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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Better to retire to Thailand, rather than retire to Taiwan. When one tries to retire to Taiwan, even a lobotamy is of little comfort.
  2. I am not looking forward to the run-up in humidity during the run-up to the Raining Season. I would rather endure the heat during the drier Dry Season. No way I would attempt to live in CM without powerful efficient inverter ACs.
  3. Please also keep in mind this META analysis of available data concerning heart attacks around the time you mention, 3AM.... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21427375/#:~:text=Conclusion%3A Acute cardiac events were,levels of habitual physical activity.
  4. It is normal and part of the natural sleep cycle for human body temp to be reduced during the beginning hours of sleep. Then, when we approach the time we will wake up, our body temp increases. This is normal, and has nothing to do with any kind of weakness. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_body_temperature
  5. Sorry...but.... It is just too HOT today to discuss Evolution theory with you. Maybe wait for the Cool Season?
  6. Yes. I mentioned that I, too, got into difficulties, about 8 years ago, when I tried to live in a top floor suite in a guesthouse with some GARBAGE AC provided by the Gaslighting Landlord there. The problem ensues when one is unable to cool-down, periodically. Enduring 35 degree room temps is possible without problems, for me, for a short period of time. However, when trying to do this during a two-week period, or longer, the body has no chance to cool down, and then this can become problematic. I will never try that again. If the landlord does not provide proper AC cooling, then just leave the premises. These days, I do not rent any house with ACs supplied by the landlord. Here in Thailand, most landlords have zero idea, and less caring, about efficiency of ACs and home appliances. Also, many are not smart enough to understand, even though you might try to explain it to them, a million times. Here, almost anyone can be a genius....by comparison....when talking about electrical efficiency, BTUs, AMPS, Watts, etc. It is POINTLESS to try to explain this. Something like appliance efficiency is WAY Beyond their Ken!!!! Don't waste your breath. Move out, and find a place to rent where you can install the appliances you prefer. The only way.
  7. Well, of course this depends upon various factors, including insulation, size of room, efficiency of the AC unit, and other factors. I use ACs that have an EER of 23, or above, (measured in BTU units not Kcal). Anyway, these are among the most efficient that are available to the consumer in Thailand in this market. I use Panasonic inverters. And, I use the most expensive models of the Panasonic inverters. BUT, as everybody here know, I am NOT satisfied with the quality, compared to the Panasonic ACs I bought in Taiwan/Japan. I do not know what is causing this. Maybe different quality for different markets, etc.... Also, you need to be careful when thinking that it is best to turn the AC off when you leave the room for a short period of time... Why? Because, there is data that shows that it is more efficient to allow the AC to remain on, and maintain a constant temperature, rather than to turn it off for a few hours, and then try to use the AC to re-cool the room, starting at a very high room air temp. You can google this point, too. NOTE: It sounds to me as if you may be using a non-inverter type AC, or one which might have a problem with the thermostat, or some other problem. The Panasonic inverters that I have can maintain PLUS/MINUS 1 degree C temperature range when set to 22 degrees. But then you need to select AUTO fan. (I once had a defective Panasonic machine that was totally unable to maintain the selected air temp in the room. I finally was able to get the company to allow a return to the factory in Malaysia. or....I really do not know what they did with that defective machine.)
  8. Under 21 degrees C is far better, and you will sleep better, too. Optimal sleeping temp for humans is under 20 degrees C.... According to research you can google yourselves.
  9. No worries. Please don't take this as a sign of defeat in your battle to uphold your principles. Science is Science. Principles are principles. And, the Scientific Method Rules!
