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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. That is the laziest face block I've ever seen.
  2. Just when you thought you'd seen it all, they come up with a laughing cock.
  3. Did you think poster actually expected an answer to an obviously rhetorical question? You must be naïve . . .
  4. I DID enjoy the section where Bret just plain smacked him in the face for denying he lost the election. Mwuhahaha!
  5. I couldn't watch that creep for more than a minute or two but I've seen snippets over and over in the news. My biggest takeaway was also how he looks like a cornered rat. Goin' down like the Titanic. He is his own worst enemy, he just can't keep his lying trap shut. Every time you think he can't get in the hole any deeper, he pulls a new shovel out of his pocket.
  6. The corporate overlords tell people "buy" so they do, then they defend the overlords.
  7. Westerners were duped, sheep following their master's klaxon. You were told to buy, and you said "Yes, master." https://weirdmarketingtales.com/how-the-great-milk-industry-went-down-the-drain/
  8. Putting it bluntly, you're plain wrong. https://sph.umich.edu/pursuit/2019posts/cows-milk-human-health.html#:~:text=Is the consumption of cow's,limits or contains no dairy.
  9. I was living in school accommodations in Bang Bua Thong, and they had very strong wire fencing on all the back porches. THEY knew most of the teachers were a bunch of drunken reprobates. No one ever fell from those porches, and the fencing allowed puke to pass right on through. Or so I've been told. ????
  10. Well, if you allow yourself to get very drunk on Walking Street (or anywhere else, for that matter) then som nom na.
  11. Rubbish. Humans are NOT meant to drink cow's milk. This was a bullsh!t campaign from the dairy conglomerates decades ago, same as the C&H pure cane sugar monsters.
  12. You don't know that. Are drinks expensive at Go Go's? Hell YES they are, but when I remember the wall of boobies et al staring right back at me while being flanked with beauties of my choosing at my favorite haunts, it's WELL worth the price. Particularly since it's not even POSSIBLE to enjoy something like this back in the country on my passport.
  13. And I've been a Walking Street patron for years, have NEVER had a problem. I do check my bin every time they refresh it with a new round of drinks, so maybe they know I'm keeping my eyes on it?
  14. Corruption is at all levels. I knew a Thai school purchasing agent, and was sitting next to her at an assembly one day, waiting for the event to start. She was figuring the cost of some chairs. They were 99 baht each, and she was using a calculator. I asked her if it wasn't a little too easy to be using a calculator, and she told me she had to figure in her personal take on the deal. All levels.
  15. Beyond stupid! There are too many willing working girls who could fulfill his fantasy without incident. IF this guy is guilty, I really hope they throw the book at him!
  16. And, whatever you do, BE THERE ON TIME! After traveling from Jomtien to the US embassy, I was 2 minutes late for my appointment and they denied me entry. Doesn't matter that once you get in, you sit on your a$$ for a LONG time (and cell phones aren't allowed in, so bring a book!) waiting on THEM. I have nothing good to say about those near-useless sods.
  17. Most likely there will be more media folks than protesters.
  18. The largest part of the problem is the lies being told by Kevin McCarthy and the like, then repeated by Fox. I can't use the term "white trash" on Facebook (I tried recently and it was flagged, removed, and I was warned) yet these monsters can spew harmful false rhetoric around the world and don't get checked on it. Then his blind followers lap up the spew. I am starting to see how WW II actually came about.
  19. Apparently the legal system is gonna do a better job of keeping his mug shot from the public than the government does with top secret nuclear documents.
  20. I learned the hard way with the Mueller report. I downloaded a copy, read it, and quoted chapter and verse to argue with the traitor's supporters on ThaiVisa of old. His supporters wear blinders and will NOT listen to facts, even when you give them absolute black & white proof. They use the following tactics: (D) eny (I) gnore (L) ie (D) eflect (O) bfuscate I won't waste any more time with this indictment. I DID download a copy, it's freely available, and it's been dumbed down so the average Joe Blow can understand it. The traitor stole serious national secrets, tried to cover it up by having his attorneys lie about it, and admitted it repeatedly in public in front of multiple witnesses. I just shake my head in disbelief that otherwise seemingly intelligent humans can still support this traitor.
  21. As I posted to someone else, it was here on AseanNow over the last week or so. I'll let you do the search.
  22. Right here on AseanNow over the last week or so. I'll let you hone your searching skills.
  23. Try telling that to the bozos who carry them off in shackles. T.I.T.S.
  24. There are current articles how immigration is arresting condo managers for not doing their TM-30's in a timely manner.
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