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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. brilliant, an article about a bikini race with an accompanying photo of, er, no one wearing a bikini.
  2. same would be true in the uk without the universal credit safety net, and i guess the same in other countries with social security payments to help the lower paid
  3. Are immigration lines at Suvarnabhumi Airport still really long, like before the pandemic? while i'm sure there can occasionally be long queues in all the years i've flown to thailand, i've never had to queue an unreasonably long time, i've always arrived at the carousel before my luggage. also never had any hassle, issue or complaint about an IO officer, always polite and professional.
  4. an immigration officer doing their job. if you're a genuine tourist you have nothing to worry about. i'd happily answer five such questions.
  5. two sides to every story, however, violence is never the answer.
  6. i quite often have to go into government buildings and am supposed to leave my passport with security on arrival, (sorry, but no way!) i have an expired uk driving license that i give them, they always accept it.
  7. if this story was in another country you'd find it hard to believe, but here not so! RIP to the victims. sadly this thai bash won't hold water, police officers can slip through the net in many countries, just two examples, there are loads more if you search; https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/sep/30/sarah-everard-murder-wayne-couzens-whole-life-sentence https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/27/george-floyd-police-officers-j-alexander-kueng-tou-thao-sentenced
  8. u gotta get with the 19th century, bro. batteries are so 1000 BC erm... so what powers your smartphone?
  9. not seen this in thailand but have back home, assume it's family/friend/carer taking out money for someone unable to do so themselves. i often get cash out for my mum using her card.
  10. when i was working in japan i could choose the cover of my bank book from various designs, i chose hello kitty as it was the naffest.
  11. if people (often westerners) didn't buy from these children then they wouldn't be selling. some people (often westerners) think they are 'helping' the child by purchasing from them, all they are doing preventing the child from getting an education and most likely condemning them to a life of poverty.
  12. tbh you could ask this question of the youth, and not so young, in most countries.
  13. on the plus side once you've arrived and got your feet on the ground - there are many charities that can help you (shelter, salvation army, crisis plus charity shops), you should be able to find a job quite easily as many businesses are crying out for employees, especially in the hospitality sector, and with a bit of luck with accommodation included.
  14. i guess the moral of the story is get organised, plan in advance, do your research. it's not rocket science. if you can't then accept you are at the mercy of demand and supply.
  15. haha, don't be so lazy, get up, get out and get the food yourself. first world problems eh?!
  16. possibly, but surely having almost the most dangerous roads in the world and slavery in the fishing industry are far more likely to give people a negative impression of thailand. compared the these examples i think a 300 baht 'tax', that will be hidden in the ticket price anyway, is unlikely to affect many people's view of the country to any large degree.
  17. he was not jailed for his political beliefs but for his actions. if he hadn't done what he did he would be a free man.
  18. haha, i love the juvenile attitude of some people, can happen in other countries but sadly this seems quite common in thailand. it's the same as 'bagging' tables in a crowded restaurant with shopping bags, umbrella, etc. if i have my food and need a seat i sit there, the 'bagger' is free to join me if they want. ????
  19. was recently booking a return flight from the uk, sure most of the prices were around 900+GBP, but shopping around i got one on qatar for 706 GBP, dates i wanted, short stopover. sorted. there are decent prices out there.
  20. you say that, but have you been to lebanon, india? just two countries where i assure you the driving is worse than thailand.
  21. thailand finally catching up with much of the rest of the world, they have been behind the curve since the start of covid. finally, hopefully, most countries will be on the same page.
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