  10. You are correct. Now, increasingly, facts matter. Also, when states commit acts of terror, they become terrorists. Nyet&Yahoo is one fanatic which has done more to foment ANTI-ISRAELI-STATE sentiment and backlash than any other individual in decades, or ever. Fanatics such as this YAHOO are blinded by their fanaticism. And now, the worm has turned due to the actions of that Worm! The MiddleEast will never be the same for the State of Israel, after permitting the Yahoo to decide its fate. When Israel pushes others into the sea, will they not also be pushed into the sea? That PENN Student is a NITWIT.... He complains that others wish to see Israel pushed into the sea, when it is Israel which is committing this atrocity, FIRST. They are ALL fanatics, in some respects, and Blinded By Their Light! What are they teaching at PENN, these days???? They have gone off the track at that school. PENN used to be a great school.
  11. Replying to the OP: a. I do not listen to the same music I did when I was younger. (Most is crappola when we return to it.) b. I can identify with your loss of interest in music, since I experienced an almost complete loss of interest in reading novels (all fiction) 20 years ago. When the world is like ours is now, who needs fiction.....right? c. So, anyway, I still love music, but I need more complex music to keep my brain occupied, and to stave off boredom. I listen to this NYC station. I love JS Bach due to the complexity of the music. JS Bach wrote a lot of chamber music, baroque music, which I have always loved, and which seems even better as I age. d. Therefore, search out baroque music. And, try this link to listen to the NYC Radio Station that plays nothing but great music: https://www.wqxr.org/ Novels today, IMHO, are getting more and more insipid and trashy, as years go buy. Therefore, listen to this radio station while you concentrate on Non_Fiction, instead. You cannot go wrong if you do.
  12. Yes, it could. I predict that it will. This heat will continue until October 31st, 2024.
  13. I am reading this during the end of the HOT SEASON: a. I am moving back to Linux, and dumping Windows, for now and future. b. I have, in the past, been attacked by ransomware, and it is real. c. I like the author. d. The book has received good reviews. (But, this is not about MASTERING but more like an less in-depth look.) e. As Windows moves to AI, and a new focus on designing for the consumer-masses, the silent majority of social media know-nothings, I will enjoy openSUSE Leap for the coming years. And so, it will be good to know more about LInux Security and Ransomware attacks, etc. Mastering Linux Security and Hardening Third Edition This guy even LOOKS like a hacker, too! And, he owns an Edsel!
  14. a. I am fortunate to have a house and a landlord that allowed me to install ACs of my choice, at my expense. Even during the hottest nights, I can lower the temp in the bedroom to 18 degrees C. (And, I can keep the small house of mine plenty cool in the daytime using just two ACS with a total of 4200BTU of cooling capacity.) c. However, I do recall once living in a suite in a guest house, on the top floor, for one hot season. Exposure to constant hot temps for over a week can result in heat injury and brain anomalies, confusion, and even death. Obviously, I did not die. But, that was not a pleasant experience. One or two days of high heat seems to be less stress-causing than consistently high heat for extended periods of a week or more, and this might be due to the body core never being cooled down periodically. d. So, yes, even though the heat of Thailand is something that the local population has been used to for decades and centuries, up to now, the coming decades will be hotter than Thailand's population has ever known in the past. e. Just how much the elderly and young among the Thai population is at risk from heat injury seems to be a known unknown. Maybe what is needed is better planning for coming years. Insulation should be considered, and color choice for roofs, and other passive cooling strategies. 37 degrees C is not that uncomfortable for Thai people who have grown up in this heat. But, 43 degrees C for a month?
