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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. I second the second opinion.
  2. Odds on how long this post stands? ????????????????????????
  3. You'll hear this story again and again: "I came to Thailand for 3 months. That was 14 years ago, and I'm still here." It's not for everyone. The nice thing is you can try it on, see if it's a good fit, stay if you want, leave if you don't want.
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism "Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, ..." In other words Trump, DeSantis, etc.
  5. The more posts you make, the more you show how little you understand.
  6. It will never be proven conclusively one way or another. What boggles the mind is how anyone can think transporting ANY meats across international borders can be acceptable.
  7. What exactly IS the definition of a smart city? Are there any smart people here that can run such a project or is this just another brown envelope grab?
  8. Yeah, polls. Like this midterm was supposed to be a Red Tsunami? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze. If you buy into polls then you are lost.
  9. The Dems have no one at this point, and unless Biden quickly says "Yeah, not again in 2024" and they find someone talented and charismatic (which VP Harris is NOT), then Republicans could run a spoiled ham sandwich as the Republican presidential candidate and win.
  10. I'm an Independent and feel disgust any time I have the misfortune to accidentally watch Tucker, but the hour before (Bret Baire) was refreshing. They were looking objectively at what went wrong with what SHOULD have been a sweeping victory.
  11. But his aren't clever lies, they're just plain stupid.
  12. The amateur name-calling (aka flinging childish poo) was introduced by a disgraced former president and since then it has sky-rocketed exponentially. As a society, the US needs to grow the f*** up!
  13. A perfect example of having to vote either for a giant douche or a turd sandwich. The race that I really can't understand is Senate race in Georgia between Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker. Walker is a liar x infinity and a bona fide idiot to boot. How the HELL can so many people be voting for him?
  14. I watched both Fox and MSNBC this morning to see their reactions. Hats off to Fox - the hour with Bret Baier et al were blunt and honest. They were getting the point across that in a midterm election, the out-of-office party usually has a solid victory. This year, the Republicans should have swept across the country but didn't, so the question kept coming up, "What could the Republicans have done better to get the expected victory?" MSNBC and Biden were embarrassing. Victory dances over a less-than-spectacular defeat, and when Biden was asked what he could do better over the next two years to improve Democrats' numbers, he replied, "Nothing." The hubris of that man is part of what is killing the Democratic party. It's easy to predict a Republican presidential win in 2024. If Joe runs, it's a total fail. If VP Harris runs, the same. And who else to the Dems have?
  15. I use a gas powered plastic pellet pistol. Haven't had one problem once the message got through to their pea brains.
  16. You MUST be new. This guy kids. Relax, unclench, have a laugh.
  17. I absolutely agree. It's been the advent of social media that has raised an awareness of just HOW mad people are. This species really needs a reboot.
  18. I saw it, I have NO reason to BS, you are just an argument looking for a venue.
  19. 555! Yeah, like I'm gonna give THOSE kind of details on a forum like this.
  20. I've seen stories once or twice a year of the BiB burning drug evidence. It wouldn't surprise me if the actual evidence was swapped for innocuous substances and the real stuff shuttled out the back door and resold. I have personally witnessed a place where guns were confiscated by BiB during the week and sold at a farmer's market on the weekends.
  21. [kidding] I'm sure the rise in cases is due to people smoking weed. [/kidding]
  22. Ferchrissake! Sub-human behavior. Shake my bleeping head!
  23. Some folks pieces of string are just longer than others'.
  24. Or how much money do I need to retire in LOS?
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