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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. Has anyone had a home visit from immigration on weekends? I had three officers come to my place Friday afternoon while I was elsewhere. The condo manager called me and said they wanted me to return immediately. I just wasn't in the mood for their nonsense, so I had her tell them I was half way to a city far away and couldn't get back for hours. I'm sure they will come again and just want to know if I might expect another intrusion on a weekend or are they strictly a Monday through Friday nuisance?
  2. Something tells me you're not REALLY gonna waste time on thoughts n prayers for Elmer. BTW, apparently he HATES that name!
  3. Eventually ANY comparison of like objects or situations will be dissimilar. Take two coins, minted in the same year, same exact value, mirror images - they are still not exactly the same. You can always show how things are not the same if you dig deep enough. My point is the election will be President Biden vs the former guy all over again. And I WOULD bet my bottom dollar we'll see the same outcome again.
  4. These types are all OVER the world. Just about every touristy restaurant I've ever been to had a variation of them coming to your table, playing some lousy stringed instrument, and hanging around until they got a donation. I remember one joker at Lolita's, long before Covid, singing karaoke then passing the hat. Needless to say I just kept that hat passing on by.
  5. The former guy is STILL the leading Republican contender by double digits. Don't kid yourself, we're going to see the same election all over again, and most likely the same foul tactics taken to try and overturn the election. Thankfully, we're on to all their old tricks and they're not bright enough to come up with any new tricks.
  6. No, it's NOT AT ALL! If you really don't see this looming CLEARLY on the horizon then you need to take a closer look.
  7. From last month, he's already announced: https://www.npr.org/2023/04/25/1145679856/biden-president-announcement-2024-running-reelection#:~:text=After months of hinting at,And we still are.
  8. At his age, it's virtually a life sentence. He must serve at least 85% of those 18 years, and seeing as it's Friday afternoon and I'm tired, I'll let wiser heads do that math.
  9. A VPN only masks your actual location. A password is still required to use each subscription, regardless of where in the world you are.
  10. These statements are frankly condescending. I'm a SQL programmer, and if I were to post a bunch of SQL statements, many wouldn't have a clue what I was going on about. I wouldn't talk down to them because they weren't getting my point. To do that would be displaying an arrogant attitude.
  11. You may want to double check that your cheese hasn't done slid off your cracker.
  12. I just went back to teaching this week. Over half of one class and 2/3 of another were out with Covid. To date, our school hasn't lost one student. They get sick, but bounce right back because they have all been vaccinated.
  13. Really? Hasn't this been asked an answered enough already? It was NEVER claimed it would prevent you from getting or transmitting the virus. It was created to help keep you out of the grave by ameliorating the intensity.
  14. What's with the Marlboro's? Faux box hiding something? The pic ain't too clear.
  15. The "bumbling" has been addressed many times. He has an issue with stuttering. He has been very public about it and to pick on somebody for their handicap is as low as it can get.
  16. This has GOT to be KILLING Stephen Colbert! He also made the list, and because of the writer's strike, can't go on The Late Show to talk about it.
  17. If that's the biggest complaint they can come up with, then we have the CORRECT guy in the office.
  18. When I first got here in 2006, I got a minor scrape on my ankle from some weed I brushed up against. The ensuing infection was very nasty. They have very different cooties over here, it takes a while for the body to build up natural immunities to them.
  19. Wait, what? Didn't they do this not long ago?
  20. No, not a cheat. I brought the document to the condo manager and she said, "Sure, I can't create this for 3 days, go ahead." I had her approval, NOT a cheat. Just doing their jobs for them.
  21. You talk about short memories but forget (or conveniently ignore?) the arrests and convictions that resulted from the Mueller report. https://time.com/5556331/mueller-investigation-indictments-guilty-pleas/ Of course, the former guy pardoned most of them. I'm NOT saying the Bidens are not possibly guilty of anything. If they are, hang them, too. I AM saying if they ARE, I won't try to forget or ignore their wrongdoings as the former guy's supporters do about him.
  22. I'm starting to realize each immigration office makes up their own extra requirements. I relocated to Chanthaburi so it's a whole new ball game. I'm renewing my retirement extension. I went to the bank where I keep the 800k, got the letter stating whatever it is they state (the bank official knew exactly what it was), but when I handed my stack of paper in, the immigration #@&^@ said I needed to go back and get 6 months of statements. I held my bankbook in my hand, showed her how I had every page copied and signed, had made a transaction earlier that very day, and how it had been verified by the bank. No dice. Next roadblock - I only have two months left to my lease. Same immigration #@&^@ said she wanted to see a renewed contract for the following year. Fine, I went back home, Photoshopped new dates on the first page, printed it out then handed that to her. She started making noise about how I'd have to come back the next day for some more made up bullsh!t. That's when I put my foot down, called the condo manager who I have befriended, and had them chat. Condo manager smoothed things over. The paperwork garbage is now complete and I'll get my passport back in a week. Apparently, since they are a small outfit, the signing official only comes in once a week. All in all, it's still easier than trying to get into the US. And, 100 years from now, none of us are gonna care anyway.
  23. Dammit - the writer's guild strike is still on. Stephen Colbert is really missing out on all this pure gold!!!
  24. HappyExpat57

    Thai beef

    I often wondered if they actually ate their cattle or just kept them for pets.
  25. In my real life, I have eliminated most of his supporters because of their general outlook on life. However, some of them were not at all unintelligent. They all did have a common streak of white nationalist running through their veins, and the ones I can't completely remove for sake of keeping peace in the family admit they know they are being lied to but really don't care. This is not to say all 45 supporters are white nationalists. I am saying all the ones I once knew were.
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