  15. Now that it is getting hotter, seemingly year by year, some of us might still feel cooler than others, depending upon the shapes of our noses. I am interested in how nose shape helps cool us down, and this might include inner-cranial cooling, as well. Also, have you ever wondered why the nose is located on the face, or on the head, and not somewhere else on the body? The reason is obvious, and the nose, due to Evolutionary forces, has evolved on the front of the head, where it can be close to the brain, in order to keep this second-most-important organ slightly cooler. 40 degrees C, and 43 degrees C, is just too hot for me. And, I believe that my nose shape might help to keep me cooler and more comfortable. There is now mounting evidence for this: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/how-climate-changed-shape-your-nose-180962567/ https://thewire.in/science/human-noses-worse-than-their-ancestors-at-air-conditioning-did-evolution-go-wrong https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=57864 Personally speaking, I believe that MY nose is just not wide enough for my own liking, simply because I believe that my nose is just too long to effectively help in cooling my brain. Sure, I am getting extra cooling when I breathe through my nose. But, if I had a wider nose, I might fee cooler, and keep my brain cooler, which is crucial for avoidance of heat-related headaches. I believe that, this year, we still have at least 30 more days of sizzling sweltering. And, it's not going to be so fragrant, either, with the pervasive smoke from burning fields and forests. Sometimes, the smoke even irritates the nose. We can benefit much from having a good nose. Note: I think that the SIZE is not what matters most. I think there are other factors, such as the ability of the nose to minimize or increase turbulence through nasal passages, which might be more important than size alone. This information, and the nose on our head, is nothing to sniff at, clearly.
  16. The front bumper height of these HUGE vehicles is MUCH higher and very dangerous, compared to the conventional automobiles of past decades. These cars are not cars; they are trucks. They should be banned from all public roads. These are OK for off-road use. How much BIGGER does the family auto actually need to be before Joe Redneck is finally satisfied? How dangerous?: Just ask the hospitals who have seen many more upper-body injuries in recent decades. These upper-body injuries are more lethal, and also more difficult to treat, and require more days in hospital. Ban These Garbage-Trucks, I say!
  17. Hi Folks, At the moment, it's about 40 degrees C, and 35% humidity, outside my abode. Quite warm, I would say. But, also, I know that body shape (body morphology) plays a role in keeping us cool, just judging from the evolutionary evidence, and also from experimentation. So, what is your body shape? And, what about your appendages? 1. How big is your nose? 2 Are your ears good for thermal dissipation? 3. And, "My, Grandma!, what a big penis you have". But, is your penis big enough that it affects your body temperature during the hot season? All of us have genetically predetermined body shapes, and THIS, here, has been god-given: So, how fat are you, how long is your nose, how wide are your ears, etc? And, does your unique body shape help you in this heat? Because, one thing we can predict with certainty is that ... IT'S GONNA GET HOTTER, just like this luscious body above me, in cumming years..... Best regards, Gamma Note: I am typing in 40-degree heat, INSIDE my house, at the moment. Hardly can even think straight. I am only typing in this heat as a way to better Identify with this Topic I am Typing. Also, this way, I am able to FEEL so much more EMPATHY with those who do not have access to AC (and here, i am not joking, as is the usual tenor of my postings). Stay Cool. And, I hope we will care for the local oldies in the community who might need help in the heat of coming years. Note: If it gets much hotter, I may watch, once more, In The Heat Of The Night.
  18. NO. Not according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. But, Johns Hopkins is such a slouch medical center....
  19. I have listened to people who live close to CMU, ages around 40 to 50, speak about the much cooler temperatures they experienced, at all times of the year, several decades ago. CMU, at that time, was surrounded by heavily forested land. These people seem nostalgic for the days when they did not fry in the heat, and also the days when they could enjoy crisp cool low-humidity air, much of the year. Those days are long gone. Instead, we can take a look at this graph for a LOOK BACK or a LOOK FORWARD to what has gone before and what is ahead concerning the temperature anomaly in store for us. Not a particularly rosy picture is painted by these graphs: https://climateknowledgeportal.worldbank.org/sites/default/files/2021-08/15853-WB_Thailand Country Profile-WEB_0.pdf Note that the rate of change will continue to increase, as well, which is something referred to as intensity. And, this can't be good. NOTE: Unfortunately, although the report was published in 2021, the above graphs seem to have been based on data collected before 2005. And, since this rosy picture continues to become even bleaker, as time goes by, I suspect that the newer data may look even less appealing to the average Thai citizen, not to mention the Farang lurking about here. NOTE 2: I guess it's NOT our imagination that, in the near past, temps actually WERE cooler: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change_in_Thailand
  20. One thing I do not understand about this man topping over in the heat: The story tells us that this was such a "poignant moment". But, I have been thinking: In what way? It's like that guy who was reportedly practicing his swan dives off the tower in Surat Thani, recently. I mean, I would not exactly refer to his falling like a rock as a poignant moment. What is this world coming to? A hot dude keels over and lies unconscious on the pavement. And this is the thing that evokes in us feelings of sadness and regret? If it had been a Hot Chick who keeled over, then I might have felt sadness and regret. But a hot dude? No way. I just feel that he should have been more aware of signs of over heating that were creeping up on him. Heat exhaustion and such is no joke. This is why it pays to stay in shape. The more overweight we are, then the harder our poor old hearts must work to circulate the blood that helps to keep our brain temps from going into the red zone. Stay in shape, if you want to "go out in the Noon-Day Sun".
