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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. It's just more utter nonsense... Similar to the Dining Scene at the French Olympics.
  2. Yes, but.. Do you see that Old Farang in the Cargo Shorts? So, this is a very accurate depiction. Most Farang tourists DO look this slovenly. Apple got this part...RIGHT!
  3. I used these a Looooonnnnnng time ago in Taiwan. Yes, they do work very well. I think I will buy one at PowerBuy. Using this, I will be able to cook two chicken breasts with less mess than the much larger Electrolux 45L counter-top oven. And, much less stink, too. Seems to me that most of this garbage is made by OEMs.... So, one's strategy should be to just buy the cheapest crud that you can find... And then just chuck it when it soon konks out...as inevitably.... I will. I am through buying ANYTHING BUT the cheapest garbage I can find. For example, this TEFAL model looks identical to the Electrolux which I paid about 7000 for, two years ago.. As long as you got enough wattage, then what can go wrong?
  4. All good things come in twelves, it seems. Except for my omelet works of art, which come in fives. I like Greek Mythology. When I was very young, I was forced to read The Iliad. Then, they forced me to read The Odyssey. I read the Iliad first. First they forced me to read it in English. Next, they forced me to read the Ilias in Latin, or some such language. I would have gladly read it in English without any encouragement. A great book... Inside, it looks a little bit like Thai Script. I do not know where my copy lies, these days... Maybe at the bottom of the sea. Tomorrow, I will download a ePUB copy and read it on my Calibre (opensource) ebook reader: Now that France has Trashed Greek Culture... What with some guy's junk hanging out.... I really feel in the mood... For a shot of Homer. When I enjoy great art, I feel great. When I watch slovenly pigs at table, I feel dirty, somehow. What do they say in France....?... "vive la différence"? or "What Happens in Paris, stays in Paris" !!! ==== Note: If you are going to read this stuff. Might I suggest this, by Lattimore.... Always good to begin with a good translation. I will look for a free version, of course, which I will download and read on CALIBRE software, the free and best eBOOK reader on this planet.....bar none.
  5. Bring it On! Having been antiwar my entire life, wars have increased. I am switching to being Pro-War. I am tired of being in the minority, all the time.
  6. This is a Sign of Our Times. First we had the tea party; Then we had the carpetbaggers; Next we had the tea baggers; And now, we have this underwear slip? This is why I rarely leave my home in Thailand. Thailand is NOT like this, at least where I live. I fit in here because all my neighbors are polite, and thoughtful of others. We care about preserving our harmonious way of life. Our "globalized" world is now losing all redeeming qualities, if it ever had any, which I sorely doubt. Thankfully, unless I turn on my computer, the outside-, woebegone-world rarely intrudes upon our village.
  7. Since the age of 11, when I hit puberty, and when I began developing secondary sex characteristics, I have felt a passionate hatred for all things related to the World Games, ie The Olympics. The Olympics always seemed so pointless to me, sort of like masturbation without reproduction. This is why I had no idea, until I read this thread on TV, that there had even BEEN a Paris Olympics, much less an Opening Ceremony. I could not care less, unless said World Games are held in China, just because I am sort of interested in the Politics of China. If the Olympic Wrestlers in Paris slather themselves with Olive Oil, and slide around, all hot and sweaty, on the leather mats, then this is fine with me... Just please do not tell me about it. Anyone who truly cares about Sport, and Sporting Events, would not care a twit about the organized World Olympics. I like to watch rowing. But, I would never watch rowing events at the Olympics. If I had my way, all nations would be banned from the Olympics, except for the ancient Grecians, and their urns filled with oils. So I leave you with this parting thought: So, I bid thee all.... Adieu, I say!
  8. Actually, although I have no personal experience with what you describe, I recall a CMU-prof-friend of mine often complaining about the terrible state of schools in Thailand. He spent much of his life doing what he could, including opening a small school himself. I searched the net for images of south Surin, and it seems a beautiful area. Perhaps the people living in the area, some of them, feel not need to read. I could not live there, but it might be nice for a short visit. The alien world of the illiterate is not the place I want to be.
  9. All that I can tell you is that I would FAR prefer to dine with Quayle, rather than that Tossed Salad Woman! IMHO, she is the one who should be roasted.
  10. Very unfortunately, the Number 5, copied above, is a very poor copy, and too blurry to do justice to this work of art. Here is a better copy. Also, concerning Number 5, nobody seems to know who the owner actually is. Some guy in Mexico says he is not the owner. But, the thing that bugs me most is that it is so difficult to find and view great masterpieces, these days. The Internet is no longer free. And we, as a global culture, no longer have access to our culture. Instead, our culture is now under lock and key, and held hostage by a few super-rich psychopathic rat-bostards! Thith ith Dithpicable! This is not my favorite Pollock, by far; it's just the most expensive Pollock, so far. (Also, it seems that this is actually, itself, just a copy done by Pollock, in order to replace the damaged original. Very weird, when you come to think about it.....)
