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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. not sure about this, their inaction may have led putin to believe they would not respond to his aggression, they had previously been soft in their responses to his previous aggressive actions e.g. crimea, and thus, inadvertently, encouraged him.
  2. and there you have it; complete speculation, hearsay, no evidence, no fact finding, no journalistic investigation. this is pure gossip.
  3. six months validity is usually required for international travel. it's worth paying attention to when your passport expires, and apply for a replacement in good time.
  4. probably got dragged downstream by the current.
  5. haha, i know, i thought this was some kind of satirical thread, but apparently not, these people are serious... ????
  6. why is it ok to give his name, age and nationality but not ok to show his face?
  7. bought an SE five years ago, excellent phone, still going strong, no complaints. software updates have finished now so eventually i'll need to upgrade. cost about 400 GBP so cost/benefit has worked out pretty reasonable costwise for me. cheap phones can be a false economy
  8. where will you find yourself? possibly where you left yourself?
  9. i don't see what the issue is. surely we should be happy, thankful(?) that IOs are doing their job? Any genuine tourist, or anyone with a genuine reason to be entering the kingdom, has absolutely nothing to worry about. just answer their questions honestly and calmly and proceed.
  10. am from the UK, where the insurance is on the driver and the car, yea, but it's dead easy to get other named driver/s included, i'm on my brother's and mate's insurances and vice versa. sometimes the premium even goes down when you add a driver.
  11. do as you'd do at home, just give the insurer a quick ring. if other drivers are not covered, and unless you have a claims history, it's usually quite cheap, depending on the vehicle, to add another driver. next.
  12. this old chestnut seems to pop up with tedious regularity. as a country with a tropical climate there is surely enough water falling from the sky for everyone. surely, what is required is an effective water management strategy to ensure the water provided from above is stored in adequate amounts and infrastructure in place to transport this water to where it is needed. the uk started doing this seriously around a hundred years ago, water is stored hundreds of miles away from where it is needed. isn;t it time thailand caught up?
  13. yea, i kind of get that, but if that's the case why don't they take passenger weight into account and seat people to balance the aircraft? people surely weigh more than bags?! which brings me to my second point... as someone who is slim due a healthy lifestyle i do resent having, on occasion, to give up the (limited enough) seat space i have paid for to the overflowing fat of the overweight individual next to me.
  14. while there are undoubtedly quite a large number of sex pats/sex tourists in thailand they, thankfully, tend to keep themselves, and their activities, to themselves. please don't tar the many westerners in thailand, who want nothing to do with prostitution or the sex industry, with the same brush.
  15. haha, money laundering using rabbit cards... yea, right. in the uk no one bats an eyelid for amounts under 10K GDP
  16. the paper £50 notes have been withdrawn, £50 notes still exist but made from polymer. paper £50 and £20 notes ceased to be legal tender on 30 september this year, though they can be paid into a uk bank account or taken to the bank of england and be replaced. therefore, bureau de change's won't accept the old notes. https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/2022/june/100-days-left-to-use-your-paper-20-and-50-banknotes
  17. any countries culture can be analysed and criticised, it's a pity this thread focuses so much on the negatives. all countries have positives and negatives. sadly, a more balanced and nuanced debate is probably not on the table here.
  18. haha, loads of people always want to quit their jobs. when i was working as a consultant the number of people who used to complain about their job and talk about quitting became really tedious. if you're not happy in your job quit and find another or find another and quit. don't moan, do something. it's really is up to you.
  19. bank holidays, yes, but to be honest the professional thai's a know have far fewer contracted days holiday than i used to have.
  20. haha, sounds like you've answered your own question; get a huawei. next.
  21. not so sure about this run, hide, fight message when confronted by a deadly incident; run - sure, hide - absolutely, but fight? are you expecting children, untrained adults to go into conflict with people armed and trying to kill them? surely this is best left to the appropriately trained police and other forces. the uk has the message; run, hide, tell which seem far more sensible and practical. https://www.npcc.police.uk/NPCCBusinessAreas/WeaponAttacksStaySafe.aspx
  22. common sense suggests don't take a sword to a gun fight.
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