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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. I understand a sick post, sorry you have been outed. You cannot even stay on topic.
  2. The cables are probably there so the staff can charge their mobiles eh. You deny everything, there is no point in you posting, all you do is troll. 🥴
  3. Oh I see, all clear now, what you are saying is that the Palestian terrorists will hand themselves in without Israel having to go looking for them, why didn't anybody else think of that.
  4. Well let me educate you, the crimes that these beastial cowards committed will never be understood by people with one ounce of intelligence, I am so glad that you understand it!
  5. Do I understand why they did it? Yes That is one sick reply!
  6. The secret of a happy retirement is not having nothing to do, but having plenty to do, and then not doing it.
  7. The main cause of Israel being in Gaza is because on Oct 7th Palestian terrorists entered Israel and began killing Israeli civilians in the most gruesome manner any normal human beings would find abhorrent, Israel has a total responsibility to its citizens that these barbaric loathsome beasts never are given another chance to repeat these horrendous acts of terror!
  8. Miles off topic, been addressed on a numerous occasions, your twisted posts are just that.
  9. Please don't even try and compare these evil Palestian psychopathic terrorists with Israelis. Replace Palestian terrorists with Israelis and if Hamas were beating Israel I suspect many anti-Semitic posters on here would be doing cart wheels down Soi Buakhao.
  10. It is not wrong to defend yourself against these dysfunctional murderous monsters, which incidentally have promised more of these moronic murderous incursions into Israel. Israel must be the only country in the world that has to defend itself for defending itself.
  11. Does your vehement hatred of Israel extend to Egypt because of their closed border with Gaza, it would appear not. 🥴
  12. After reading your antisemitic posts nobody in their right mind would chose sick perverted murderous beasts like Hamas over a democratic educated country like Israel, you chose to believe these sickos, well that is down to you but count me out.
  13. Stop trying to use history as an excuse to take the blame off the sick murderous Palestinian terrorists.
  14. You would not have needed to count prior to Oct 7th. Don't knock over the stew and then try and blame the dog which is what you lot are trying to do! Watch my lips, the Palestinian terrorists started this melee, it's really not that difficult
  15. Why do posters blame Israel for a war that Hamas started, actions have consequences and I'm sure most normal thinking people do not want to see another Oct 7th, especially Israel who have every right to defend themselves!
  16. If you are anti-genocide why are you supporting a terrorist organisation that has only only mission and that is to "kill Jews", you seem to forget who started this war. You have been sucked in to the terrorists propaganda and joined the cult that fails to see reality as it is and you like many hang on to every word the terrorist spout. https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/11/08/no-one-can-deny-hamas-aim-is-to-kill-jews-it-fully-admits-it/
  17. Are you an attention seeker, do you think anybody is interested in your off topic nonsense who you have on ignore!
  18. They are a cult and really haven't a clue what they are protesting about, they are in this cult because their friends from university Hugo and Bunty are in it and they need something to protest about. They chant their warcry "from the river to the sea" but when asked what river and what sea they literally don't know. They carry the terrorists flag with them and the woke police are just too dim and scared to arrest them, but you show up with our Union flag and you'll soon be arrested, two tier policing at it's best. Jews are having to close schools in fear of these idiots, and walking the street is not a good idea if you are a Jew, the local lynch mob will be out on patrol looking for these people whose only crime is being born Jewish. God help the Jewish population, one holocaust is enough!
  19. @Yellowtail has not attacked you, he asked you a straightforward question, you are not obliged to answer it if you don't want to, but please don't accuse other posters of attacking you to get out of answering the question.
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