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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. Learn to torrent with a vpn if you're not in Thailand. If you're in Thailand, just torrent.
  2. So you haven't heard anything about the algorithms Facebook employed to stoke anger because it helped their bottom line? $$$$$$ "That means Facebook for three years systematically amped up some of the worst of its platform, making it more prominent in users’ feeds and spreading it to a much wider audience. The power of the algorithmic promotion undermined the efforts of Facebook’s content moderators and integrity teams, who were fighting an uphill battle against toxic and harmful content." No, my friend, they were very instrumental in creating an antagonistic environment. https://www.niemanlab.org/2021/10/more-internal-documents-show-how-facebooks-algorithm-prioritized-anger-and-posts-that-triggered-it/
  3. In its infancy, it was MySpace on steroids. It was used as intended, and basically allowed family and friends to stay in touch, instantly and for free. Then politics and bad intentions grew, festered, and now it's become a dangerous weapon of misinformation. The people who are supposed to monitor and protect the world from such threats are ignorant and woefully ill prepared to handle the challenge. For the life of me, I don't see a solution. This world has become so splintered and inhumane, and Facebook has been a major influence in doing this.
  4. I wanna know what amulet she was wearing.
  5. I was in just that situation. I was a home room teacher with a Thai assistant. She was horrible, always late to relieve me and leaving her class time early without telling me. I complained to the Thai administration, so their solution was to move ME elsewhere in the school. Karma DID eventually bite her right in the a$$. The parents complained about my removal and her poor performance, so she actually got fired.
  6. Turns out NO president has a clearance. Damned fuzzy logic. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/08/25/trump-classified-legal/
  7. And the BEST part is you cannot cross examine a recording. It is what it is, and that nasal whine is too recognizable to possibly say it wasn't him.
  8. Technically, the US has not declared war since before Vietnam. Congress discovered if they call them "conflicts" then they don't have to pay injured warriors as much for loss of life or limb.
  9. Again, no. This buffoon has been denied any further intelligence briefings because it is widely known he can't be trusted. "Biden Bars Trump From Receiving Intelligence Briefings, Citing 'Erratic Behavior' President Biden said there was “no need” for former President Donald J. Trump to get the briefings, traditionally given to ex-presidents as a courtesy and to keep them informed if their advice is needed." https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/05/us/politics/biden-trump-intelligence-briefings.html#:~:text=The Indictment%2C Annotated-,Biden Bars Trump From Receiving Intelligence Briefings%2C Citing 'Erratic Behavior,if their advice is needed. Hell, his own White House staff kept sensitive info from him for that same reason, plus they knew he was too busy playing golf to read any of them.
  10. I currently teach 12 year olds. While some of them appear to be "12 going on 25," they STILL dance like 6-year-olds when I put on the video "Head Shoulders Knees & Toes." Even 18 year olds aren't thinking logically, but that's the way the laws are.
  11. No. Too many pieces are NOT in the public domain, and he has admitted multiple times he was aware he took them, that they were STILL CLASSIFIED, and that he did NOT have the authority to declassify them. In the words of Bill Barr (his former butt buddy) "He's toast."
  12. Grasshoppers, yes. Crickets? No. Them things is nasty! Same with cockroaches, just nasty creatures.
  13. I've listened to this recording several times. The complete lackadaisical attitude of ALL involved is staggering. These were secret war plans to attack Iran that this traitor stole then lied to the government he was supposed to serve and represent about having. Apparently the dissemination of this info is an even bigger crime than anything to date. This has entered Rosenberg territory. The most foul, disgusting aspect of this whole damned thing is that his poll numbers are RISING among Republicans. How can anyone be so obtuse so as to follow this base creature? Take just a moment and imagine if it were President Obama performing these crimes. Heads would explode! Jesus wept . . .
  14. Thanks. These guitars are hot house petunias. I have others (Taylor 6 string, Hamer 5 string bass, and more) and NONE of them have shown any issues such as this ax.
  15. I have a Gibson EDS-1275 that's coming apart in the middle. Is this something you might be able to handle?
  16. Someone asked me if I thought all the Titanic sub jokes were in bad taste. I said, "No, I don't think they're in bad taste. I also don't think they're jokes. "I think we're at a point in society where the friction between regular people and the ultra wealthy is fostering genuine hate, and I don't think it's unjustified. "Why would the average man mourn the death of a billionaire taking a frivolous expensive trip and having the hubris to ignore the risks?"
  17. <sarcasm> I am SURE the tour boats selected spots to drop anchor that didn't hit any coral. </sarcasm>
  18. Same thing with scuba cylinders. They have to be stress tested on a regular basis, and if they fail, a big ol' hole is drilled into the side to avoid this very kind of thing.
  19. Hasn't this been established to be a bunch of liars? Even admitted by their own they are NOT a news outlet?
  20. Have you something to hide?
  21. Were you there? Did you talk to this guy (in Russian?). According to the article: "The reason for refusing payment and the amount of his bill were not disclosed to the media." How did you get info the rest of us couldn't? Inquiring minds and all that.
  22. Will state the obvious right back at you. When a new slip comes, you can see exactly what the new drink(s) charge(s) is/are. It's really not that hard to imagine unless you are obtuse.
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