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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. Georgia is a HEAVILY red state but is finally waking up to the atrocity the Republican party has become.
  2. Again, this was a test case. Now the Jan 6 committee is forwarding criminal referrals to the justice department, and more will follow now that it's been demonstrated 45's teflon is breaking down and sh!t is now sticking to his rotting tangerine hide. The chickens are comin' home to roost. You still haven't explained why you continue to defend this loser. You're backing the wrong horse.
  3. At least we can now put to rest the debate of whether it's better to be a vampire or a werewolf. I STILL can't believe how it was this close a race after THAT lunatic rant!!!
  4. Let me start by saying I'm an advocate for people being allowed, for the most part, to do what they want. The weed that's being grown today is much more powerful than that of the Panama Red/Cheech & Chong variety, so I understand the concern of ignorant politician dinosaurs. Countries that have completely legalized it don't seem to have the problems of hospitals overflowing with dopers od'ing. Legalize it then tax the hell out of it. Win win.
  5. I used to work in IT security. The only way to be 100% sure the hard drive info is gone is to open it up and sand blast the platters. Having said that, you most likely don't have anything so critical that a good wiping can't erase it. BleachBit is a free program that will handle it: https://www.bleachbit.org/features/cost As someone previously posted, Father Ray can usually make use of such donations or there is at least one outfit I know at Tucom that will take any computer hardware off your hands, regardless of condition. I can't remember the exact shop, but if you go there, someone will point you in the right direction.
  6. Not hypotheticals. This was a test to see if more such cases that are waiting on the sidelines can go forward. And why the hell are you still defending this traitorous criminal? Haven't you received the memo? He's a loser many times over and is going to continue losing.
  7. That's the entire principal of being the company owner. Otherwise, people would name themselves owners then put their minions out performing all kinds of crimes, then throw their hands up and say, "I was just the owner, I have no responsibility." Weak tea, buddy. Weak tea.
  8. I can't see how credit card companies would EVER allow this ridiculous system to take over. They make way too much money in fees and interest payments.
  9. As an obvious supporter of the disgraced 45, you must either admit you are aware of the traitor's sociopathic need to have his fingers intimately in all his workings, or that you just don't understand his treasonous workings. He owned the company, the buck stops there.
  10. Utter rubbish. The former disgraced guy is crooked as a dog's hind leg. These cases are based on FACTS, not the emotional attachment his sycophants have.
  11. I tried it once. Absolutely ruined my day, never did it again. You can take my word for it or try it yourself, maybe it will work for you. Read my reply OP. Let it sink in.
  12. I travel about once a month between Jomtien and Chanthaburi. RARELY do I travel under 90 km/hr, the posted speed limit, and there are plenty of signs showing cameras that are supposedly catching us speeders.
  13. You keep going on and on, SHOUTING about this "unprecedented fraud." WHAT fraud? I asked you once already in this thread. I'll ask again - WHAT fraud? Do you know something that only you, the "My Pillow Guy," and the disgraced former president are aware of, cuz the rest of the world has moved on about this. There WAS no fraud (except a few cases where Republicans got caught cheating).
  14. Could you kindly point out any evidence that the 2020 election was fraudulent? What's that? You can't? The Hunter Biden thing is a complete misdirection. Apples and oranges. Red Herring. But you go ahead and keep on supporting that disgraced loser. It's your prerogative.
  15. EXACTLY why I teach Grade 2 (7-8 year olds). They haven't figured out yet that they don't have to do anything.
  16. I am STILL waiting for justice to be applied equally to all. The same law that should keep him from running SHOULD have prevented Hillary from running in 2016, but there you go, that didn't even slow her down.
  17. EVERY damned day I get emails warning me that someone tried accessing my Facebook account and to click on a link to fix it. The sender is always gobbletygook @ moregobbletygook dot com. Scammers, scammers everywhere, as far as the eye can see.
  18. Cue all the comments from stuffy old farts who forgot what it's like to be young.
  19. All lip service. Other similar countries have "done" this and it amounted to nothing. Nada. Zilch.
  20. They should also charge those idiots stupid enough to fall for such a scam. Maybe breathing without a working brain? Or at least sterilize them so they don't make further copies of themselves!
  21. Actually, you CAN sugarcoat a turd (seems like the best option you were hinting at). That's exactly what this government has been doing as long as I can remember.
  22. Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob doen't care. He just needed to make a "blah blah blah" statement to justify his position aka welfare with honor.
  23. As the immortal Samuel Langhorne Clemens said, " 'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.' "
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