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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. speak for yourself, i was extremely well off in my mid-twenties, and haven;t looked back 😁
  2. ed should have just turned it up to 11.
  3. Reviews are great. Cheap beers, good burgers and Greg is a nice guy. great reviews. rubbish business model.
  4. i change my laptop every 4/5 years, they are so reasonably priced theses days why put up with one that drags?
  5. tbh, facebook is primarily a social media application, i'd be very skeptical using if for financial transactions, especially when there are plenty of applications and web sites designed specifically for this purpose with appropriate built in checks and balances.
  6. keep on copying. how many years have we been promised thailand is entering the digital age?! although, going by the design and user friendliness of many homegrown web sites and apps maybe stick with paper for a while yet.
  7. unfortunately, it is unlikely that such health insurance would include hazardous activities such as motorcycling. such activities would have to be added, and paid for and it would not be cheap, i suggest most people would take the risk rather than part with the cash. also, justifiably, claims would not be paid if appropriate protective equipment was not worn. this is a tragic and avoidable accident. mandatory health insurance is not the answer.
  8. phuket isn't thailand. i went there once for an online date/holiday with a lady from malaysia, long story, excellent start, grim ending 😁. anyway, don't see why anyone would choose to base themselves in phuket, there are much pleasanter places to live in thailand.
  9. i was so outraged that i stopped to film it.
  10. or the m/c got in his blind spot.
  11. However, the situation was amicably resolved, resulting in satisfaction on both sides. so, you're saying there is not story here.
  12. statistically, the average number of road traffic deaths and injuries during songkran is consistent with the average for the numbers during the rest of the year. it's media hype that feeds the 'deadly days' myth.
  13. that's so funny and uninformed. 25 years ago i went backpacking around the word for 3 years after working in in the City for 15 years, don't assume backpackers don't have money. it's a lifestyle choice and an amazing way to see the world and experience different countries and cultures.
  14. it's a budget airline, in many countries not just thailand, you get what you pay for. try dealing with ryan air in the uk 🤣
  15. mate, same as it ever was. as in every country, some people care about others and some people don't.
  16. first world problems, vote with your feet, it's really not worth getting het up about.
  17. a couple of thai friends went, they commented how few thais there there, mainly westerners and chinese. just shows thais have good music taste.
  18. you seem to be living in a parallel thai universe, or are unlucky, or have an attitiue that attracts the negative side of people. been here over 20 years and... never been in a piss stained taxi here or anywhere else always been treated in a professional and efficient way by IOs, sometimes even friendly easy to ignore hawkers at the airport, compared to other countries they are not persistent or annoying never been in a taxi here with the meter not working or maybe thai bashing makes you feel better about yourself.
  19. not a thai issue, when dealing in gold, or any precious metal or stones, you'd be well advised to know what your doing, and know what you're buying, before handing over any cash.
  20. backpacking in india i stayed at a hostel near the ghats in varanassi, it was a common site to see not only bodies being carried through the streets on the way to the ghats, but also see the bodies being burnt. and if the wind was blowing in a certain direction there was a particular smell at breakfast on the veranda. regarding thai funerals, what struck me most was having a photographer present to record the event.
  21. The issue with Bolt and Grab is that the drivers don't see the destination before before they accept the fare, this is to prevent drivers from cherry picking their ideal journeys and ignoring unfavourable journeys, ultimately to the detriment of the service on a whole. Thus: the Bolt driver accepted the ride, then realised it was a 3-4 hour journey, then he has to get back - obviously some drivers really don't want to do this, so if they cancel immediately, they'll be downgraded by the service. what a ridiculous business model, and clearly to the detriment to customers.
  22. this is rare, i, and no one i know, has ever experienced it. there are dodgy people in every profession. bangkok taxi's are very cheap, fact. and generally very reliable, sure some try it on but tell them to take a hike, in 20+ years i'd say the vast majority are honest decent drivers.
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