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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. So you're ok with Palestinian protestesters that break the law, but not Israeli protesters that are trying to stop the convoy getting into the hands of Hamas (see video). Hypocritical much. 😕
  2. It wasn't meant to be offensive, I was merely pointing out people supporting what can only described as paedophilia by turning a blind eye to the primitive ways of Islam. If you respected women you might be less supportive of Islam, women in Iran are being killed for not wanting to wear the burka, they deserve to be treated as an equal and not a possession of some backward thinking mad mullah. Of course you think that because you have never met any of these followers of the 'religion of peace' that would advocate for such things' that they don't exist, well they do in all their entireties. You have only to look at the UK now, schoolboy in hiding because he scuffed the Quran, the police humiliated the boys mother by thinking if she grovelled in front of the TV cameras everything would be ok. The Batley school teacher in hiding for mentioning Mohammad. The list goes on yet people seem to be indifferent to having their freedoms taken away from them and not helped by the two tier policing that is obviously happening right in front of our noses.
  3. It hasn't worked very well for the indigenous Aborigines has it?
  4. Are you ok with 9 or 10 year old young girls forced into marrying old muslim men, stoning women to death because they were raped, I could go on but what would be the point. Getting through to an apologist is an impossible task and I'm not even going to try. I don't care for any religion but Islam seems to be the most extreme.
  5. You lose another debate and have to play 'you're a racist card' you have to accept that some people have a great distrust of Islam.
  6. I used to have the A/C on all night then I learned how the timer works, so I would set the A/C to switch itself off at 3 am and have the fan turn itself on at 3 am. However now I turn on the A/C on retiring to bed for a couple of hours then turn on the fan. 26° and no sheet needed, heaven. 💤😴 And my electric bill has plummeted.
  7. To quote Sally Solomon "just because you're a nobody that doesn't mean you're not a somebody". Incidentally what do you call someone that has blocked most of the forum and then persistently goes on and on about it. 1. A bore. 2. Childish.
  8. Why do you have to keep reminding everyone that you are so childish and incapable in engaging in constructive conversation that you need to block everyone. Nobody insults you and more to the point nobody is interested. You must have been a hoot in the military, 'excuse me sir, the RSM has just raised his voice to me'.
  9. Nowt truer than the old saying "as thick as thieves"
  10. Thanks for the reply, I do respect your views on most things. 👍
  11. The truth can be a bitter pill to swallow Ray. 💊
  12. I haven't got a clue as to the point you are trying to make, what ever it is....it has nothing to do do with my post...... Just to reiterate both parties are worse than useless. The Conservatives are more socialist than Labour and Labour doesn't have a clue what it is!
  13. Let's be honest the UK doesn't have one decent and honest political party, especially as the choices by their voting system (fptp) only favours either the Conservative Party or the Labour Party. At the moment there is not a lot to choose between both parties, the British voters have very little choice.
  14. I'd hate to jump to conclusions but I'd bet a pound to a pinch of sugar that Vlad authorised it.
  15. Your bottom line is ridiculously naive, do you honestly think that if Israel laid their weapons down tomorrow that the Palestian terrorists would stop wanting to wipe the Israelis from this Earth. Let's forget about the hostages that are getting abused on a daily basis eh, let's make the Palestinians the victims here and as for Israel losing support from the UN, nobody takes the UN seriously anymore, they have proven what a shower of terrorist loving wastrels they really are!
  16. Bait post reported. Don't start a war and then play the victim when you start losing!
  17. I have not forgot anything, do you agree that "Hamas should not agree to the release of the hostages"?
  18. I am totally lot for words when reading your hate posts. "Hamas should never agree to the return of the hostages" and that is why the Palestian terrorists must be eliminated.
  19. You might like to pass these 'peace' marches as peaceful, but most people know what they really are, they are hate marches. Police in London have now told jews to not wear their 'Star of David" because it will incite the mob. Have you any thoughts of the hostages that are being raped and sexually abused by these Brutal perverted terrorists, stop trying to excuse the evil actions of these monsters, below is a survivor telling her harrowing account of what she witnessed. Don't start a war with Israel then start crying when you start losing, Israel is not to blame, the Palestian terrorists are!
  20. Is this form downloadable or will the doctor already have these forms. Thanks
  21. 'Keep digging' as the Palestian terrorist said to the builder.
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