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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. In my case, the hip is titanium, and you will never understand this, until you get one. Anyway, why don't you enlighten me concerning what you might think that I do not understand? I am always receptive to your teachings..... As I know you know....
  2. Nice one! Now, you are using the Aussie slang: nuffy I am really getting an education by reading your good comments. Good. I like your posts!
  3. OK. Just so that you know. I did read your original post about that. I have not forgotten, in fact.... And, no doubt, impossible for you to forget, I am sure.....
  4. Hi Folks, It seems that, always, around this time of year, we get these tiny ants in our homes, crawling over almost everything and everyone. These ants seem to be seasonal in their proliferation in our homes. So, is there any way to rid our homes of these tiny pests, without poison? Or, is poison the only way? If poison is the only way, then maybe it might be best to just endure them for another few weeks until they finally leave? What I like least is that these tiny ants crawl on our bodies. Sure, it does not really bother me that much. But, I just wish there was some way to get rid of them without the use of poison. This is NOT a big thing for me. This is the same as almost every year. And so, maybe just endure it for a short time, until the ants leave of their own accord? What is the best policy, in this case, do you think? Thank you. Gamma Note: I might need to call an exterminator, in any case, just to have the house poisoned for the possibility of termite infestation. Not sure, yet....
  5. It is I who should feel sympathy for you, from down under, Mate, me thinks.... But....not entirely sure.
  6. It's not necessary to always carry your passport with you. I rarely leave my house. I do not carry my passport with me, as I move from room to room, in my house. When I go outside in my garden, I do not carry my passport, either. If I were to go to BKK, then I would carry my passport. So, in the end, it's a matter of degree, for me. How far from my bed am I travelling? If very far from the place where I sleep, then I do carry my passport.
  7. If you want to know what TAKE FIVE meant, back in the day, then just listen. These two recordings are not the same. Anyway, when I was young, I switched between Jazz and Underground Rock, on WMMR in Philly. Those were the days.... I used to lie on my bed at night, just listening to WMMR, WWDB, using my HI-FI, with a tuner and an amplifier, and some decent speakers. Late at night on WMMR, you could get some really great underground music. Most reading these words do not know what underground music might have meant, back in the day. It just meant: The good stuff not available on AM Radio, that most people listened to in their cars, driving to pick up their laundry or buy groceries, or driving to the Country Club. Very few people, then, knew much about underground music. Even crappy music from Dylan, then, was not considered to be underground. In case you do not know, WMMR was FAR different from what it now might be. Wonderful DJs on WMMR, maybe back around 1967, or 1968....before we lost our freedom of the airwaves to the conglomerates....haha. Now, all this stuff on YouTube really SUCKS....because..... Why? I know why. Why should I even care to tell you why? Regards.... Note: Almost nothing to live for, these days, now that the arts have deteriorated, so far..... Nobody likes Jackson Pollock, either...even though.... I do not know why. They think he was just throwing around paint, without any purpose, or direction. They know not much, obviously.... I have no patience for NITWITS....
  8. This once was the Greatest Game in NYC.... Maybe, it still is. IS THIS YOU? This guy....later died, after playing this game.... I have never stolen a car in my life! I'm tool old to steal cars, these days. Can't play this game, anymore....I guess.... ========== What kind of imbecile would steal a car? I spent my time going to a great university. I spent my time reading great books. I had NO TIME to steal cars. I do not understand guys who play games like GTA....also. Such a BIG WASTE of time. Computer games....OTHER THAN .... TV'S FARANG PUB....are Just a huge waste of time. This is why I say..... TV's Farang Pub is the most wholesome computer game in town.... At least.... In Thailand, it is! BIG TIME!
  9. Dear Folks, Please do not get me wrong. TV's Farang Pub, I love....BIG TIME. I love it. This will be my shortest Topic OP of all time. Just saying.... I love it. Hope you do, as well. Best regards, Gamma G. Note: Probably the most WHOLESOME pastime, too!
  10. Please note: Some people might wonder why I remain celibate.... a. In order to avoid any further possibility of again getting slapped. b. And, in order to avoid ever, again, getting the clap. c. I keep my whistle squeaky clean through celibacy. This is my choice. The BEST choice for me. No worries for me! But, feel free to do what you want..... Do what you want......... Use your head! But, don't use your head, that way! Note: a. Blind Faith is good, including Ginger Baker...haha.... b. But, blind faith is never good, and it never works out very well.....in the end...
  11. Linus is the love of my life..... ABSOLUTELY! And, also, for about the past 25 years, too!
  12. I caught the clap in Singapore, in 1971, aboard an MSTS tanker... http://www.usmm.org/msts/tankers.html This is the exact ship, in fact. From some harlot who climbed over the side, while anchored in port. In those days, the clap was easier to cure. These days? I would not risk it. This is why I remain celibate....besides the fact that.... I don't want to ever be slapped again by no Asian woman. The Tampico was a good ship. But, not exactly the Good Ship Lollipop...in most cases, unless in port. NOTE, IMPORTANT NOTE: The girls who climbed aboard the ship in Singapore were VERY OLD, maybe like 35, or even 40......TWICE MY AGE, at the time.... No harm done, I guess.
  13. Haha, Man! I DO NOT MIND your giving me a hard time about my choice to pay Bt.300 to some guy who assembles 10 computers per day....to assemble my computer for me, at JIB. This was the correct decision. In the past, I had done this myself. And, I no longer enjoy the experience. There is no point in it. The guy at JIB is a true expert in doing the same task, over and over and over, every day. Why should I compete with him? Bt.300.....ONLY. And, the assembly is DONE!!!!!!!!!!! This was the very best option. Take care Man! If you wish to continue to give me a hard time, just for the fun of it.... Then.... Please feel free. Your ribbing does not bother me....and..... To the contrary, actually. Take care!
