to back up this criticism you need to provide further details, how long had she previously been in thailand and on what basis? possibly immigration had a point, but without the full facts we don't know
yes, and no, if you're a complete beginner then it would be much quicker to learn the basics and get yourself started if you learn in a structured way with someone skilled in teaching and able to explain in L1. if you don't care about grammar that's fine, it's not always necessary for effective communication. however five minutes listening to someone speak my language without a grasp of grammar can quickly become tiring, not to mention the speaker tending to sound less 'educated'.
of tourist numbers as a whole sex tourists make up but a small part, package holidays from china and elsewhere, of people not interested in prostitutes or the sex industry, make up by far the larger share of the tourism market
few facts yet, so maybe the motorcyclist was drunk, maybe no one was drunk, maybe the motorcyclist couldn't control the bike due to there being four on it... who knows until a journalist gets some facts together.
the truth goes like this: "Without foreigners - both workers and tourists - the kingdom's economy has no future whatsoever."
not accurate, tourism only contributes around 11%-12% of GDP, if thailand really wanted to it could pivot its economy and rely less on tourism
it seems to me that in Thailand more than any other places I’ve riden or driven that there is a huge reluctance to stop or slow for anything - this results in the inevitable.
i once asked my gf why she doesn't stop for pedestrians trying to cross the road, even when we were traveling really slowly. it came from her fear of the person behind not paying attention and being rear ended. no pun intended.
to all those lovers of thailand; you only have to scratch the surface to see the harsh reality of being a thai citizen.
there's none so blind as those who don't want to see.
any qualified and experienced teacher worth their salt is adept at basic classroom management. if you are unable to manage a difficult class/students perhaps you should consider a different profession/career.
like cleaner faces and better breathing
unless the face mask fits airtight and has a quality filter it's going to make negligible difference to the quality of the air breathed