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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. The only thing French about these uncivilized hummus brained animals is their crappy English.
  2. As the old saying goes, a man only needs three women in his life. Hooker, cook, maid. Meaningful conversations are best left to belly rub time with Rover.
  3. As the title says, what is the experts' consensus here? Can a falang residing in the Kingdom on the Privileged Entry ("Elite") visa be a 49% shareholder of a Thai company? Note: this is not a shell company to illegally "own" a house/land - I'm talking about a legit business, but one for which the falang does not do any actual work (the 51% Thai shareholders would be actual partners, not bullsh_t nominees from the lawyer). If so, how that does jive with the "employment not allowed" aspect of the PE visa in regard to drawing profits/salary? Can the falang register a tax ID and legitimately pay taxes without endangering his PE? Maybe a totally stupid question, and I know I should probably first ask the Elite personnel this but frankly I haven't been super impressed with their correspondence/communication quality so I figured I'd ask here as well seeing as that a lot of you seem to be pretty knowledgeable in these matters.......any input appreciated!
  4. You're over the hill, i.e. you've already "won" the game by making it to your age relatively healthy. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done and eat steaks for brekkie lunch and dinner and wash down with beer, and reward yourself with a ciggie or five after each meal.
  5. You made a monkey out of a molehill^^
  6. It's not polite to call a retard "stupid" these days.^^
  7. So if I don't do a TM30 and go to immi and am fined, is that it? I then no longer have to do it because the fine's been paid?
  8. As mentioned: Always into your own account. Avoid off plan if at all possible UNLESS it is an extremely well known top developer with a PERFECT track record of completion and quality.
  9. Just pretend you're deaf mute (or retard) and start making snorty sounds while holding your hands up in the international "huh" gesture. Works every time I hear^^.
  10. Suggest you stop reading conspiracy websites, practice basic online/digital security, and enter the 21st century.
  11. The new synthetic dryfit material that the major brands use is superior to traditional cotton in every aspect. And you may wanna try deodorant if you're the easy stinky body type.
  12. I'm 49, EU passport holder, and spent the better part of 2020 in Thailand initially on a 60 day TR, extended by 30 and then on Coof extensions till the end of the year. Then spent most of the next year in my country of residence (Japan). Rinse & repeat for Dec 2021 until Sept 2022. Flew into HKT last night on a new 60 day e-tv and the IO gave me the 3rd degree and asked why I spent so much time in T (no problem, I realize it's her job). Told her my dad lives here on retirement extensions (true) and that he's old (true) and I like to spend as much time with him as possible (true) and that since I'm early retired I have the time and money to do it. Also own my condo. Told that her since I'm not quite 50 yet (birthday this April), I plan to stay until the end of March (after doing a 30 day extension once the 60 day tv nears expiration) and then get a retirement/OA from the T embassy in my country of residence (quite true - planning on doing this via an agent here if possible to come back in on a 30 day exempt, see below for more detail). Also showed her my return ticket as well as my dad's passport copy with relevant OA visa/extension stamps (also had a boatload of US$ cash on me just in case but wasn't asked to show it), and condo chanote. This satisfied her and she stamped me in normally, without any other weird remarks on the stamp. Here's my issue/question - the last thing she said was "next time you have to come with long stay visa" to which I just politely nodded and went my way. Again, I have no problems with her doing her job. My ACTUAL plan was to leave T for a few days BEFORE my 50th bday (which coincides wit the expiration of my current validity of stay after I've done an extension) and come back in on a 30 day exempt a few days AFTER my 50th and then just immediately get the retirement visa here via an agent. Now, my passport stamp is normal BUT do IO's have the option to add some remarks into their system that would show up for the next IO if I come in on an exempt the next time and result in automatic rejected entry, or was she just "bluffing" (for lack of a better word) in that respect and simply warning me and letting me know that I should really adopt a different visitor "profile"? 800k is already in the bank, so no dodgy agency (just using them for added convenience) workaround business in that respect.
  13. That's as good as you're going to get. I bank with USAA (get ATM fees reimbursed so I don't really care about the rip off 220 they charge each time). Which local bank did you go into? Good ifo to keep on file if ever needed...
  14. ALmost 50 and looking into getting the OA. Here's a screenshot of the official e-visa https://thaievisa.go.th/long-stay-visa requirements page. The way it reads, only OX can purhase/register vehicles. Or is this a graphics TiT-up on their part?
  15. "I'm not harming anyone so it's nobody's business" is the excuse of every alcoholic and drug addict. And while I agree that it is indeed no one's business if someone wants to live outside basic social norms, let's not pretend that most of these folks are (or were, before they retired) even remotely the most productive members of society.
  16. Lol, sorry 4 the reality check but you don't own jack, and could actually get seriously f'd by the actual legal owner (your ex) if she decides to hard ball the matter and the car you are currently technically in ill/non-legal possession of then becomes stolen property.
  17. No. While "rough" handling is common at many airports, I've worked in ops for a major carrier at Narita and Seoul (and previously for many yrs at LHR/FRA/CDG) and can assure that at Japanese/Korean baggage handlers would NEVER treat pax luggage this way. Different (better?) culture where folks take pride in their work no matter how "simple" or low paid.
  18. Hire Agent Houdini to make that silly rabbit of an oversight disappear back into the hat.
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