treating mental illness, and that the use of psychotropic drugs is warranted, and that the risk is not severe. Of course, its all Hog Wash. Either the shrink knows what he is doing, or he does not. But the result is the same. Patients are being harmed by a PSEUDOSCIENCE (PROTOSCIENCE, such as alchemy, for example). I have never suffered from clinical depression. Therefore, I cannot fully empathize with psychiatric patients who reach out and clutch at straws to rid themselves of the pain of depression and mental illness. Furthermore, how can we expect the general public and lay audience to question the all-powerful medical profession, including the High Priests of the Psychiatric Profession? Since the 1980s, Cognitive Therapy has been on the decline. The average clinical visit to see a shrink, these days, has been reduced to 15 minutes. The Quacks have opted to medicate. Medicating patients is far more cost-effective, and far less time consuming. Only guys like Woody Allen can afford to be properly shrunk in our Brave New World. Here is a book you might enjoy..... Jordon Peterson: What a NITWIT... Peterson was brought low, brought down, by the very psychoactive drugs that he prescribed!!!!! Peterson..... HOIST WITH HIS OWN PETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, with psychoactive drugs, it appears that what is good for the geese (his patients), is not so good for the gander (Jordon). This could not have happened to a better man.
  17. Up, Up, and UP! https://inflationdata.com/Inflation/Inflation/DecadeInflation.asp
  18. You know what, Sir? I think this is a rather important Topic we have hit upon. Of course, psychiatry is NOT a science. But, the important question is: Why do some misinformed people believe it to be a science? That is the question! Anyway, you might find this argument interesting, concerning whether or not psychiatry is a science: I do not agree that psychiatry should be banned. Psychiatry is a religion, and entirely faith-based, and does not rely on science. It is also one of those Mumbo-Jumbo Black Arts, and the practice of psychiatry IS an art, not a science. These so-called doctors continue to do a great deal of harm, especially when they begin proscribing psychoactive drugs about which they know extremely little. They do not know how these drugs work. And, they have extremely little insight about the short-term and long-term side effects of psychoactive drugs. Psychiatrists probably should be banned from prescribing psychoactive drugs without first putting many more safeguards in place. Fortunately, being the genius that I am, I would never take psychoactive drugs, for ANY reason. When we being to almost randomly fool with the complex chemical processes in the human brain, we are asking for trouble, BIG TIME. One other important problem with psychoactive drugs is habituation, which ALWAYS occurs. Many psychiatrists downplay habituation. Why? The answer is simple: Those Quacks are NOT Scientists. In Addition: Most/All psychiatrists are unable to live up to the oath of ethics.... Do No Harm Nobody likes scammers. Someday, these priests of the medical fringe will be defrocked!
  19. One other MAJOR problem here that I have noticed: a. A few shoppers seem unable to quickly calculate the "unit" cost of purchases in the supermarkets. b. For example: 1. Shopper goes into the store and sees two bottles of Cuckoo Man Soy Sauce, each a different volume. 2. The first bottle of Cuckoo Man is 385 ml. in volume, and the price is Bt.42.00. 3. The second bottle of Cuckoo Man is 700 ml. in volume, and the price is Bt.69.00. 4. Shopper wonders: Which bottle is cheaper? And, how much cheaper is the cheaper bottle? (based on price-per-milliliter...) 5. How many shoppers have you seen making these calculations? (Maybe you don't see them doing it, because the average shopper in Thailand is able to do lightning-fast calculations of this type....In Their Heads!) 6. So, what should be done? The answer is that ALL retail stores should be compelled to show clearly: Price per gram Price per milliliter Why? Because consumers deserve more transparency. And, because manufacturers and retailers love to be transparent.
  20. Thank you for not using the term: ad nauseam As in: I also see weather drama merchants on here, ad nauseam.
  21. Yes, as you have figured out for yourself, there is more than one interpretation of my question.
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