  11. The Koreans LOVE to wave those tiny flags of Korea, wherever they go. Therefore, how could anyone have confused them for anyone else. I detest flag wavers, though....so....if the announcer got them mixed up with their brothers to the north, then... No harm done.
  12. Just curious. Is the illiteracy rate that high in Thailand?
  13. Can I interest you in a Number 5? Or, what about a Or, I have it.... A Kandinsky !!! Each one of the above is a MASTERPIECE. And, you don't need to have studied art to appreciate their magnificence. I know beauty when I see it. JS Bach, for example. Beauty in both paintings and music is easy to spot. You can keep your.... Felt.
  14. Could be half and half, but... She is ALL Amazon! From the Greek: Amazōn (This is the Olympics, after all....)
  15. If you find an apartment/condo/house with a built-in oven, then would you not expect that you might need to pay more rent for such a well-equipped kitchen? I would think so. Therefore, instead of looking or a place with a built-in oven, which is also not so easy to find, then I would spend my money to buy a counter-top oven. Also, I would NOT, again, buy a cheap one, like the Electrolux, the largest available, that I purchased. I found that the temps were not so accurate on the one delivered to me. Instead, I would pay more, using the money I had saved on the rent.... Later, if I needed to move, then I could easily take the oven with me to my new house.... For example.... https://edition.cnn.com/cnn-underscored/reviews/breville-joule-smart-oven-review I really like the looks of this one, Breville. This might not be large enough. There are other counter-top ovens that are larger. Just my worthless two cents...but... I love having an oven. Having access to an oven makes life worth living. ----- By the way....this is the larger convection oven I have. It is the same machine, but different brand name. So, this must be made by some OEM in China, or something.....and supplied to both Electrolux and this company... Or, it might be made by Electrolux in Thailand. I have no idea. I thought it would be OK, but I had problems with it from the beginning, and had to send it back for servicing during the first two weeks. If not identical, then almost identical. --------- If I had it to do over, I would not buy Thailand product.....or Thailand sales channel.... I would buy from some other source...if I could...Maybe China, etc....But, the price should be lower than the cost they charged me in Thailand, I think... Import tax is ridiculous...of course.....
  16. He is just implying that, within the next four years, all Christians will be either raptured up to heaven, or ruptured. After the rapture, Christians will not need to vote.
  17. I find that interesting. Because, everywhere else I look in Thailand, the use of Thai Script seems undeniable. I am OK with Romanization of Thai Script... It's just that we would need to choose one form of romanization to be a standard. If this is in fact necessary, then I would definitely use the romanization system used by BECKER in all her Thai language study books. The orange Becker book is good for reference. OR. What about this? We could have English Grammar quizzes. Thai Script is not used in the English language. And, everybody loves grammar quizzes (this is actually true).
  18. Correct. This was actually the trashing of French culture. And, who was that fat woman with the silver globe on her head supposed to be? And, if she was attending the Last Supper, why was she so happy? One would have thought she might have been more worried about receiving her last meal. But, what I really want to know.... Where were all the Thai Ladyboys in France when this show was organized? Surely, Thai Ladyboys are far better than anything available in France, these days....
  19. Groucho talked truth to power, always. Nobody and nothing was too powerful for The Marx Brothers. They were New Yorkers, after all......
  20. This is just an intelligence issue. The Thai girls I know are very insightful, serious, and kind. They do not giggle behind a hand, as do some Japanese girls. I tend to hang with the smart Thai girls. Otherwise, they seem shallow compared to my former Chinese wife, whose brother did his PhD in Computer Engineering at U. of Pennsylvania. If anything, my former wife was a bit too mature for her age, and not shallow enough in bed, although once she got going... She was up for any sort of sexual antics.
  21. He did far better than I. But then, I suffer from Test Phobia. (Most likely, some sort of passa Thai quiz might be nice, say about two Thai language quizzes per week; and in both Thai Script and also Romanized alphabet.)
  22. All traffic signals and signalling should be completely OPTIONAL. I hope that one day soon, I can configure the removal of said green arrow. Next you know it, we will have to use our indicators while posting Topics.
  23. In my view, Olympics Organizers are always too conservative. This is why, in Beijing, Plant was, so mistakenly, not invited. Plant would have been too much for the Commies. Page was invited: But, Plant, sadly, was not. Plant would have been Too Powerful For Karl Marx, and Marxism!: There is just NO ACCOUNTING for TASTE!
  24. Culture is Important! You even stated as much in the body of the OP. How many times must I repeat myself? Culture plus IQ are crucial for understanding aesthetics, and also so much more.
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