  14. How would you know? Did you know her, too....????? I met my wife through an ad in the Philadelphia Inquirer.... Did you answer the same ad? (No, wait. In fact, my wife was pretty high-class. She just had a few mental problems. Great family, however. A PhD from Penn in her family, too. Great family, for SURE.)
  15. Wait.... When they say.... "TAILOR", in Collegeville, as you probably know from having been there... They just might mean that they can sew-on a button. But, even then.... They CAN'T sew on a button WELL!!!! What kind of stitch do they use to sew on a button, for that matter? I know, Baby.... I was there for several years. Those guys there know how to shuck corn, and not much else. Collegeville once was a very nice sleepy town, a college town, with Ursinus the main attraction. But, there ARE NO TAILORS in Collegeville. Never were. And, never will be. Let's get this straight, please, Sir.... Thank you.
  16. I did not come to Asia to be ridden.... Please believe me. I refuse to be ridden, like Hoss.... Riding, Riding, Riding....
  17. I have never been slapped in Asia. Period! 45 years in Asia, and I have not been slapped once. Particularly THAILAND! Being slapped in Thailand for NO REASON is just unfathomable to me. Very strange, indeed!
  18. OK GOOD! I love to hear success stories. AND....I am really, honestly, happy that you have found, and obtained, what is obviously a bitter case than I have....with what I allotted for my budget PC. I like people who like computers, as being computers, and not just being tools to play music, or toys....etc. Anyone serious about computers, or computing.....I like. Good luck to you.
  19. Dear Folks, I do not know about you, but I have never been slapped by an Asian, in Asia, either East Asia or Southeast Asia....not even once. The last time I was slapped by an Asian, was when my Asian wife from HK slapped me, and for no reason. I had, one morning, brought her a cup of coffee, trying to coax her out of bed. And instead of drinking the brew that I brought her, she jumped out of bed and slapped me, HARD. I did NOT FALL OVER, like the English teacher in Phuket. But, it stung, just the same. I did not cry... But, I felt like crying. Tears welled up in my eyes, just from the smart of the slap. I can tell you, that that was the beginning of the end of my marriage to that HK slapper/flapper woman. She was a really smart lady, and her family owned a newspaper in HK. But, no matter if she was wealthy, it made no difference to me....because..... I refuse to be slapped around by some Asian wife of mine. I refuse to believe that Asians slap anyone for no reason..... Not unless they are a bit schizophrenic, which was the case with my wife, who often saw nonexistent things crawling on the walls of our house, in the USA, on the East Coast, someplace near Allentown, and by this I mean.... Phoenixville PA I went to Penn. And she to that lousy school in Phoenixville. I will not write much more, while I try to figure out why more people do not love Phoenixville. BY THE WAY, FOLKS..... Guess who else graduated from West Chester Jill! So, my Hong Kong wife who slapped me graduated from the same school as JILL! By the way, in order to get to West Chester University from Collegeville, then you must travel and traverse through Phoenixville All the town names in that part of Pennsylvania are exceedingly difficult to remember how to spell. Actually, the area there is quite nice. Sometimes, I feel homesick for that part of Pennsylvania, and for those times. There are no tailors, that I know of, in Collegeville. And, I have never been slapped in Collegeville, either, other than by that Honkonger, my wife. I once spent some time at Ursinus, however. And the teachers there were better than any teachers here, I might add. OK. Just a few random thoughts that I hope you might appreciate. Best regards, Gamma
  20. Having caught on early, now just trying to catch up, before it's too late.
  21. What you are looking at is the CASE. As I already posted, several times, I purchased this case. And, it's really nice. Very happy with it. Maybe you should buy one, too, if you can afford it.
  22. I was not born yesterday, polite, and quiet, and I can read nautical charts. But still, I am not the BEST type of Farang in Thailand. There is no best type, only better types. Also, I have yet to see a better type than me. I need look no further for anyone better. So, I do not. Anytime I see a best-type Pattaya Farang, in the distance, I walk the other way. The better-type Farang will never come to Thailand, for more than a 48-hour layover.
  23. Yes. Extremely unusual. This is why I do not believe it. Why were there no cameras and videos, I wonder? Does the teach in question speak passa Thai? And, if not...WHY NOT? I can understand if she just got off the boat as a newcomer to Thailand. But, is this the case? Has she even made any ATTEMPT to take an intensive course in written and spoken Thai? Most do not. They just exist in their tiny bubbles until their contract is up, and then they go somewhere else, maybe taking their shoddy credentials with them. Why not just teach in their home country? Don't they have tailors in their home country? And, maybe this teacher would prefer a tailor in her home country...IF...that is....she could even AFFORD a tailor in her home country.... Which is highly doubtful.
  24. No, but recently, I have been bothered more than usual by "engineers" at a major multinational that are hired to be engineers, but would be too stupid to be accepted at Rice University, or other decent schools. And, as a result, they often engage in BLATANT Confirmation Bias, unabashedly, and happily, and could not care a TWIT about it. Science just has no appeal for them. What does an engineer in Thailand actually DO, I wonder? These guys form opinions and reach conclusions PRIOR to viewing any data!!!!!!!!!! Did one of their little GODS provide them with their conclusions beforehand, conclusions which are NOT based on Reality? And, what about all those little shrines we see out in front? Is this where conclusions are formed?
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