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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. yea bangkok is finally growing up, public transport congestion is nothing new as can be seen in capital cities the world over. indeed, the govt need to introduce a ULEZ zone, they really need to do something constructive to counter the increasing pollution problem.
  2. italians and indians slapping each other, so?
  3. 10k handout to poor people, if used in the right way, can make a lot of difference. to make a real difference capital investment is needed, not populist sticking plaster schemes that deliver short term and questionable benefit.
  4. don't waste your money, find a partner you can trust
  5. WTF !! these people are brain dead absolutely these people? please don;t negatively generalise. my gf is thai, she has a bachelor degree, two master degrees two and two doctorates, she owns 7 properties, 4 cars and runs a portfolio of successful companies, brain dead? i don;t think so. stop hanging out with the low class, low educated and you'll be amazed at how amazing thais and thailand can be.
  6. i doubt very much this was purely down to cannabis
  7. yea, would be my suggestion, also very touristy, there simply insn't an arts scene here similar to what you'd find in other countries. more's the pity.
  8. i thought it ironic that in his inauguration speech he said he would make other countries would respect the usa. sorry mate, other countries know a) you're an out and out self serving bully and liar, and b) americans are idiots for electing you. zero respect there.
  9. yea, they're off to a bad start with that one, not going to happen.
  10. for sure possible, but depends on your expectations/lifestyle, everyone to their own, but i'd rather be back home than have to live here an a pittance.
  11. must be something about you. i've never had an issue with a 7/11 or, in fact, any shop in thailand. though i can say 7/11s have on occasion given me too much change, and been thankful when i pointed this out
  12. i paid voluntary class 3 and qualified for a full pension long before i'm due to retire. the best investment anyone can make, absolute no brainer
  13. They start doing s**t like that its bye bye Thailand. no problem, up to you Furthermore, if they think they have any authority to tax my foreign pension I will tell em where to shove it. good luck with that. i bet they're quaking in their boots
  14. that's pretty funny. killjoys only unhappy because they didn't think of it.
  15. Who says that Thailand is pedestrian friendly? no one's ever said that to me...
  16. You can open a bank account you just need to use an agent. no you don't. actually, i don;t know anyone who needed to use an agent. it's not difficult.
  17. so many people obsessed by saving a few baht on food. if there's one thing worth paying for it's decent food.
  18. if you can't afford a pair of glasses? sounds like you have a bigger problem than being unable to buy a pair of glasses, maybe that problem needs addressing and everything else will fall into place.
  19. there’s like 20 staffs standing there looking at you i've told you a million times not to exaggerate. though in truth, sounds like thailand may not be the place for you.
  20. he is a fascinating character, the fact people lap up his lies and kow tow to him is (e.g. zuckerberg needs to grow a pair), to a non american, frankly bizarre, the fact he can get so many people to vote for him is stunning. it's fascinating to watch trump tear america apart - you get what you vote for, so tough. though slightly worrying the negative effect he may have outside the usa borders...
  21. this problem was solved, to much fanfare and self congratulatory back slapping, around 10 years ago with these air cleaning machines...
  22. I see some awful behaviour from Thais on the roads this statement needs amending, if you'd been here longer, and/or didn't have a one eyed view, you'd know the awful behaviour on thai roads is absolutely not restricted only to thais, i see plenty of westerners behaving appallingly on the roads here, endangering themselves and others.
  23. you pay your money, you take your chances.
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