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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. No, only people with minds like yours go there.
  2. They're saying 109 foreigners died in Phuket in 25 days of May in Phuket? Sorry, I'm just not buying that. Perhaps they're inflating ALL those numbers to justify their existence?
  3. I tried to sign up but was denied unless I wanted to pay.
  4. Torrentday is currently invite only, OR you can pay for limited downloads.
  5. To quote Chris Christie (referring to the enormous amounts of "coincidences" that surround former 45): "He must be the unluckiest S.O.B. in the world."
  6. Truly bad news, they were my go to. For movies, Google "YIFY" followed by the name of the movie. It's hit and miss, about 80% consistent. For general show searches - https://x1337x.se/ I used this for The Late Show when rarbg was a little behind: https://eztv.re/search/?q1=&q2=1372&search=Search Of course, these guys are still alive and well: https://thepiratebay.org/ FWIW, due to the writers' strike, decent television shows have dried up. Time to start reading books again?
  7. Yes, the best kept secret is the rampant corruption built into virtually every aspect of Thailand. The people accept it as a part of life. I knew a police captain in Pattaya, a Thaksin supporter. He had several nice cars, several condos and a beautiful wife. When Thaksin was ousted, this captain lost everything because he was reassigned to a post where the brown envelopes disappeared. Fine, you want to remove it the corruption? Pay honest wages, make honest, profitable deals. And we all know - T.I.T.S.
  8. Are you suggesting the right hand knows what the left hand is doing?
  9. Again, the opinion of one. The operative word being opinion.
  10. Honestly, my main concern is he stay alive long enough to face justice which is slowly but surely closing in on him.
  11. You and I have done this dance before. You have trouble providing substance, you merely cast aspersions.
  12. Seriously - if you are confused, post a question to get "unconfused."
  13. I'm a PADI IDC Staff Instructor. I have been diving since 1986, literally around the world . We would say to Instructor candidates here in Thailand "If you can teach here, you can teach anywhere" because the vis is so bad. Even in the Similan's you will have particulate floating in clear water. There was no particulate in that picture hence my certainty that it is Photoshopped.
  14. Thai waters NEVER, and I mean NEVER, have this kind of visibility.
  15. You want to investigate coral damage? How about tour boats dropping anchor straight onto coral, then killing more when the pull it up? Is that damned yellow submarine still going around in the Pattaya area doing the same thing? What's good for the goose . . .
  16. ESPECIALLY at the end of the fiscal year! I was the IT purchasing guy for a few years, and the unnecessary spending we did so our budget wouldn't get cut the following year was disgusting.
  17. I knew a young woman who was ranked in the top ten in Thailand for the game "go." She traveled world wide giving demonstrations and made very good money doing so. Her family told her "That is not an honorable job" and put her to work in a bank. The serious lack of income from an "honorable" job had her borrowing money for mere survival. What chances do the truly uneducated have here?
  18. Particularly when they have so few career ladders to climb out of abject poverty.
  19. Or that the virgin was impregnated by gawd which is basically a rape.
  20. Thailand has an extradition treaty since 1999. Nowadays Thailand has signed Extradition treaties with 14 countries, including the United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Norway, China, South Korea, India, Poland, Peru, Australia, Sri Lanka, Belgium and Ukraine.
  21. I spent a month in that area and it was more than enough for me. Every day the same boring routine, and the gf's family trying to mooch off me. Glad I visited, even more glad to be gone.
  22. YOU previously stated you are a Democrat. Your credibility is now at absolute zero.
  23. No no no no no no. You cannot compare the two. I suspect you are a regular viewer of Fox (and I WON'T call them news, even THEY admit they're not!) or perhaps some of the even more right extremist shows. Yes, there are isolated instances of people having issues with whites, but the hundreds of years of widespread black oppression continues to this day. Some whites are putting on the false cloak of apologist for being white, that's just foolish.
  24. He didn't divide America, he just made it ok for those who wear white hoods to trade them in for a red ballcap. He has emboldened bigots, and made racism tolerable to millions under the title white nationalism. There has always been an undercurrent of hatred against anyone not white. The former guy just made it popular for them to come out of their hate closet.
  25. I'm new to the neighborhood and they did NOT want to accept my change of residence. They insisted I live in Chonburi (which I DID but had just moved here to Chanthaburi). It was a most unpleasant experience to get my annual renewal for extension of stay and I suspect they are messing with me. So, you could say I am on their radar.
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