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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I just wish that the High-Tech guys at the multinational in Thailand would solve the factory defects in my ACs... Before they head into outer space. Since coming to Thailand, my faith in finding cutting-edge science and technology here has been shaken and stirred.
  2. Dear Folks, No matter whether you might love or hate Peterson, because there seems to be no in-between, it's obvious that Peterson's Predicament is Full of Irony: The irony is: a. A loser, Dr. P., creates a video about the Pathology of the Male Loser. b. Dr. P. chooses the field of Psychology, even while he has not the insight to understand that he, himself, is Mad as a Hatter. This, I find most ironical. c. The third tidbit of irony is the very fact that Dr. P. has chosen to practice his art in the field of Psychological Counseling of others. And, this is one field of work in which great insight into behavior of the self and of others is must crucial for therapeutic success! d. This MUST be a form of Madness, this grandiosity of his, even in the face of his critiquing others for being grandiose. It's almost as if he is constantly diagnosing others for exhibiting the characteristics of Mental Illness which he projects FROM himself ONTO others. And, the FINAL Irony is that he has Tenure at The University of Toronto.... WHAT MADNESS!!!!!! So, anyway... The question is..... Do you LOVE Peterson as much as I? (Please NOTE that these two images look ALIKE....Peterson and the Loser he discusses in the vid !!!!) Best regards, Gamma NOTE: Although Peterson DOES look like Robert Crumb....Robert Crumb was actually no loser. Everyone does love Fritz the Cat, of course. So, Robert Crumb is good. And, Peterson is Mad.
  3. So then.... It's the same old story: Why are some dogs more difficult to poison than others. Happy dogs are easy to poison. Junkyard Dogs won't take poison from a stranger.
  4. Being celibate, myself, I have never experienced this worry. However, I do recall one time when I disappeared for over a month.
  5. Simple... I failed to see eye-to-eye with Xi. What you failed to account for is that most universities offer their grad students and research students from around the world ESL assistance which is provided by native-English teachers at these schools. Also, even for BA students, they first matriculate, and then are offered ESL assistance. You see? Little minds, such as yours, know very little, comparatively...I would say.... https://shbtphd.hms.harvard.edu/resources/academic-support This comment of yours is beyond even my powers to make sense of.
  6. Yes. And, this was also done in Vietnam... When roaches become immune to some poisons..then.... We just gotta resort to PsyOps....
  7. OK. My brother-in-law, Chinese, has a PhD in Computer Engineering. Thesis advisor was a Nobel Laureate. Of course: He also graduated from The University of Pennsylvania.
  8. I do not care because. legal or not, I will not be exposed to such outcomes. Others can do what they want. I am one of the original Anarcho-Socialists, you know.
  9. I used to drink tap water near the uni in CM. I never had a problem. However, after moving away from that area, I would no longer do so in my new place. Also, I would not drink ground water from a well. As someone already reported, the water tanks on the houses, and the pipes, can get super dirty, and full of who knows what. Due to the pipes and tanks being suspect, I would never again drink tap water in Thailand. Better to find the best company available to supply the large 20-liter jugs, and buy several at a time, for drinking and cooking. At least, this is what I do. And, ...no trouble for me to do so, and I am used to doing this, and have done this, since 1979.
  10. I rarely discuss religion or the existence of God. Such discussions are inherently boring. If you wish to discuss these topics, go to the GOD forum, and pray.
  11. NO.... How can one turn one's back on a non-existent God..... BINGO. Finally. But this is not about God. This comment is about superstitious behavior common to All Christians, even you, after you, so strangely, introduced you religious beliefs into this Topic.
  12. No. It means that I have not turned my back on God, as you seemed to suggest. I thought that point was crystal clear! I clearly stated that I am not apostate. My meaning should be clear.
  13. Here is Kamala's childhood house.... It's a dump. Good luck, Kamala... You don't dress like me.... (Hendrix) It's all about culture.
  14. I feel sorry for you. You are living in a culture that you cannot truly appreciate. You yearn to be elsewhere, and you are dissatisfied with your life here, at this time. I chose to go to East Asia as soon as I had graduated university. I chose the culture. I chose to live in several countries because I knew I would enjoy the culture in these countries. I live where I now live due to the culture and due to the fact that a better life is possible here than almost anywhere, again culturally speaking, and not materialistically speaking. I need not move to be happy or have a much better life, unlike you. So, I feel sorry for you, if this is truly the case, as you have reported it. And... I might add just one more thought.... There is no God. Never was there God in this universe, nor outside this universe. And, we are all lucky and blessed that there is no authoritarian God, and that there is no eternal prison awaiting us. If I should die, at least my soul shall live on in the Farang Pub, on TV. And this is how it should be.
  15. Just more superstitious behavior. There is no God. If there were a God, then God would have given the Mexicans jobs in Mexico, rather than having them make their Exodus out of Mexico, just to die drowning crossing the Rio. It's NOT about having a "problem" with them! It's about cultural preferences. You just do NOT get it, do you. It's about living in a place that feels comfortable based on culture. The Mexican culture is disgusting. Puerto Rican culture is disgusting. I prefer East Asian culture. I just wish I could return to the Tang Dynasty and live with refined people, instead of the indians and Mayans, south of the US border. What a dump. No wonder Mexicans are DYING TO GET OUT!
  16. At least we can agree on this. But, on almost everything else, it seems.... Fundamentally, we disagree.
  17. I am not "STUCK". The US is NOT the same now, as it was during the period I am referring to. There is plenty of land in Mexico. Mexican Land for the Mexicans! I say. I prefer homogeneous cultures. I will never leave Asia.
  18. That is because you GF understood the song, and she understood Randy Newman, too.
  19. I don't get out much among high society. So, I doubt that I know anyone.
  20. What. You gonna move BACK IN TIME? How? The American "culture" that I miss NO LONGER exists! Let's be clear, here....OK?
  21. WHAT ARE you TALKING ABOUT? Check again. NOT Harvard! She graduated from HOWARD university. I already pointed out that her SAT scores were probably super low, compared to students able to enter Harvard for a BA degree. Howard is an ALL BLACK school. NO COMPARISON! So, please STOP with the dreaming and misinformation. Tks.!
  22. I cannot help it if you don't understand simple English. I stated this: a. It's not easy to find a Harvard student who speaks only limited English (true) b. I like Chinese girls who have a PhD from Harvard. c. It's also not difficult to find Chinese students who speak only limited English, at Harvard. (You need to know where to look. You need to catch them when they have just matriculated, and you need to look in the extracurricular ESL classes/programs.) Do you need FURTHER CLARIFICATION, or do you find this comprehensible enough, for you, as is?
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