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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. na, get the biggest one you can afford, they are awesome beasts!
  2. hardly a proportionate response, and an interesting insight to an individual's mindset. while working in china i was sitting on a park bench when a local guy walking past spat at me, thankfully he missed, but while revulsed it never entered my head to get into a fight with him or beat him up.
  3. where are you? i live in bangkok and all my thai friends are 'normal' parents, they have children and bring them up as my friends back home do. i think your comment says more about you than parents in thailand, you really need to get out and about. as a matter of interest how many thai friends do you have? and how many are not involved in the sex industry?
  4. in all my years here the longest i've ever had to wait is maybe 30 minutes, usually much less.
  5. possibly you don't understand how banks work. you are not giving them money, you are asking them to look after your money to make management of your money more convenient and efficient, e.g. you can use bank cars for purchases and don't have to carry a lot of cash... etc.
  6. na, not a great series, very slim pickings and dodgy historically. netflix would have done better to stream 'the world at war', now, that's how to do a ww2 documentary.
  7. There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.
  8. decent advice, switch off the water too.
  9. a year or so after opening my bank account, and all the copying and stamping of forms that involved, i went to the bank with a query, they produced my huge ream of paperwork within minutes, pretty impressive i thought. no idea where they were keeping it. but the system seems to work.
  10. And just yesterday I couldn't get onto the BBC iPlayer with it (first time this has happened) so I thought I would switch back to Nord VPN, because I've still got a few months of subscription left, to watch Match of the Day, so I did that and all was fine, HOWEVER when I tried to switch to another program on iPlayer, I got the usual dreaded message about this content not being available in my part of the world (or similar). yes, can happen occasionally with Nord (i've used Nord for a couple of years) however just switch servers and you'll get access again, or switch browsers, i've never not been able to use iplayer or any other uk channel with Nord plus i got a deal with them, 36 months for around 60GBP. bargain.
  11. this thread seems, sadly, to have died a death... here's a few photos from a cosplay event i chanced upon
  12. bet she didn't see that coming.
  13. she can do house arrest at my place. just sayin...
  14. nonsense, he'd have the money no matter where he put it.
  15. lived and worked in many countries, traveled to over 60 countries, have never needed anyone to help me with visas. visa processes for thailand are relatively straight forward, there is a lot of information/advice out there, IOs are, in my experience, generally professional, polite, helpful. i have found sorting my visas here easy, possibly it helps to have common sense and to legally comply with all relevant criteria. it really is not that difficult.
  16. saw this when i was traveling in iran too.
  17. wasn't it safety tested before being opened to the public? if so, who signed the safety certificate?
  18. went with my mate to expend his tourist visa, a quick report. delayed by traffic so arrived at 8, joined the no number queue. 8.20 opened and queue started moving smoothly until people with numbers who had wandered off returned ad realised they had missed their place, began to hassle the IO, who remained calm and polite and sorted them out. one rude, with attitude, westerner tried to queue jump and was evicted by a calm and polite IO. cool. didn't take long to join the end of the queue, when we got to J section with number 8, the number 7 lady had arrived an hour earlier! she didn't have money or the form so was sent back, we were done and dusted by 9am and headed home. saw one foreigner getting stressed and having an argument, in awful pidgin english, with his gf. embarrassing, couldn't understand why her brought her... overall, it was well organised, the only dis-organisation was caused by the customers' behaviour and attitude - it would be easy to see how an IO could get pissed off. all the IO's i saw were all calm, polite, helpful and had decent english. not sure it's worth coming really early and hanging around before the place opens. unless your partner has to attend, come alone.
  19. that's a great idea, but will it return regularly? i had a quick look at the e-extension website, it's a bit of a mess. too much colour and cartoons, why can't they design a simple, easy to navigate site such as the uk or canadian government sites?
  20. they need to focus on infrastructure integration, not get bogged down in minutiae. i've never been in a city where different lines require different travel cards, it's unnecessarily inconvenient. one travel card for all public transport within bangkok, how hard can it be? other cities manage it.
  21. was it taksin had the idea of closing pertrol station in bangkok at 6pm(?) to reduce traffic congestion, or was it a dream...?
  22. What does someone do when they do not have a life? join aseannow.com?
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