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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. i wouldn't change money at any airport. super rich have pretty competitive rates, but shop around between their outlets as rates can differ.
  2. when criticising another's appearance how about posting a photo of yourself so we can all see how perfectly handsome you are.
  3. if only everyone was a perfect as you. chill. live and let live
  4. shop around for the best rate, always have, always will. not rocket science.
  5. as mr zimmerman said; patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings
  6. what a great employment opportunity; go round pestering and annoying tourists who just want to realx and enjoy the brand new clean beach before it becomes trash ridden and then washed away during the next big storm.
  7. sounds like a good idea to relieve your wife of cooking duties and put her on studying english duties ????
  8. noble, but unfortunately, mask wearing is more effective in not spreading the virus rather than not becoming infected.
  9. haha, bit of a bug bear for me, i pay for my space to sit in, i have a right to that, limited though it is, space. it is, frankly, revolting to have someone overflowing into my space, pushing up against my body, especially if they are wearing a short sleeved shirt, shorts or wearing flip flops.
  10. They live in a Buddhist country which is tolerant of everything. nonsense, no toleration of; free speech, free media, use of class A drug use, lese majeste, i could go on...
  11. i've seen the coffee mate version in big supermarkets, even tried it once but wasn;t converted.
  12. assaulting someone, resorting to violence is never a good response. calmly and politely explaining you don't want to be filmed and/or requesting deletion of the footage is the way forward. i think in most cases most people will react positively to such a request. there are of course exceptions. the filmer could have requested permission to film in the first place which would have been polite and respectful. this would acknowledge the fact some people don;t want to be filmed, especially when present in a sex tourism area, some people are not comfortable, or feel embarrassed, about the fact they are there and worried that people who know them might find out that they are involved in sex tourism.
  13. not necessarily, most countries have vaccine certification as a phone app, has thailand specified they want to see a paper copy?
  14. exactly, basic construction technique seen as far back the maya's and egyptians, didn't make it to thailand it seems.
  15. i would be surprised if the building inspectors were up to the job, and even more surprised if enforcement exists... assuming building inspection is required. not being anti-thai, just my experience from living here.
  16. bizarrely, some guys need to pay a woman/man to be their friend/spend time with them
  17. interesting recent channel 4 documentary on cryptocurrency in thailand
  18. you chose to live there, should have done your research beforehand, or you could move. i used to work in the london west end, ambulances, police cars and fire engines were a daily noise disruption, but i got on with it a) knowing they were making the noise for a valid reason (and one day it could be me), b) i was in a very well paid job so was happy to put up with it, and c) after a while it just becomes another background noise.
  19. can honestly say it's never been a problem for me. OP, have you checked your breath?! maybe you're not just very good at kissing... maybe the girls just don't fancy you...
  20. would you sleep with multiple partners who are in the main considerably older and not in great physical shape, who you can't understand and if you did would bore you, for the equivalent of 30k baht a month? it's a soul destroying occupation in a soul destroying industry. you can't blame them for not being the most motivated of workers.
  21. the strike is playing right into tory hands, giving a vision of industrial relations under a labour government
  22. that is a good point, legalizing something, removing its aura, can make it less attractive. i haven;t smoked since i was in pakistan 20 odd years ago - when you've had the best... but if it was legal and guaranteed quality i'd probably have the occasional smoke.
  23. must have got their business model wrong because there was no shortage of demand; these boats were popular with both locals and tourists.
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