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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. I believe the OP is quoting a lower-to-mid-level cabin, basically a closet with a bed squeezed in and tiny stand-up shower stalls. The ports are all tourist traps. There isn't enough time to travel beyond and be sure you'll get back in time to make the debark. Go on a cruise, they are a GREAT way to spend a week or two. Again, three years? HELL no!
  2. The food on a cruise ship like Royal Caribbean is exquisite. I would regularly have smoked salmon, eggs, toast, and some of the best coffee in the world for breakfast, other meals just as tasty, and there were also hot dog palaces and pizza slices available almost all day long. My job allowed me to eat with the guests. It wasn't the food, it was the routine. Same damned thing every day. Pull in to a port, go look at the city (I worked at night so I could go out every day), then pull up anchor and do it all over again in a different city. UTTERLY BORING after a month or two! And to think of doing it for three years? Nope.
  3. They're working on it. The wheels of justice go very slow, and in my heart of hearts I believe Merrick Garland was slow rolling any indictments for political reasons, hoping any proceedings would just go away by themselves. Then the Jan 6 commission got busy, went public, and DOJ couldn't hide their head in the sand any more. The delays may still have bad repercussions. I hope both I and that twice impeached twice indicted train wreck live long enough to him get his just desserts.
  4. I worked for Royal Caribbean. After four months visiting some of the most spectacular destinations, eating the same food as the guests, I WAS BORED STIFF! Three years would become a prison sentence. We had a little joke amongst the staff. At the start of every cruise with new guests arriving, we were supposed to greet them on the first day with a warm, hearty "Welcome aboard." We tweaked it a bit to "Welcome I'm bored."
  5. As soon as I see that NOT-news tag, I stop reading, including the comments. The same sh!t from the same people. We've lost the ability for cogent debate, it merely devolves into a mud-slinging contest from both sides.
  6. Prepare yourself by learning basic Thai phrases. It's a difficult language, but I've found the locals appreciate the attempt. Also, don't burn any bridges. Many of us love living here (almost 18 years now for me) but Thailand is not for everybody.
  7. My favorite rock stars were from Rush. When they finished a gig, they would go up to their respective hotel rooms and read a book.
  8. The former guy is in a whole species unto himself. I'm not even sure if it's a subset of human. All politicians stretch the truth, but 45 is a blatant, pathological liar. Every one of his attorneys who has ever been asked if 45 should take the stand to testify about ANYTHING has vehemently shaken his/her head and said 45 wouldn't know the truth if it fell out of the sky, landed on his face, and started to wiggle. (I made that last part up but it works here)
  9. Physical exercise of ANY sort is the only thing that works for me. If I spend too much time sitting in front of a screen doing the armchair warrior thing, then I get into too many stupid arguments with folks here (you and I have gone around a time or two) and, honestly, what the hell good does THAT do? I was lucky enough to find a part time teaching gig, and this occupies just enough of my time and energy to keep me busy, as well as losing notches off my belt. How many of us open up AN, or Facebook, or name-your-poison, time and time again to see if anything new or interesting has come up, or play the same boring video games over and over? My gig has me in a happy place - but I had to get off my butt and find it. It didn't find me! What's that saying they use in Thailand? Oh yeah - up to you! Get busy living or . . .
  10. I bought a set of Bose blue tooth over-the-ear headphones from Lazada that usually cost $300. They work GREAT, and I only paid 700 baht for them. Are they genuine Bose? Of COURSE not, but I certainly got more than my money's worth. I mean, they have "Bose" stamped on them! ????
  11. Wow - that was really special. Thank goodness I didn't waste time reading it after the first sentence as it was obviously an argument looking for a venue.
  12. I read the article, and this teacher's behavior is wildly inappropriate. As a teacher, you are under scrutiny 24x7. I learned this lesson from a physics teacher years ago: Think back on your grade 3 teacher (approx 8 year old students). Now imagine that teacher walking into a bar. Of course there's nothing illegal about this teacher's action, but as a young person you hold these teachers in extreme revere and could never imagine them doing such an act. The defenders of this warped individual try to spin it as "endearing affection towards the child, expressed through light-hearted humor." No, this is not correct for a teacher to do something this stupid in a public forum.
  13. Well, when you start by accusing me of basically being an old duffer, what else could I conclude?
  14. I sincerely believe you completely missed my point. I don't care what he did, but obviously the powers that be in Thailand did. So instead of say, "Oops, my bad" and apologizing, he puffs his scrawny little chest out and says, "Oh yeah? I'll kill myself if you threaten me!" That kind of attitude gets people killed here almost every day.
  15. My initial reaction was "There are already too many people stealing my air, so go ahead and off yourself." Of COURSE this is an idle threat he makes. Most likely, if he'd just shut his mouth and shown a little humility, 500 baht and a sincere wai would have gotten him out of this strait. Instead, he's challenging authorities way beyond his comprehension. Som nom na.
  16. Brown shirts and white hoods have been traded in for red hats.
  17. I sincerely hope not! I want him to get his just deserts.
  18. This is a crass, despicable excuse of a man. Anyone who puts up on his fake social media, "Eff Biden and eff you for voting for him" CANNOT be allowed back in to the White House. He's stoking the flames of division and his cult followers are eating it up with a big ol' spoon. This says everything you really need to know about him and his sheep.
  19. I dated an insurance agent for a year and got to see the "behind the scenes" operations. It's nothing but legalized extortion and their default position is to deny anything and everything they can. Yes, the circumstances surrounding this event are unknown to us, but the insurance companies' primary goal is always clear - deny, deny, deny!
  20. OK. You have to admit, the default on this forum is to put on boxing gloves and smack each other. ????
  21. Do pot smokers exhibit the same violent behavior? I doubt it.
  22. I'm looking for a recommendation for a good urologist in Pattaya. Getting up too many time a night, so it's time to have the plumbing checked.
  23. I've read from others it's available at Fascino's.
  24. This article states "one thousand," not "ten thousand."
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