  21. Wow. That this the one of the most ugly-adze hats I have, so far, seen on this forum. "NO, I would not be caught dead in a hat like that", says this Cat in My Hat! Here are the hats I buy. The site says 100 percent cotton. But, actually they are 100 percent polyester. So, I bought 18 of them. I always buy a few extras when I find something I really like on Lazada. I gave a couple to friends, too. very cheap price. I LOVE THESE because they do the job, and are super cool, and Cool! I will not need to buy more hats till the day I die. 18 hats. 2 for friends 16 left. One hat per year, maybe. So, maybe I will need more hats in this life, actually. I never get hot with a hat like this one. It's good up to about 55 degrees C.... (No flies on me: I am a genius shopper when it comes to selecting hats.)
  22. To date, as we know very well, there IS NO right medication. The right medication does NOT exist. Why is this? This is due to the nature of the brain itself. The brain always strives to return to the original homeostatic state. Think of it like WackAMole...maybe. We use meds to push the systems of the brain in one direction, and then the brain immediately begins to COMPENSATE for the introduction of these meds, by the increased production of chemicals in the attempt to restore the original equilibrium state. Worse yet, after exposure to these psychoactive drugs for an extended period of time, there may be no return to the original "normal" state. For sure, society needs better solutions for mental health problems. However, the present-day drugs seem to be negatively impacting mental health, and not improving it. What fraction of the US population is now consuming long-term psychoactive medications, as of 2024? THIS, all of this, is nothing but CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR of Pharma Corporations. Importantly, there seems to be NO POLITICAL WILL to change the situation in the USA. We need OTHER and BETTER mental health treatments that do not employ pharmaceuticals that TRULY are not yet available. In fact, looking at the STATS of 2023 psychiatric drug consumption, I am reminded of the 1960s, when this Stones song was popular. If life is a drag... There is really no quick fix. Life is just one tragedy after the next. What did our mothers expect, anyway?
  23. I have always been convinced that depression is a disease that is worse than cancer. With cancer, one can still feel hope, and one can enjoy life. But with severe depression, the mind completely rules the body, and hope is lost due to a warped perception of reality, caused by depression. I also believe that the drugs that medicine has to offer, to date, have not proven to be effective and safe. Further, I believe that, in some cases, these drugs have led to further deterioration of mental health, such as in the exacerbations of complications from depression. Watching the video linked in the original topic, we see a woman who is intelligent and well-spoken, even if her beach behavior might seem aberrant to some. Then, fast-forward a few months, and she dies by her own hand, in such a horrific way. What went wrong? Depression? Was it the public shaming that played a part? Certainly, she needed help and supportive care, and also caring from her community. But, did she get what she needed? Somehow, I doubt it. Was she of such little value that her plight should have been ignored by neighbors and family? I would have liked to know the entire story. But, hers is just another example of a mental health issue, and maybe alienation from her community, that led to a very tragic outcome. I do feel for her, of course. Who would not?
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